Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Stanley Baldwin once said “the bomber will always get through”. But airforces did find a way to stop them.

I think there will end up being anti-drone drones, and anti-anti- drones etc (probably already are), but remember that something like netting would also work. At the moment I think we are in a period where the drone technology is advancing at pace, and outrunning the anti drone tactics. But it would be wrong to think it will always be like this, just like it has been wrong for virtually every military invention that made an immediate impact.
I am sure you are right, but the first time or first few times could have quite an impact. I don't know how easily Putin can muster up a trained fighting force of 100k men any time soon, so drone warfare would seem the way to go.
So Putin has now decided that you don't really need people any more, drones will do, at a fraction of the actual but also political cost. I could imagine him sending hundreds if not thousands of drones to attack a Baltic state to test the west.
Ukraine actually tested an all-drone assault mission last month on the Kharkiv front. Combining various types, ground and air and successfully clearing a trench position. Forbes covered it but spun it as a 'worrying sign of weakness' having to resort to this because they have so few troops or some shit :lol:

edit: found a non paywalled account of it (its substack)
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