I kinda like to see a poll here to gauge what everyone’s belief is regarding Putin’s real objectives: is he stopping with Ukraine? Are the Baltic nations next, followed by Poland and Slovakia? Will he continue creeping westward? I personally think that is Putin’s true goal: to retake everything formerly controlled by the Soviets.
So in other words, everything short of taking him out is merely appeasement. It pushes the decision onto someone else while allowing Putin to grow stronger. As much as we don’t like it, war is inevitable, and by that I mean WWIII.
Do we really want another Cold War with sporadic outbreaks of violently hot war? Democracy itself is at stake, and I think In this globalized economy we are able to see that dictatorships and totalitarianism just don’t mesh with a viable future. Putin is now a war criminal. There is no way back into the graces of the G8 or the security council with him in charge; he’s an international pariah. So it all ends for him with a rope. In the meantime, how many lives are we willing to sacrifice to continue living in our bubble?