Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Well, you tell me, scum bush junior invaded iraq after afghanistan for what reason? If it was the nuclear weapons as they claimed, well they found shit, they ended up tearing apart a whole country then established their companies in Erbil
We agree on Iraq with W, I was asking about the 1991 invasion.
France economy isn't small though, I don't see your point, you don't consider Russia as one of top countries on that front?

You said a giant, and most people would consider France a large economy with the US and China being giants. Russia has an economy half the size of France's and smaller than Italy's. That's not giant by any measure.
What a strange post. Has anyone on here implied that they were?

What were the false pretences that senior attacked Iraq?

Because NATO are a defensive alliance? And Ukraine are not a member? So many people seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of what NATO actually is. You can argue about the morality but the reality of the situation is that NATO are not a world or European police force and exists to protect its members if they are attacked (and not if they initiate the attack even).

Of course, there would be nothing stopping France/Germany/Poland/ Italy/Spain mobilising if they wanted to?

You're also missing the rather important point that nobody anywhere has forced anyone to join NATO?

Senior decided to intervene during the arab war between Iraq and Kuwait/KSA (don't know what was in it for him except to keep hold of the petrol in Saudi and Kuwait) as this was the bread and butter for the USA in the arab world back then (still to this day)

For NATO, defensive alliance that went all the way to Lybia to attack Gaddhafi and kill him? that shelled Yugoslavia before? Doesn't seem defensive to me, if anything it was driven by specific agendas that found it easy to attack when they see fit until now when they are facing a madman with 6500 nuclear warheads at his disposal..
I am talking about the economical aspect, both are giants on that front but both are under the influence of the petro-dollar and they believe their coalition can change that, which is yet to be seen, that's what I meant

Russia wasn't even a top 10 economy in the world before any of this and will be lucky to be top 30 in a few months. They are light years from being considered anything resembling an economic power.
Senior decided to intervene during the arab war between Iraq and Kuwait/KSA (don't know what was in it for him except to keep hold of the petrol in Saudi and Kuwait) as this was the bread and butter for the USA in the arab world back then (still to this day)

For NATO, defensive alliance that went all the way to Lybia to attack Gaddhafi and kill him? that shelled Yugoslavia before? Doesn't seem defensive to me, if anything it was driven by specific agendas that found it easy to attack when they see fit until now when they are facing a madman with 6500 nuclear warheads at his disposal..
You do realize that it wasn’t Senior unilaterally going into Iraq, right? What else were we doing in the ME to such a degree in the 80s, the ‘bread & butter?’

This really isn’t the right thread to continue, let’s migrate to the Whataboutery thread.
But what is the threat here? You expect Putin to be able to invade all of europe? And for what exactly? There were a lot of business operations and common benefits between russia and european countries, take germany/russia for example, you are making it seem as if Russia is in some other continent, the russians are european as much as any other european country and what the european countries should do, if they care about the future of europe, is to engage the russians directly for cease fire instead of waiting to see what the usa/tells them what to do because they will be the one paying in the end...

Oh, a cease fire, I'm sure nobody tried that, what a great idea!

Well then why didnt they mobilize Nato towards Ukraine? Who takes the final decision in the end? It's evident no move can be made unless washington gives the green light

Nato engaging russian military means all gloves are off, it means a swift defeat for Russia on the ground and a super high risk that Putin's only options are nuclear.

Seems a couple of posters here are really craving atomic bombing, that's pretty odd.
You do realize that it wasn’t Senior unilaterally going into Iraq, right? What else were we doing in the ME to such a degree in the 80s, the ‘bread & butter?’

Ensuring the petrol you discovered in the KSA remains fully within your control maybe? Or the fact that April Glaspie, your US ambassador back then informed Saddam that the USA has no opinion of what happens between Iraq/Kuwait? Only to back on that and go all war on Saddam?
Oh, a cease fire, I'm sure nobody tried that, what a great idea!

Nato engaging russian military means all gloves are off, it means a swift defeat for Russia on the ground and a super high risk that Putin's only options are nuclear.

Seems a couple of posters here are really craving atomic bombing, that's pretty odd.

But you believe arming the ukrainian people to keep fighting will help solve the issue? This is adding fuel to the fire in my opinion and in the end it's the people who will pay the bill. Sanctions can cripple Russia yes, but it still doesn't prevent them from doing the worst and which is using nuclear...
Russia wasn't even a top 10 economy in the world before any of this and will be lucky to be top 30 in a few months. They are light years from being considered anything resembling an economic power.

Less than half the size of California's economy and smaller than New York or Texas.
So the USA that dropped the Hiroshima bomb and the current USA are basically the same?

What a country did 70+ years ago (to a country that committed atrocities of their own) decides how we think about said country now? Even if most of the people in that country now weren’t even alive when the Hiroshima bomb was instructed/dropped (and was a last resort and aimed at net savings of lives)?

And Putins actions now are not so bad because of what another country did decades ago?

I'm pretty sure german people are happy to know that they're still considered jew hating murderers.
Less than half the size of California's economy and smaller than New York or Texas.

Declining population too. They are expected to drop down the list in the next ten years in terms of GDP and that was before this war.
Then why don't your provide your arguments behind the real reasons of intervention of USA back then? I'm willing to listen, I lived in the middle-east for 29 years, so I am all ears...

Please use the Geopolitics thread for your Iraq discussion.
But you believe arming the ukrainian people to keep fighting will help solve the issue? This is adding fuel to the fire in my opinion and in the end it's the people who will pay the bill. Sanctions can cripple Russia yes, but it still doesn't prevent them from doing the worst and which is using nuclear...

What the feck is wrong with you? You seem to believe that a free and democratic nation should just roll over and surrender to tyranny and dictatorship. No, they will - and should - fight back. And other free and democratic nations should do everything they can, short of risking a nuclear WWIII, to help them in that fight.

Otherwise it won't end with Ukraine. Moldova would be next.
Ukranians will fight, but in the end they will fail. It may take weeks, months, even years, but Putin won't stop until he has Ukraine. Everything we've seen in the past from him shows that he hate showing weakness, he hates not getting the outcome he wants and he will do whatever it takes to get there.

The only way to stop that is if the west provides enough to counter Russia's superior military capability, particularly in the skies, but it doesn't look like they'll even provide those jets Poland wanted to send. So in the end Ukraine will fight nobly, Ukraine will fight bloodily, and Ukraine will fall. They will lose a lot for nothing.

At that point you would wonder if it's simply better to just give up and accept your fate instead of all the bloodshed. If the west doesn't want to get involved due to the risk of nuclear warfare then there is no outcome other than Ukraine falling. And other non-Nato European countries will likely be next if Putin lives long enough, Maldova is almost certainly guaranteed, and Finland and Sweden are very feasible targets as Nato wouldn't get involved. The only saving grace is that Putin is already quite old. Had he been 10 years younger you'd almost certainly be looking at further invasions, and the question you'd have to ask is at what point do you intervene to stop the madness. Instead it looks as though Ukraine won't be the Czechoslovakia of WW2, but rather just a sacrificial lamb.
Ukranians will fight, but in the end they will fail. It may take weeks, months, even years, but Putin won't stop until he has Ukraine. Everything we've seen in the past from him shows that he hate showing weakness, he hates not getting the outcome he wants and he will do whatever it takes to get there.

The only way to stop that is if the west provides enough to counter Russia's superior military capability, particularly in the skies, but it doesn't look like they'll even provide those jets Poland wanted to send. So in the end Ukraine will fight nobly, Ukraine will fight bloodily, and Ukraine will fall. They will lose a lot for nothing.

At that point you would wonder if it's simply better to just give up and accept your fate instead of all the bloodshed. If the west doesn't want to get involved due to the risk of nuclear warfare then there is no outcome other than Ukraine falling. And other non-Nato European countries will likely be next if Putin lives long enough, Maldova is almost certainly guaranteed, and Finland and Sweden are very feasible targets as Nato wouldn't get involved. The only saving grace is that Putin is already quite old. Had he been 10 years younger you'd almost certainly be looking at further invasions, and the question you'd have to ask is at what point do you intervene to stop the madness. Instead it looks as though Ukraine won't be the Czechoslovakia of WW2, but rather just a sacrificial lamb.

The Russian economy will collapse soon, which will make it hard for Putin to continue in Ukraine.