Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Yeah. I should add I have not seen it before this particular conflict. I have seen tweets claiming to show the Azov battalion coating bullets in pig fat for the Chechen “orcs.”

I don’t know how much of this is true and how much is propaganda. Or how it might otherwise be used in Ukraine.

But that’s the only other time I’ve seen it used.

Re LOTR orcs plenty of people have discussed Tolkien and race before if you’re interested
@Dante Zelenskyy and head of states that are supporting him will not recognize Crimea or separatist areas as part of Russia or independent countries. We all know what Ukraine's POV on this is. Their president is in a city that is being bombed. Nothing will be given to the botox face. Absolutely nothing. Today's talks have shown that. Moreover, sanctions are getting tougher, half of the world are openly sending arms to help Ukraine kill attacking enemy forces. So, if botox grandpa is up for it, the rest of the world is up for it too. Psaki said just as much recently.
The ones I know are all horrified and want Putin gone. They are all people who have spent time in Western Europe though, so their views might not reflect those who have stayed in Russia their whole lives

I have a friend who has lived outside Russia for quite a few years. Loved it.
But he's spewing out the Putin gov't lines of Nazi Ukrainian govt etc. Russians getting killed/targeted in eastern Ukraine.
Unfortunately, thermal imaging cameras are now a thing.
Russian jets are being shot down by highly sophisticated surface to air missiles.
Wouldn't call the Stinger that sophisticated. But they are also using nasam , so I guess it can go to the sophisticated category, although it's not "highly sophisticated " as for example THAAD. That being said, and to my original point, there have been several reported air to air kills.
He's not a lunatic. Sociopath for sure but he has nothing like the impulsive nature of someone like trump.
Trump is an narcisisstic arsehole but he never did something even remotely close to this.
Wouldn't call the Stinger that sophisticated. But they are also using nasam , so I guess it can go to the sophisticated category, although it's not "highly sophisticated " as for example THAAD. That being said, and to my original point, there have been several reported air to air kills.

No disagreement there.
Can you imagine Putin having to cramp in a socially undistanced bunker?
Picture the scene. He pushes the big red button marked "Fockin Nukes Innit" and sends the world back to the stone age. As he looks around the bunker he sees dozens of his Yes Men coughing away. One of them tells another that Tucker Carlson told him that it's just a flu so he'll be okay. And then it hits him. Hopefully a fecking bus
The ones I used went out to 6-8km, although obviously bigger objects at that distance. No clue what's used now. This gives an idea, but with zoom.


And you think the Russian military can afford this stuff? They don't even appear to have have gen 1 night vision for their troops currently in the Ukraine while I can go to Cabela's and buy gen 3 shit (albeit for $3-4k).
Wouldn't call the Stinger that sophisticated. But they are also using nasam , so I guess it can go to the sophisticated category, although it's not "highly sophisticated " as for example THAAD. That being said, and to my original point, there have been several reported air to air kills.

Depends on what model. The newer ones, for what they are, are still very decent.
And you think the Russian military can afford this stuff? They don't even appear to have have gen 1 night vision for their troops currently in the Ukraine while I can go to Cabela's and buy gen 3 shit (albeit for $3-4k).

No, much outside of SOF I doubt it. But they will have sensors good enough on their more modern air assets I expect.
Putin's fear of death actually explains most of his actions. He desires immortality through deeds. Land grabbed will endure a lot longer than any upsurge in economy etc. He wants to leave a mark for the ages.
Putin's ultimate goal was always to return the Soviet Union to its former glory, and taking Ukraine is basically the crowning jewel of that achievement. Not exactly realistic without massive suffering and loss of human lives and very maniacal, but that is his perspective and I am in no way defending or rationalizing it.

What changed now is that information disseminates across the world so quickly with today's technology, so as the clear agressor in this conflict, Putin has been getting nothing but near universal international condemnation in a matter of days.

It's only a shame because the Russian people who don't want these wars are who are gonna suffer the most via economic sanctions and fallout.
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Doubt it. You get foreign fighters in every war. Some will be ex military/special forces, some will be ordinary people moved by the plight of the Ukrainian people and some will be British Ukrainians. Remember that there were a lot of Ukrainian refugees that came to Britain after WW2 so people with Ukrainian heritage are more common in the UK than a lot people probably realise. My nieces are part Ukrainian and there’s a Ukrainian church not far from where I live.

We also allowed ordinary citizens to fight in other wars/campaigns. Perhaps most notoriously Salmon Abadi, who carried out on the bomb attack at the Ariana Grande concert in Manachester, was thought to have to have been in Libya and trained by a militia there. It can have blow back.

Yeah fair enough. I’ve just never seen the government explicitly say they’re “allowing” Britons to fight. They made it very clear that no one was allowed to go to Syria and fight with the Kurds, despite the YPG not being a terrorist organisation. Not sure if Abadi went with the governments blessing either and was on an MI5 watchlist for good reason (even if it didn’t prevent the atrocity).

There’s little doubt in my mind we have special ops going on in Ukraine.

Imagine if they’re caught though. At least now they could have a cover story (that the Russians would obviously know as bullshit). Also I’m not too sure we’d commit to pinging SAS into frontline roles. Maybe there to spy on the Russians and gather intel but that’s about it. We haven’t got too many of them and they’re incredibly valuable assets, so could very well be being held back. But this gives them plausible deniability.

Think I screwed up the URL. I wouldn't say he's your average Brit but this guy is heading over to fight for Ukraine.

Ukraine invasion: Britons 'willing to die' to defeat Putin's army as volunteers prepare to travel to fight Russian invasion | UK News | Sky News

Untrained UK citizens who can presumably not speak the language, what could go wrong. Idiotic call to make by the UK government.
Trump is an narcisisstic arsehole but he never did something even remotely close to this.

Clearly. He is however a lot more impulsive and prone to irrational decisions.

Putin is more wicked, calculated and cunning. But his sociopathic nature doesn't make him more prone to pushing the nuclear button 'because he's a lunatic'.
Yeah fair enough. I’ve just never seen the government explicitly say they’re “allowing” Britons to fight. They made it very clear that no one was allowed to go to Syria and fight with the Kurds, despite the YPG not being a terrorist organisation. Not sure if Abadi went with the governments blessing either and was on an MI5 watchlist for good reason (even if it didn’t prevent the atrocity).

Imagine if they’re caught though. At least now they could have a cover story (that the Russians would obviously know as bullshit). Also I’m not too sure we’d commit to pinging SAS into frontline roles. Maybe there to spy on the Russians and gather intel but that’s about it. We haven’t got too many of them and they’re incredibly valuable assets, so could very well be being held back. But this gives them plausible deniability.

Untrained UK citizens who can presumably not speak the language, what could go wrong. Idiotic call to make by the UK government.
I worry if these guys really know what combat looks like. I know they're saying things like "I know I can die" but saying those things is easy when you're emotional and care about what's going on in Ukraine. They might find themselves in some Kyiv or Kharkov alley at night, surrounded by Russians waiting to blow 'em up. It's hell.
Germany also has nuclear bombs.
As part of the NATO sharing agreement, they have a number of American B61 tactical nuclear weapons.
These are carried by their Panavia Tornado IDS jets, a number of which are nuclear capable and provide the German nuclear deterrent.

They belong to the US though. Germany aren’t considered a nuclear power and would only be used with the US.