Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

There are multiple safe guards in place to prevent any accidental automatic launch of any payload with a nuclear warhead. Also back channels exist between USA and Russia to prevent any miscommunication and misunderstandings.

Sure, if it's USA.

4 minutes window? Realistically impossible for human to react. It's one thing having the instruction to "PUSH THIS Incase of Emergency" I'd hazard a guess everyone on the button will froze for a few minute to the very least.
While I also don't think we'll get to nukes, even an increase from a 0.00001% chance to a 0.00002% chance, it's way, way too close for comfort for me given I have an idea about nuclear contamination, Russian oppression and the Eastern European psyche.

If you approach this logically though, Putler might try to control the media and whatnot in Russia BUT if your banking system go to shit, people will start asking questions sooner rather than later.

So maybe Putin is trying to get max leverage before these talks and hopefully extract enough, so he doesn't look like the loser and coward that he is. But even if gets something resembling a 'success', the sanctions will stay, so Russia is done for, surely.
I think 4 minute time windows means you don't have time to react, double check, or even call Bojo to ask him what to do.

My guess is that once a launch has been detected some sort of "automatic" mechanism will be triggered.

A few hours, yes.. but 4 minute?
The guys tasked with sitting in our nuclear silos waiting for a launch command are called “minutemen”. It takes under 5 minutes to go from the usual state of readiness to nukes in the air.
While I also don't think we'll get to nukes, even an increase from a 0.00001% chance to a 0.00002% chance, it's way, way too close for comfort for me given I have an idea about nuclear contamination, Russian oppression and the Eastern European psyche.

If you approach this logically though, Putler might try to control the media and whatnot in Russia BUT if your banking system go to shit, people will start asking questions sooner rather than later.

So maybe Putin is trying to get max leverage before these talks and hopefully extract enough, so he doesn't look like the loser and coward that he is. But even if gets something resembling a 'success', the sanctions will stay, so Russia is done for, surely.

Putin is 70... he might not want to live to see the consequences of his action, and you'll seriously never know what might happen.

He could at the spur of moment says "hit it" and it's all kaboosh
What is the purpose of the talks? Can they really come to an agreement?

My theory which I hope I'm wrong about:

The talks are a BS showpiece from the Russians so they can say "See, they don't want peace" and that gives them a reason to escalate

Nuclear I just cannot see unless Putin feels his walls closing in even more. I can't see him going quietly or just accepting defeat
While I also don't think we'll get to nukes, even an increase from a 0.00001% chance to a 0.00002% chance, it's way, way too close for comfort for me given I have an idea about nuclear contamination, Russian oppression and the Eastern European psyche.

If you approach this logically though, Putler might try to control the media and whatnot in Russia BUT if your banking system go to shit, people will start asking questions sooner rather than later.

So maybe Putin is trying to get max leverage before these talks and hopefully extract enough, so he doesn't look like the loser and coward that he is. But even if gets something resembling a 'success', the sanctions will stay, so Russia is done for, surely.
Makes me think they can settle on LDR and Donbas being neutral, Ukraine remaining a free country and he pitches this as a success. Then the West lifts sanctions within a few weeks or immediately.
While I also don't think we'll get to nukes, even an increase from a 0.00001% chance to a 0.00002% chance, it's way, way too close for comfort for me given I have an idea about nuclear contamination, Russian oppression and the Eastern European psyche.

If you approach this logically though, Putler might try to control the media and whatnot in Russia BUT if your banking system go to shit, people will start asking questions sooner rather than later.

So maybe Putin is trying to get max leverage before these talks and hopefully extract enough, so he doesn't look like the loser and coward that he is. But even if gets something resembling a 'success', the sanctions will stay, so Russia is done for, surely.

Come on, Russian arent' idiot, I think they know what's going on. It's 2022, whatsapp, videos, telegram, direct vids, emails, I think it's impossible to contain such a global wave of information.

They might not have the most details bits and pieces, but I think they have a general understanding of where they stand
How have countries been allowed to possess such great numbers of nuclear weapons? I've already stated i think nobody should have. It's like bringing a rocket launcher to a fist fight, just cowradly.

But if both sides bring a rocket launcher….there will be no fight, and that is why we have them.

A terrible invention, but they are here and sadly too say. Anyone who believes Nuclear disarmament is a possibility one day, is sadly living amongst the fairies.
Putin is 70... he might not want to live to see the consequences of his action, and you'll seriously never know what might happen.

He could at the spur of moment says "hit it" and it's all kaboosh
Exactly why I think all this naive talk of 'it'll never happen'. Some of the same people were saying Putin would never invade earlier this week.
I think 4 minute time windows means you don't have time to react, double check, or even call Bojo to ask him what to do.

My guess is that once a launch has been detected some sort of "automatic" mechanism will be triggered.

A few hours, yes.. but 4 minute?

The 4 minute warning was the point during the Cold War when missiles could be positively identified:

At most maybe double it from when the missiles are launched?

Also given that we are a small country and easily destroyed, the PM sets out his or her instructions on retailiaton as soon as they take office. We do not have the time to launch a retaliatory strike like the US do:
They don't need to use ICBMs on Europe. The Iskander ballistic missiles can carry nuclear warheads with a range of around 700km. They have them in Kalinigrad and since a month ago in Belarus. They could reach most of eastern Europe wihin minutes with them.

Yes, agreed. Was just making the point that using ICBMs even the USA only gets around half an hour's worth off warning time before Armageddon.
Good speech from Scholz, actually. Not his style, but what he's saying: Germany is completely changing its course in terms of and is more than doubling its spending for the army this year - an additional 100 billion €. We will invest more than 2% of our GDP every year now!

This is good.

Sounds like Germany is finally waking up. Soft power can only take you so far.
By any chance has anyone listened to this particular 'space' on twitter?

I've been listening on and off but feel a bit conflicted about what I've been hearing.

It's a few difference speakers consisting of veterans and journalists with different expertise and from different locations trying to keep up with what's going on in Ukraine.

It is educational at times but there's also a whiff of narcissism and war fetishization coming from it.

Yes I've been listening a lot and have much the same opinion as you. Walter is the guy worth listening to for updates, he is more wired in to goings on on the ground than anybody else. There's a few other good rational people there and other just desperate to show off their knowledge of certain things, with a few wack opinions thrown in.
The 4 minute warning was the point during the Cold War when missiles could be positively identified:

At most maybe double it from when the missiles are launched?

Also given that we are a small country and easily destroyed, the PM sets out his or her instructions on retailiaton as soon as they take office. We do not have the time to launch a retaliatory strike like the US do:

What's scary is that even if it's a false alarm the respond would surely be launch without any attempt to double check, to be fair with 4 minutes window there's not much you can do.

Come on, Russian arent' idiot, I think they know what's going on. It's 2022, whatsapp, videos, telegram, direct vids, emails, I think it's impossible to contain such a global wave of information.

They might not have the most details bits and pieces, but I think they have a general understanding of where they stand
Whatsapp is facebook and that's already blocked or can easily be.

Russia, I think, has its own version of the internet as a back-up, so again, censorship is far stronger than you might think.

You also vastly overestimate the online capability of the older generation in Russia, especially outside the larger cities.

For protests to be successful, the young are not enough, you need broad support because this is not a democracy.
Putin's decision to invade Ukraine with all consequences involved (sanctions, isolation, domestic protests) will go down in history books as one of the worst decisions ever made by a world leader.
Putin's decision to invade Ukraine with all consequences involved (sanctions, isolation, domestic protests) will go down in history books as one of the worst decisions ever made by a world leader.
Hopefully only outmatched by historical decisions to invade Russia itself.
Sort of makes sense. Indian reporters also interviewing many Indian students stuck at Polish borders not being allowed to cross. Threats of being beaten up and firing in the air is what these kids are saying. You’re talking about 20 yr old kids - boys and girls alike.

it’s definitely happening. War is sucky.

Ukranians have also been waiting 3 days to cross the border, there is a process, unfortunately. Others from 'third countries' (non-EU/Schengen) are apparently being sent to the back of the line.

They are pretty much safe there at least, though it takes time for enough aid and shelter to get there for them.
One thing that I'm blown away by, other than the remarkable people of Ukraine, is that after 20 years of trying to destabilise the west, weaken Nato and The EU, distance the US and UK from the rest of Europe, interference in politics and elections, confusing messaging tactics, financial influencing tactics and trying to implement an energy dependency by Putin. Its all been undone in less than 4 days and brought everyone together again. Nato will be stronger after this as will the western unity.
From now on, any demonstration of support for Ukraine is considered a treason and can lead up to 20 years in jail. Russia is fecked.
What is the purpose of the talks? Can they really come to an agreement?

My theory which I hope I'm wrong about:

The talks are a BS showpiece from the Russians so they can say "See, they don't want peace" and that gives them a reason to escalate

Nuclear I just cannot see unless Putin feels his walls closing in even more. I can't see him going quietly or just accepting defeat
Are there any scenarios where putin comes out if this alive?
Popular uprising.... Dead
Military coup.... Dead
Assassination (covert / NATO)... Dead
All out nuclear war... Dead

Is there really a scenario where he lives out his live with his legacy as a Russian hero in tact... I can't see it ... So from his perspective hiding in a nuclear bunker and being king of the ashes is probably no worse than some of his other potential endings
He’s 70, I hope he’s not thinking, “let’s go out with a bang” a really big one.

The nuclear bombs now are probably 100 times more powerful than horoshima and that killed circa 80,000 on impact,