Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Having missiles lined up all along your border put there by an organisation created literally against you is not a concern? Not today, but what about in some years? No one can guarantee future peace and security.
Check your head mate, Jesus christ…
It's obvious that it's horrendous that Russia has invaded Ukraine. They should get out now. It's a crime.
But where was this condemnation when Iraq was invaded and bombed to stone age?

pretty much every major city in the western world
It's obvious that it's horrendous that Russia has invaded Ukraine. They should get out now. It's a crime.
But where was this condemnation when Iraq was invaded and bombed to stone age?
Well speaking from the UK point of view we had some of the largest protests in the history of the UK.
it's nothing like the Cuban missile crisis?

if NATO wanted to put nukes on the Russian border they could have done it already, in one of the countries in NATO that borders Russia

it's just a power hungry dictator who wants more land for his empire

Basically Putin getting Ukraine before nato does.
Nah China is loving this leverage. Russia will have to be attached like a umbilical cord to China. They are literally on their knees with China if everyone else cuts them off.

China doesnt give the impression that they are thrilled, they depend on a well functioning global market
That's a taboo subject here mate, We're only discussing The Easts sins here, the West have a legitimate excuse for all their killing of innocents.
I mean you are talking some absolute shite. We are talking about the invasion of Ukraine with no justified pretext. Not one you might disagree with, no reason or justification.

The US may have made up excuses but this is Putin displacing his sister nation because he misses his childhood memories and wants to be able to travel to the same countries with the same passport.

I repeat again, whataboutism like this is disgraceful.
Having missiles lined up all along your border put there by an organisation created literally against you is not a concern? Not today, but what about in some years? No one can guarantee future peace and security.

Alright Putin, calm down. There will always be borders and it doesn’t seem that surprising to have one with Russia...a country that seems to be led by a complete madman
Truss supporting people that want to go to Ukraine and volunteer to fight. What do people make of that?
There was lots of condemnation at the time, loads of marches if I remember right.
Nothing on this scale. We didn't have the EU placing an embargo on the US (even non-NATO states). So when the media runs with the same old nonsense they always run with:

It's perfectly OK to get just a little bit skeptical. She was literally involved in a warcrime by her own definition. If that's too "whataboutery" then just look at Yemen. The West is responsible for thousands of dead people there (happening now) and where is this condemnation? It's hard to conclude that this is not a fairly racist narrative where Ukraine is exceptional because they are European and everyone else is expendable.

It is like the Spanish Civil War all over again.

I already know of a couple of people who will be leaving for Ukraine tomorrow to do just that.
People went to Spain to fight for the people (socialist international). It will be a great PR victory for neocons if they can spin this as remotely similar (except for Ukrainians and other Eastern Europeans who feel strongly or perhaps your general mercenary).
Truss supporting people that want to go to Ukraine and volunteer to fight. What do people make of that?
In character. A moron does moronic things.

By all means don't punish people but don't advertise it on TV and don't agitate further. The moron didn't even know the Russians were making fun of her by asking if she thinks Russia has a claim oved territory in Russia.
I mean you are talking some absolute shite. We are talking about the invasion of Ukraine with no justified pretext. Not one you might you disagree, no reason of justification.

The US may have made up excuses but this is Putin displacing his sister nation because he misses his childhood memories and wants to be able to travel to the same countries with the same passport.

I repeat again, whataboutism like this is disgraceful.
I have absolutely no support for Russia at all mate, I don't know why you're blowing up at me :lol: :lol:. It's just whenever you mention the sins of the West here everyone get's defensive af. I find it quite funny.

Oh and btw I'm sure Putin and Russia have their own bullshit justification for the invasion, just as the US did, It's just you prefer to believe the West and turn a blind eye on their sins so you can sleep better at night.

War is Evil so is the killing of innocent people no matter who does it. but if you think the condemnation and international backlash/sanctions has been anywhere remotely similar to that faced by the US in their invasion of Iraq you need to give your head a wobble.
I have absolutely no support for Russia at all mate, I don't know why you're blowing up at me :lol: :lol:. It's just whenever you mention the sins of the West here everyone get's defensive af. I find it quite funny.

Oh and btw I'm sure Putin and Russia have their own bullshit justification for the invasion, just as the US did, It's just you prefer to believe the West and turn a blind eye on their sins so you can sleep better at night.

War is Evil so is the killing of innocent people no matter who does it. but if you think the condemnation and international backlash/sanctions has been anywhere remotely similar to that faced by the US in their invasion of Iraq you need to give your head a wobble.
Yeah, you're not fooling anyone.
Only the NATO countries are sanctioning because this is a NATO issue I guess. No one outside of NATO (apart from Australia) is sanctioning Russia at the moment because it's nowt to do with them.

If Iraq (or any country in the Middle East) wanted to sanction the UK and US in 2003 they would have been perfectly within their rights imo.
Hypothetically speaking, when the markets crash tomorrow and regular Russians start to notice crisis is on the way, that lunatic comes out and threaten to launch nukes on every country participating if sanctions are not lifted and supply of weapons to Ukraine does not stop - where would that put US and Europe? Is that WW3? What is the limit?
It's obvious that it's horrendous that Russia has invaded Ukraine. They should get out now. It's a crime.
But where was this condemnation when Iraq was invaded and bombed to stone age?

I don't know how old you were in 2003. I was 17. I remember the protests because I attended one, and on the same day, some of the largest protests in western history took place. More than a million people gathered in London to voice their disapproval. There was worldwide outrage for the invasion of Iraq, a war with a false pretext - just like Putin's conquest in Ukraine.

France kept veto'ing the UK and USA at the UN, and the security council blocked a proper resolution for war. France and Germany remained in strong condemnation of it, as did Spain when Zapata took over.

This isn't the same.
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As others have mentioned whilst this might be principally true, the reality of it is it would require a number of people to effect this before it went through. It isn’t simply a man with a key card and a button. In the case of Russia, it might require the same number of people in the chain, but the difference is it’s also very likely that over the last few decades Putin might have already got yes men in all those positions, which is possible but highly improbable in the US.

I wish i didn't but i very much agree with this, someone with Putin's power will definitely have ensured that there's men to carry out his order and that they're compliant.

Worryingly it might even be what stops those who would consider trying to topple him. If you know he planned to instruct a launch if any attempt was made it would certainly give most pause.
Anybody else concerned that EU and UK arming Ukraine like this will be considered an act of war by Moscow?
I wish i didn't but i very much agree with this, someone with Putin's power will definitely have ensured that there's men to carry out his order and that they're compliant.

Worryingly it might even be what stops those who would consider trying to topple him. If you know he planned to instruct a launch if any attempt was made it would certainly give most pause.
Hopefully there’s a Stanislav Petrov or two in the mix.
I have absolutely no support for Russia at all mate, I don't know why you're blowing up at me :lol: :lol:. It's just whenever you mention the sins of the West here everyone get's defensive af. I find it quite funny.

Oh and btw I'm sure Putin and Russia have their own bullshit justification for the invasion, just as the US did, It's just you prefer to believe the West and turn a blind eye on their sins so you can sleep better at night.

War is Evil so is the killing of innocent people no matter who does it. but if you think the condemnation and international backlash/sanctions has been anywhere remotely similar to that faced by the US in their invasion of Iraq you need to give your head a wobble.
Just such a naive post. You’ve created a scenario where people haven’t condemned Iraq and other similar excursions by the west, which is bullshit. You then bring it up in a thread about Ukraine, which is bullshit. Your post implies we have no right to be angry at Russia because of what the west has done, which is bullshit. And you’ve even somehow managed to suggest all these events are somehow comparable, which is bullshit. All while hiding behind a lazy argument and holier than thou attitude, that we are ignorantly berating what’s happening. Which, you guessed it, is also bullshit.
Anybody else concerned that EU and UK arming Ukraine like this will be considered an act of war by Moscow?
That's my worry tbh. The public backing of Ukraine by the West has pushed the boundaries a lot more than ever before (Certainly in my lifetime).

Let's hope the Russians decide to do the right thing like a coup or something or we're all fecked.
Nothing on this scale. We didn't have the EU placing an embargo on the US (even non-NATO states). So when the media runs with the same old nonsense they always run with:

It's perfectly OK to get just a little bit skeptical. She was literally involved in a warcrime by her own definition. If that's too "whataboutery" then just look at Yemen. The West is responsible for thousands of dead people there (happening now) and where is this condemnation? It's hard to conclude that this is not a fairly racist narrative where Ukraine is exceptional because they are European and everyone else is expendable.

People went to Spain to fight for the people (socialist international). It will be a great PR victory for neocons if they can spin this as remotely similar (except for Ukrainians and other Eastern Europeans who feel strongly or perhaps your general mercenary).

Sadam Hussein was an evil dictator, responsible for murder of thousands of his own people. Where war is wrong and nobody wanted to see innocents die, the world is a better place without madmen in charge.
I have absolutely no support for Russia at all mate, I don't know why you're blowing up at me :lol: :lol:. It's just whenever you mention the sins of the West here everyone get's defensive af. I find it quite funny.

Oh and btw I'm sure Putin and Russia have their own bullshit justification for the invasion, just as the US did, It's just you prefer to believe the West and turn a blind eye on their sins so you can sleep better at night.

War is Evil so is the killing of innocent people no matter who does it. but if you think the condemnation and international backlash/sanctions has been anywhere remotely similar to that faced by the US in their invasion of Iraq you need to give your head a wobble.
Perhaps they're getting defensive as actually it is pretty annoying to have to wade through. This is a pretty good source of information and discussion on the Ukraine situation and by harping on about Iraq and Indian colonial history and everything else that's made an appearence it becomes tangential.

Perhaps if there is an axe to grind on those subjects it should be done elsewhere. How can it be constructive here to criticise people's actions 10 or 20 or 100 years ago. The point is whether they're acting correctly now or not.
Accusations of war crimes
Since the Iraq War, Blair has been the subject of war crimes accusations. Critics of his actions, including Bishop Desmond Tutu,[216] Harold Pinter[217] and Arundhati Roy[218] have called for his trial at the International Criminal Court.

In November 2011, a war crimes tribunal of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission, established by Malaysia's former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, reached a unanimous conclusion that Blair and George W. Bush are guilty of crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, and genocide as a result of their roles in the 2003 Iraq War. The proceedings lasted for four days, and consisted of five judges of judicial and academic backgrounds, a tribunal-appointed defence team in lieu of the defendants or representatives, and a prosecution team including international law professor Francis Boyle.[219]

In September 2012, Desmond Tutu suggested that Blair should follow the path of former African leaders who had been brought before the International Criminal Court in The Hague.[216] The human rights lawyer Geoffrey Bindman, interviewed on BBC radio, concurred with Tutu's suggestion that there should be a war crimes trial.[220] In a statement made in response to Tutu's comments, Blair defended his actions.[216] He was supported by Lord Falconer, who stated that the war had been authorised by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441.[220]

Blair and Henry Kissinger at the Munich Security Conference in 2014
In July 2017, former Iraqi general Abdulwaheed al-Rabbat launched a private war crimes prosecution, in the High Court in London, asking for Tony Blair, former foreign secretary Jack Straw and former attorney general Lord Goldsmith to be prosecuted for "the crime of aggression" for their role in the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The High Court ruled that, although the crime of aggression was recognised in international law, it was not an offence under UK law, and, therefore, the prosecution could not proceed.

Like I said, I don't know about George Bush, but people are trying to hold Tony Blair accountable