Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Any politician that takes their country to war should also serve in the frontline of said war.
Funnily enough, even though military service is mandatory for men in Russia (as it was in U.S.S.R. as well), 2 highest-ranking men in Russian military — the minister of defense, Sergey Shoygu & Putin (as acting president is also a Supreme Commander of the Russian Army) haven’t served.
Nah, yall are just centering around this one thing and ignoring the rest of what I say. None of yall had a single thing to respond to until that bit. Ultimately, the US are the aggressors as usual, and the comments around Putin in this thread are comical.
Yes, it is the US who sent 200K troops near the border of Ukraine.
BS. There is documented evidence that the US, Germany and French head of States told Gorbachev that NATO is not going to move eastwards. The Russians believed it. Look what happened.
Can you show that evidence, please?
Really depends on the the period of the Soviet Union and how one defines “left” politics. Huge huge difference in ideology from Lenin to Gorbachev, where at that point it was so far gone, and led to conditions we see Russia in today. The reality is that the world is shifting balance away from US dominated, to arguably a tri-polar world consisting of imperialist (in the Leninist sense) countries (US, China, Russia).

Russia has a GDP half that of the UK and spends about the same amount of £ total on the military as the UK. They are still trying to compete with the US by spending 25%+ of their governmental spending on the military while millions live in dire poverty, and yet they still spend 10x less than the US.

China, sure. Russia isn't even playing the same sport as those 2.
Yes, it is the US who sent 200K troops near the border of Ukraine.
God forbid a country mobilizes troops within their own borders unlike the US, who has a long history of sending troops thousands of millions overseas to start actual invasions, and has hundreds of military bases all around the world.
BS. There is documented evidence that the US, Germany and French head of States told Gorbachev that NATO is not going to move eastwards. The Russians believed it. Look what happened.
They don't trust the Americans and rightly so.
Look what they did to the Japanese economy? Look what they are doing to China now. The Russians would be utterly stupid to accept that NATO would not put nuclear weapons in Ukraine or they would not attempt to take Crimea back.
That's because Gorbachev was an absolute muppet
Russia has a GDP half that of the UK and spends about the same on the military. They are still trying to compete with the US by spending 25%+ of their governmental spending on the military while millions live in dire poverty, and yet they still spend 10x less than the US.

China, sure. Russia isn't even playing the same sport as those 2.
Good points. I include Russia because they're still a superpower in my opinion, with its immense land size and oil resources and all, but I'd agree that they're not on the level of the US or China.
Good points. I include Russia because they're still a superpower in my opinion, with its immense land size and oil resources and all, but I'd agree that they're not on the level of the US or China.

They're trying to be, which I'll be honest, I just don't understand. I'm sure in an ideal world the US would much rather not have to see Russia as a threat so it could focus its energy on holding off China's inevitable dominance for as long as possible.

The Soviet Union lost the cold war, it should be done and over. They could have used their oil and gas money in recent decades to make the lives of their citizens substantially better and have built out other sections of the economy for the inevitable downshift in oil and gas demand that is going to happen. Instead, they're seemingly looking at a very scary future where GDP per capita has already fallen circa 35% over the past decade and it's only a matter of time before the population realise they've spent their golden goose on trying to counteract a threat that is only there because they're attempting to counteract it in the 1st place.
God forbid a country mobilizes troops within their own borders unlike the US, who has a long history of sending troops thousands of millions overseas to start actual invasions, and has hundreds of military bases all around the world.

Yeah that makes it okay. Because US has done it in the past.
You know you can be against both Russian and American Imperialism right? You don't have to choose a side.
Insane whataboutery.
God forbid a country mobilizes troops within their own borders unlike the US, who has a long history of sending troops thousands of millions overseas to start actual invasions, and has hundreds of military bases all around the world.
This is fecking absurd. Saying that the US is the aggressor here is as stupid as saying that Russia was the aggressor in the Iraq war. It makes no sense at all.

Neither does the parallelism that both sides are as bad as each other, or whatever the feck insane posts I've read in this thread during the day.

In this conflict, there is only one aggressor, called Russia, and it is to be blamed for approximately 100% of it. There are no two sides here, there are no multiple factors to be blamed, etc etc.


It is the same as in the Iraq war where all the blame was in the US. Here, all the blame is in Russia who are going to invade a country with which they have deals that they won't invade it. All to appease a brutal dictator.
Good points. I include Russia because they're still a superpower in my opinion, with its immense land size and oil resources and all, but I'd agree that they're not on the level of the US or China.
They have a GDP that is lower than Italy's, for God sake. They are nowhere near the level of China, let alone the US.
This is fecking absurd. Saying that the US is the aggressor here is as stupid as saying that Russia was the aggressor in the Iraq war. It makes no sense at all.

Neither does the parallelism that both sides are as bad as each other, or whatever the feck insane posts I've read in this thread during the day.

In this conflict, there is only one aggressor, called Russia, and it is to be blamed for approximately 100% of it. There are no two sides here, there are no multiple factors to be blamed, etc etc.


It is the same as in the Iraq war where all the blame was in the US. Here, all the blame is in Russia who are going to invade a country with which they have deals that they won't invade it. All to appease a brutal dictator.
You are arguing with an actual communist. Dont expect to get anywhere.
I think there were a few more factors to the start of WWI, but what are you trying to imply here?

It was largely tongue in cheek, but I was implying that mobilization isn't necessarily a defensive, non-threatening move. Russia putting 150k troops on the border with Ukraine can both be perfectly within their rights, and a threatening move that leads to a less stable political situation and increases the risk of war.
They're trying to be, which I'll be honest, I just don't understand. I'm sure in an ideal world the US would much rather not have to see Russia as a threat so it could focus its energy on holding off China's inevitable dominance for as long as possible.

The Soviet Union lost the cold war, it should be done and over. They could have used their oil and gas money in recent decades to make the lives of their citizens substantially better and have built out other sections of the economy for the inevitable downshift in oil and gas demand that is going to happen. Instead, they're seemingly looking at a very scary future where GDP per capita has already fallen circa 35% over the past decade and it's only a matter of time before the population realise they've spent their golden goose on trying to counteract a threat that is only there because they're attempting to counteract it in the 1st place.

This was the hope when Putin took over from Yeltsin after the corrupt, wild west 90s. A lot of western leaders at the time rather naively thought of Putin as a "tough administrator" willing to make the hard decisions to purge domestic corruption and bring Russia closer to democratic and pluralistic European standard. What they didn't realize is that Putin would simply use his power to megalomaniacally formalize the nonsense of the 90s into state sponsored corruption to meet his venal, neo-imperialist interests; which is precisely what one might have predicted when gifting control of a nation to a KGB officer.

Had he been the guy western leaders hoped and expected, he could set in motion a series of technocratic reforms that used Russia's vast energy resources to gradually divest and diversify away from oil and gas, and towards other sources of revenue; much as some of the Gulf states are doing. Instead, we are where we are today because the guy who replaced Yeltsin turned out to be an organized crime figure masquerading as a statesman.
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Ultimately, the US are the aggressors as usual

What :lol::lol:
Some people are so down the anti-America rabbit hole they have genuinely lost it.

You've got the Russian Army surrounding Ukraine and US is the aggressor :lol:
They have a GDP that is lower than Italy's, for God sake. They are nowhere near the level of China, let alone the US.

Whilst their GDP is not world beating, I can understand why some would perceive them as a 'superpower' - they have the world's largest nuclear arms stockpile, a permanent seat on the UN security council and one of the largest standing armies. Then again, Britain has a permanent seat on the council and we haven't been a superpower since the Empire.
"He will ratchet up the pressure until he gets his concessions".

Interesting bit here starting at roughly 37:10. Mind you, it's from 2 weeks ago but it's interesting nevertheless.

Whilst their GDP is not world beating, I can understand why some would perceive them as a 'superpower' - they have the world's largest nuclear arms stockpile, a permanent seat on the UN security council and one of the largest standing armies. Then again, Britain has a permanent seat on the council and we haven't been a superpower since the Empire.
They also have a shit economy.

UN is a completely useless organisation where nothing is ever done. And true, they have a nuclear arsenal to destroy the world, but Israel has the capabilities to unleash apocalypse in world too. No one is using nuclear weapons in any case.

Russia has no means on projecting strengths outside of countries it borders and it has a shit economy. They are not a super-power and haven't been for a very long time.
I think Russia needs to just join NATO and get it over with. Then we will have everlasting peace.
I think this would have happened if someone like Yeltsin succeeded him. Instead, Russia got a dictator who dreams about recreation of the Soviet Union.
I quite like the quasi political commentary here from @Raoul and @The Firestarter as I'm not good at politics. Keep it up lads, don't let yourself get bogged down in the daily redcafe mail comments section!

For me the daily briefings and counterbriefings from Biden/Putin etc are just .... stirring the pot? It is what it is. I don't get why they have to provide an antagonistic commentary. Especially when they are dressing it up as "intelligence" or "provocation"

If Biden were to shut his trap and send over some MQ-9's or SI21 instead...
Nah, yall are just centering around this one thing and ignoring the rest of what I say. None of yall had a single thing to respond to until that bit. Ultimately, the US are the aggressors as usual, and the comments around Putin in this thread are comical.
Isn't it spelt y'all, as in you all? Are you really from Florida?
In one of the least surprising announcements of the day...

Russia today has said that the military exersise with Belarus has been extended

Can't help but think all the stars are aligning around 23rd Feb .. which is defence of the fatherland day in Russia

Call me pessimistic, I reckon they're getting underway tonight. The earlier tweet about the NOTAM over the black sea from midnight onwards is ominous as feck.
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