Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Does anyone know the actual process? Like I believe that there are all sorts of protocols to follow, most of which would certainly trigger warnings across the world that a nuke may be getting prepared for launch. I really, really hope that its not just a button with some casing over it, that someone can just open and push.
He sends the order to the general staff. They carry it out. Its similar to US.
Ffs, his own bloody life. The paranoic idiot sits 10 meters away from his ministers and is shit scared of catching covid. The bunker grandpa wants to live so much and it is clear to see. I expect NATO pilots to get involved before the end of the week, if bombing intensifies
Life in disgrace or death in glory (glory as seen by the people who will eventually make a martyr out of him).

History has been full of people willing to go down with the ship.
It wouldn't be appeasement. It would defeat that could be looked at as victory from a different angle.

Russia is encircled now. He has nowhere left to go in Europe.

Isn't this pretty much what Chamberlain did with The Sudetenland? It didn't end well.
Until the next time he fancies a jolly out in Europe, safe in the knowledge that he’ll ultimately come out of it with what he wants. No, he needs to go I’m afraid. The appeasement party needs to end.

I think so as well, he needs to go
Life in disgrace or death in glory (glory as seen by the people who will eventually make a martyr out of him).

History has been full of people willing to go down with the ship.
Yes, but the cnut seems to be so fecking afraid of dying. Zelenskyy is the one I am absolutely sure would have given his life to save another. However, the botox face is the opposite. He does not care about anybody bar himsrlf.
His life and the end of the world? If he were as mad as people said he wouldn’t be holding back in Kiev, he would have flattened the City and announced a new government or else this is what your city gets. The fact he’s holding back tells me it’s propaganda. You can’t have a cool, calm leader threatening nukes since no sane man will ever use them. He has to be mad to make it stick and a man who engineered Brexit and Trump as president to destabilise the world before his attempt is just too calculating for any of this to be true.
Losing in Ukrainian doesn’t mean he has to destroy the world. If he were that mad he wouldn’t give a damn about NATO and just threaten nukes for the missile on his doorstep problem anyway imo

He aint the biggest in the class so he is acting like that nutter of the class that no one wants to mess with. All bluff and brinkmanship to increase negotiation ability. However wounded animal cornered is dangerous, have to make it look like he has savesbface in some way to give him a way out and de escalate. The higher the stakes he plays, he can’t then just fold, he has to be give. something that makes him look om to his people.

He is about self preservation his life expectancy will drop as soon as no longer jn charge
have you guys seen the video of the father and son executed on the side of the road , these orcs deserve a special place in hell
I think so as well, he needs to go
He does. But one thing at a time. Unless you can guarantee he won't order a strike, the priority should be to get him to end the invasion first. Even if that means giving him a mini-PR victory in order to get there.
For all those saying he doesn't give a shit if he dies or not, well he certainly has a Covid fear...I think Nuclear war somehow beats that.

I know dailymail but this line -

Putin reportedly only had contact with his inner circle during the pandemic, but even they were asked to present faecal samples several times a week to check for infection and, in some cases, asked to isolate for two weeks before face-to-face meeting.

Man probably has covid brain fog and/or paranoid being in a bunker trying not to die from it.
Yes, but the cnut seems to be so fecking afraid of dying. Zelenskyy is the one I am absolutely sure would have given his life to save another. However, the botox face is the opposite. He does not care about anybody bar himsrlf.
That's a hell of a gamble to take when the cost is potentially 100,000s of lives.
He wouldn't get any territory.

I don’t really know what you’re suggesting then. It sounded like you wanted the allies to cut a deal with him, but the only he can survive this domestically is if he comes out with Ukrainian land.
I don’t really know what you’re suggesting then. It sounded like you wanted the allies to cut a deal with him, but the only he can survive this domestically is if he comes out with Ukrainian land.
That would be appeasement. You're the only one suggesting that.
Article seems to be gone. Without going into whether its even right to be “allowed” to go and fight - could this be cover to send in special ops? Ironically very similar to Wagner Group soldiers, just need to call them volunteers and send them over the Polish border.
There’s little doubt in my mind we have special ops going on in Ukraine.
Life in disgrace or death in glory (glory as seen by the people who will eventually make a martyr out of him).

History has been full of people willing to go down with the ship.

There will be no fecker left if he nukes anyone so he would never be a martyr.
Article seems to be gone. Without going into whether its even right to be “allowed” to go and fight - could this be cover to send in special ops? Ironically very similar to Wagner Group soldiers, just need to call them volunteers and send them over the Polish border.
I was thinking the same thing but not necessarily to fight Russian regulars, but precisely these 'assasin squads' hunting Zelenskiy in Kyiv.
Putin's fear of death actually explains most of his actions. He desires immortality through deeds. Land grabbed will endure a lot longer than any upsurge in economy etc. He wants to leave a mark for the ages.

If Putin is encircling Kiev for a siege, and seeing Kiev is furthest west bound he's gone in, wouldn't that leave his western Kiev flank exposed to ambush from additional support that keeps coming in from the Poland? Also if supplies are cut off from west for entry into Kiev, Im sure some more drone's will be donated with command centre set up in Lviv.
He’s not using Nukes, that’s for sure. All of this Putin is crazy nonsense is propaganda lapped up for some reason. He has spent years laying the groundwork for this. It’s not an act of madness.
it’s really about time we started looking past that bluff
Impossible to state that as a fact. While the risk may be low you can never predict what will happen under such circumstances we face today in particular with a lunatic being backed into a corner.
I would ask what are these countries doing to help their citizens who are stranded there? Usually in times of crisis dipomatic missions do what they can to get their people out.

I agree, I am not saying it's just pure racism or something. It needs to be explained from all ends - I've not heard (unless missed and easily could have as they may be drowned out) much from those countries where the citizens are impacted

Either way, if it's meant as a humanitarian crisis/escape, it shouldn't really matter too much who it is especially if some places are supposedly saying they don't care about paperwork and it's just getting people out
Impossible to state that as a fact. While the risk may be low you can never predict what will happen under such circumstances we face today in particular with a lunatic being backed into a corner.
He's not a lunatic. Sociopath for sure but he has nothing like the impulsive nature of someone like trump.
Does anyone know the actual process? Like I believe that there are all sorts of protocols to follow, most of which would certainly trigger warnings across the world that a nuke may be getting prepared for launch. I really, really hope that its not just a button with some casing over it, that someone can just open and push.

It's a whole process with multiple people
Article seems to be gone. Without going into whether its even right to be “allowed” to go and fight - could this be cover to send in special ops? Ironically very similar to Wagner Group soldiers, just need to call them volunteers and send them over the Polish border.
Think I screwed up the URL. I wouldn't say he's your average Brit but this guy is heading over to fight for Ukraine.

Ukraine invasion: Britons 'willing to die' to defeat Putin's army as volunteers prepare to travel to fight Russian invasion | UK News | Sky News
He's not a lunatic. Sociopath for sure but he has nothing like the impulsive nature of someone like trump.

I honestly think that if Putin had Trump's personality this would not have happened. Trump kept coming up with these crazy, democracy undermining ideas and then lost interest a few hours later when he saw something shiny.
This group is being asked to stay where they are at the time of the video, unless you have a translation of what's being said? Framing this as Ukraine refusing the key Africans leave the country is propaganda likely of Russian origin, don't you think?

It has been confirmed by some Indian students that Ukraine guards are stopping them and some Africans from leaving the border and even asking for money while europeans are being allowed to pass without much trouble.
@spectatorindex: BREAKING: Moscow says countries sending military equipment to Ukraine will be responsible if they are used against Russian forces.