Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

That, and China's changing stance on all this are the two most significant things imo. If China won't take Russia's side then they are left extremely isolated and an isolated Putin is dangerous.
It's a good idea for Germany not to become too dependent on Russia for energy or anything. Russia will slowly lead them into the next war and they really don't need that.
Now ban them from swift, and threaten full embargo if they start going over territories not already controlled by separatist Republics.
This plus a total embargo should happen.

But then I'll freeze to death here in Germany cause Merkel in her infinite wisdom decided to close all nuclear plants and be totally dependent on Russia for energy.

Just put a jumper on, do some starjumps (actual advice given by a UK energy supplier).

Now that's a big card to play. I think some of Putin's advisors should maybe talk to their boss about the long term economic consequences of this. Not that he listens to them of course
Just watching Johnson lecture Putin about international law. Pot, kettle, black.

Oh shit!!! :nervous:

This may be an escalation from the confused talking points that came out from the Duma a few hours ago...not good!
But "halting certification" sounds temporary. They're not exactly saying that they'll never certify it, are they?
But "halting certification" sounds temporary. They're not exactly saying that they'll never certify it, are they?
Putin is not going to be in charge forever. What Germany means is that the certification has been suspended due to Russia's actions. If Russia do not change their stance nor will Germany.
Putin is not going to be in charge forever. What Germany means is that the certification has been suspended due to Russia's actions. If Russia do not change their stance nor will Germany.
Right. But I've heard the phrase "pull the plug" being used with regards to NS2. The pipeline is not going to get demolished or whatever, this is a temporary measure taken by Germany. I have no doubt that NS2 eventually will be certified and people will complain again about Russian energy.
As someone above posted, if they control Ukraine anyway, the difference it would make is minimal.

How would it be minimal? They still need European countries to actually buy their gas. You don't just magic up a market as big as Europe's in a short period of time.
Right. But I've heard the phrase "pull the plug" being used with regards to NS2. The pipeline is not going to get demolished or whatever, this is a temporary measure taken by Germany. I have no doubt that NS2 eventually will be certified and people will complain again about Russian energy.
Taking into account what Russia are doing, I doubt that NS2 will be certified anytime soon. Not until Putin is in charge of Russia. If the German government had any doubts over Putin's real motives, they have none now, everything is crystal clear.
To answer that second tweet, no surprises…

The exhaustive list will likely be Russia, Syria, probably Nicaragua and Venezuela, then possibly Vanuatu and some other Oceanic microstates. Belarus might do so too, but they still don't recognise Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
How would it be minimal? They still need European countries to actually buy their gas. You don't just magic up a market as big as Europe's in a short period of time.
But nobody, as of yet, is refusing to buy Russian gas. They are simply proposing to pull the plug on a project to construct a new pipeline than circumvents Ukraine.
I am so surprised. I guess Lukashenko is next. Then maybe a couple of countries in central Asia. And that's it.
I doubt any Central Asian country would do it. None of them recognized Crimea or Abkhazia as a part of Russia. It will be Belarus and that is it, it seems.
But nobody, as of yet, is refusing to buy Russian gas. They are simply proposing to pull the plug on a project to construct a new pipeline than circumvents Ukraine.

I agree but nothing has actually technically happened yet.

Also I don't think the thinking is that people will refuse to buy Russian gas, its that Russia may turn off the taps in response to sanctions.
But nobody, as of yet, is refusing to buy Russian gas. They are simply proposing to pull the plug on a project to construct a new pipeline than circumvents Ukraine.

NS2 was completed in September 2021.
But nobody, as of yet, is refusing to buy Russian gas. They are simply proposing to pull the plug on a project to construct a new pipeline than circumvents Ukraine.
They can not refuse to buy immediately. But make no mistake, they will look to diversify sources of supply further, while Russia is getting an important artery of its economy blocked.
I agree but nothing has actually technically happened yet.

Also I don't think the thinking is that people will refuse to buy Russian gas, its that Russia may turn off the taps in response to sanctions.
If they do so, their economy will fall like a house of cards in a couple of months. Actually being disconnected from swift will cost them billions immediately.
NS2 was completed in September 2021.
Sorry my wording could have been clearer. It is not yet operational and "they are simply proposing to pull the plug on finalising the new pipeline than circumvents Ukraine."
I really don't get why Putin found it necessary to humiliate the head of a Russian intelligence agency. You'd think he doesn't wanna create resentment among the powerful people surrounding him.

English subs:

If they do so, their economy will fall like a house of cards in a couple of months. Actually being disconnected from swift will cost them billions immediately.

No one is going to disconnect them from SWIFT any time soon. That's obviously not going to happen unless Russia turn off gas supplies to europe which isn't in their interests either.
No one is going to disconnect them from SWIFT any time soon. That's obviously not going to happen unless Russia turn off gas supplies to europe which isn't in their interests either.
If they roll into Kiev, there will be strong push for it to happen.
If they roll into Kiev, there will be strong push for it to happen.
That's not his plan IMO. Putin doesn't need the whole of Ukraine. His main goal is to regain even further stronghold in pro Russian areas, sack the government and instill a puppet that would follow his guidelines.

He already pretty much burned all the bridges with the rest of Ukraine, where the pro-Russian population is not in the same density so what he would probably do is just bleed their economy standing on the border until he gets someone installed as their president.