Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Not surprised that EU allies are somewhat skeptical while UK is more confident in US intelligence as UK is a part of "Five Eyes". Wouldn't be surprised if they have seen the raw data behind the intelligence assessment.

Possibly but the Tories will go along with anything that keeps our headlines away from their own behaviour right now. They're trying desperately to fill a new headline everyday.

Truss in particular is trying to use it to raise her profile. Latest claim from her that Russia will take Latvia next.
Truss in particular is trying to use it to raise her profile. Latest claim from her that Russia will take Latvia next.

I've read mixed things about Putin's long term goal in the Baltics. Michael Kofman claimed a couple of days back that he doesn't believe Putin cares at all about the Baltics as he doesn't see them as part of the traditional Soviet Union. At the same time, I heard a recent Lukashenko interview where he was asked about some "potash" controversy with Lithuania and he basically threatened their leaders saying they're going to be in big trouble when they are incorporated back into the Soviet Union. Lukashenko is just a Putin stooge so it's hard to know how indicative that is of Putin's own intentions.

All things said, no one can credibly claim that the Baltics will be targeted at this moment. Of course if NATO threw in the towel Putin might seize the opportunity but who knows.
Possibly but the Tories will go along with anything that keeps our headlines away from their own behaviour right now. They're trying desperately to fill a new headline everyday.

Truss in particular is trying to use it to raise her profile. Latest claim from her that Russia will take Latvia next.
Yeah can't disagree here...never let a good crisis go to waste.
I imagine, after reading this brainstorming here, that this is how an actual war happens. My dick is bigger then your dick and we could wipe UK without any problems. Nope, we could wipe them out coming from the other side, so we will show them a bit of what we got. Next thing you know, the country burns and people die while those assholes in the office, despite knowing they went way too far calculate how to win something which is bound not be won from the start. I mean, how can you "win" a war?


I went through a war. It's shit.

Oh it is and my grandfather absolutely hated it. Being starved in the most bombed country (per sqm) of WW2 is no joke. However he kept talking about war and that infected both his children and his grandchildren. The fear of it still lives in his fourth generation.
At the same time, I heard a recent Lukashenko interview where he was asked about some "potash" controversy with Lithuania and he basically threatened their leaders saying they're going to be in big trouble when they are incorporated back into the Soviet Union. Lukashenko is just a Putin stooge so it's hard to know how indicative that is of Putin's own intentions.
He's a bit of a loose cannon, a bit Trump-esque in his say-first-think-never approach. He's clearly informed of Putin's direct plans but I wouldn't project his words onto Putin and his future intentions.
Any politician that takes their country to war should also serve in the frontline of said war.
He's a bit of a loose cannon, a bit Trump-esque in his say-first-think-never approach. He's clearly informed of Putin's direct plans but I wouldn't project his words onto Putin and his future intentions.

Makes sense, in that same interview he also claimed that he was going to be given an honorary rank in the Russian army of Colonel or something like that, clearly he's a character.

On another note, not sure if this had been posted before but I thought it was pretty telling:
@Foxbatt I don’t understand why you hate America so much. You hold some really batshit crazy extremist views which are clouding your judgement here.

Not surprised that EU allies are somewhat skeptical while UK is more confident in US intelligence as UK is a part of "Five Eyes". Wouldn't be surprised if they have seen the raw data behind the intelligence assessment.

I wouldn't imagine it was anything that deep. The UK is the US's diplomatic bitch. They parrot what Biden tells them. On an intelligence level there's not much raw data to see (unless the US have humint deep inside the Russian power structure, in which case they'd never admit it letalone share it.)
Could Belarus be become part of Russia, if Putin just let Lukashenko do as he pleased in the same way that Kadyrov has autonomy to pretty much do what he wants?

It would effectively end any chance of a regime change in Belarus and any subsequent pressure from the West so could Lukashenko not be fine with that? Belarus is essentially a defacto Russian state anyway, while Lukashenko is ruling.
Serious question; why does any of this "gotcha" Twitter stuff really matter? Is Russia lying really going to make much difference if they invade?
On another note, not sure if this had been posted before but I thought it was pretty telling:

I imagine life will become pretty uncomfortable for pro-Russia politicians and their families regardless though.
Could Belarus be become part of Russia, if Putin just let Lukashenko do as he pleased in the same way that Kadyrov has autonomy to pretty much do what he wants?

It would effectively end any chance of a regime change in Belarus and any subsequent pressure from the West so could Lukashenko not be fine with that? Belarus is essentially a defacto Russian state anyway, while Lukashenko is ruling.
Isn’t that essentially the Union State?

Belarus is nowadays very much a Russia fully autonomous province.
I guess what has still been somewhat under recognised in all of this is that Belarus have essentially been annexed. They have now have a massive Russian army presence in their country, which could remain there indefinitely, and it is entirely to Russia and Putin’s benefit. I guess we have confirmation of the price Lukashenko was willing to play to keep power during their uprisings.

Even if nothing happens further in Ukraine, Russia has taken ever more control of Belarus.
"We will keep making separatists shell Ukraine and creating false flag attacks, but if a Ukrainian solider slips up, well it's all on them".

The boldness of it is....something

"We will keep making separatists shell Ukraine and creating false flag attacks, but if a Ukrainian solider slips up, well it's all on them".

The boldness of it is....something

Its not for us, they don't expect the West to believe any of it. They just need stories for the Russian people.
Amazing thread dissecting all the digital footprints of a blatant false flag.

Serious question; why does any of this "gotcha" Twitter stuff really matter? Is Russia lying really going to make much difference if they invade?
I think it matters because Russia want a “legitimate” reason to start a war in order to avoid economic sanctions. If they outright attack with no apparent provocation their allies have little excuse to continue supporting them.
I think it matters because Russia want a “legitimate” reason to start a war in order to avoid economic sanctions. If they outright attack with no apparent provocation their allies have little excuse to continue supporting them.

The sanctions will come either way if an invasion happens. I think all of the daily agitations are part of their hybrids ops approach to confuse and distract how and when they will invade, and also helps to keep the Russian public from rebelling against an invasion.
BS. There is documented evidence that the US, Germany and French head of States told Gorbachev that NATO is not going to move eastwards. The Russians believed it. Look what happened.
They don't trust the Americans and rightly so.
This is the politics of children. Whatever might have been discussed or assured at the conferences (and I have no doubt this was discussed), at the end of the day, it's just a fact that there were no deals, treaties or anything else that prevented former soviet states from joining NATO. Are you seriously expecting me to believe the Soviet leadership was so stupid as to confuse verbal reassurances made during negotiations with a formal binding agreement made at the end? What kind of idiots expect the West to hold to an agreement that we never signed?

Russia knows this very well, this nonsense about "trust" etc is a complete smokescreen. They don't give a crap, it's just more ammunition for their propaganda.
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Is it wrong of me to think that Boris would love a war to break out, to give the worst distraction from us Premiership?

He’s such a narcissist I could imagine him routing for it, believing he’ll be lauded as a wartime PM and, in his head, he’ll be saying, “It’s only Russians and Ukrainians, who gives a feck about them!?”
If you didn't even know that Ukraine was not a part of NATO, don't you think this conversation is a bit above your pay grade? That important detail is a central part of this crisis so not understanding this to begin with reduces the credibility of anything else you are saying with regards to the US involvement in this.
It was a response to someone who had nothing to say other than complaining that Americans think everything revolves around them and my point was that this issue involves the US so therefore it's relevant.
Is it wrong of me to think that Boris would love a war to break out, to give the worst distraction from us Premiership?

He’s such a narcissist I could imagine him routing for it, believing he’ll be lauded as a wartime PM and, in his head, he’ll be saying, “It’s only Russians and Ukrainians, who gives a feck about them!?”
He'll see it as his Churchill moment and he's probably loving how much attention this is diverting from him right now.
Everyone lies.
Have I just stepped into the entertainment thread for House M.D.?!
I think it matters because Russia want a “legitimate” reason to start a war in order to avoid economic sanctions. If they outright attack with no apparent provocation their allies have little excuse to continue supporting them.
Fair enough, hopefully it deters them from doing the unthinkable.
You’re making claims about this situation with a lot of certainty, and you’ve only just learned that Ukraine is not a NATO member? (this being one of the most pertinent issues driving this showdown)
Even with that correction, which I can at least own up to unlike others, I stand by everything I'm saying.
Even with that correction, which I can at least own up to unlike others, I stand by everything I'm saying.
In all honesty, that correction kinda means that you have no idea whatsoever about the geopolitical situation in that part of the world.
In all honesty, that correction kinda means that you have no idea whatsoever about the geopolitical situation in that part of the world.
Nah, yall are just centering around this one thing and ignoring the rest of what I say. None of yall had a single thing to respond to until that bit. Ultimately, the US are the aggressors as usual, and the comments around Putin in this thread are comical.
Nah, yall are just centering around this one thing and ignoring the rest of what I say. None of yall had a single thing to respond to until that bit. Ultimately, the US are the aggressors as usual, and the comments around Putin in this thread are comical.
Such a bad look to use this during this argument :lol:
some people.