+AustriaThere are not many European countries who are not NATO members at this stage.
Essentially: Switzerland (neutral but far from Russia), Ireland (neutral, far from Russia though at sea), Finland and Sweden (neutral and near Russia, so at this stage, they might want to join NATO cause of fear from Russia), Belarus (Russian satellite), Moldova (Russian lesser-satellite), Serbia (Russian ally), Bosna (wants to join NATO but gets blocked by Srbska Republic), Kosovo (wants to join NATO but not recognized by 3 NATO members), Cyprus (neutral and cannot join cause of Turkey).
So, it does not change much bar perhaps Sweden and Finland deciding to join, and perhaps Serbia being forced to choose either Russia or the EU.
My point is, we are all hypocrites. NATO are wormongers seeking war for profit all around the globe, we all tolerate that and keep our mouth shut most of the time. The time Russia does it, all is up in flames.Whatever your point is choosing today and this thread to make it devalues it.
One of the more most blatantly racist things I have seen on here in a while. "The" Ukraine treated as a doormat."Russia sorting out its doorstep" is an outrageous description of what is happening. Unbelievably stupid post.
We have just seen what diplomatic and financial pressure does haven't we.
And where is he, oh wise one? In the Court of justice in Hague. He either gets what he deserves (if guilty), or gets declared innocent (if not guilty).You have people suspected of war crimes in the parlaiment, one of them was even president. The case with the orghan trade is it solved? Or was that the Serbs also? Kosovo has the highest percentage of corruption and crime in the region. Every drug trade, car theft, money laundering leads back to Kosovo. Murderers and terrorist wanted in my country are taking refuge there. And Vucic is no saint himself, however much better for the serbs than the leaders both Kosovo and Macedonia have.
You took a historic part of Serbia and cleansed the serbs from their homes, and it was a process that was ongoing for decades. Then the serbs did inexcusable crimes for which some of them paid. The war crimes did by the Albanians were they punished. And this exiled people where did they go? Remember? To my country, and you thanked us by attacking the sovereignty of our homeland 2 year later. Is this true?
Not every military conflict is automatically going to end up with the ultimate weapon.
And ignoring the past is quite wrong. Because all military commanders are schooled in military history. That is a simple fact.
I have a close friend who is part of officer training for the Army, so I am well aware of this.
I don't think would have changed anything. It could have easily been Iraq or Afghanistan. When you are determined to go to an unjust war, finding excuses is not very tough.This is actually exactly what I think. I never said it was the same situation, it is just how he presents it.
It's called a Mutual Defense clause in the treaty but it isn't actually such a thing as it talks of unspecified 'aid and assistance' and effectively defers to national defence policies: "This [clause] shall not prejudice the specific character of the security and defence policy of certain Member States."
It also says that NATO commitments have primacy over any EU mutual defence (the Eastern European countries would not have signed up otherwise):
"Commitments and cooperation in this area shall be consistent with commitments under the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, which, for those States which are members of it, remains the foundation of their collective defence and the forum for its implementation."
My point is, we are all hypocrites. NATO are wormongers seeking war for profit all around the globe, we all tolerate that and keep our mouth shut most of the time. The time Russia does it, all is up in flames.
Russian stock market losses are currently at 230 billion. Allegedly the oligarchs have been summoned for a meeting.
@harms have you seen any of these reports?
storing those quote for a good day?
Stopping Milosevic was not their priority, installing a client state like Kosovo, to this day the center of all criminal enterprise on the Balkans was. Why didn't they stop the war criminals that were doing the same on the other side?
To be fair, I still think that war in Afghanistan was completely just.That's just nonsense. For instance, there were mass demonstrations against the Iraq war in many western nations and several western nations open opposed the war. And where wars were more broadly supported, it was always for a "good" reason, e.g. 9/11. Yeah, you can pretend that all these reasons were "invented". But fact is most people in "the West" won't accept a NATO war that is ostensibly all for "profit" or simply to annex a neighbor. Otherwise no leader would have to invent a reason. So, all this "hypocrits" stuff is just nonsense.
I don't think would have changed anything. It could have easily been Iraq or Afghanistan. When you are determined to go to an unjust war, finding excuses is not very tough.
I guess you like the pro western description of war like bringing democracy to the oppressed?"Russia sorting out its doorstep" is an outrageous description of what is happening. Unbelievably stupid post.
My spidey senses were tingling, the bookmark feature on RedCafe has served me well.
Arguably criminals from the KLA should have been prosecuted as well and the court Humans Rights courts were (very) late in starting that process. It has started though.
They are. Including ex prime-minister/president/political leader of KLA. He is in Hague at the moment.Stopping the war stopped the war criminals from both sides doing what they were doing. Arguably criminals from the KLA should have been prosecuted as well and the court Humans Rights courts were (very) late in starting that process. It has started though.
The suggestion that the target was to create a client state in Kosovo is pretty preposterous.
When is the last witness who disappeared?I wouldn't get my hopes up. They have a track record of making witnesses disappear that the 1920s mafia would be proud of.
Ukrainians reporting that enemy vehicles entered wearing OSCE symbols as well as Ukrainian uniforms. Deception tactics.
There's people that still believe stopping Milosevic was immoral or wrong?
You can use whatever you want to be fair. We saw that best in the US case where they made hokus-pokus excuses for the war in Iraq.Iraq and Afghanistan can hardly be used as an example of giving a region the right of self-determination when part of a sovereign state. Kosovo was a precedent in that regard.
I never said that the succession of Kosovo should not have happened (and wish that our constitution would change so that we don't consider it a part of Serbia anymore), I am just saying that it was clear since it happened that it was a precedent and will therefore be used by a lot of people to justify a lot of things.
Really sad. I also had to live my home for a few months, which then was burned. I didn't leave cause of NATO though.There were other means to stop that cnut. West didnt always view him in the same way how they did before NATO bombing, one day good guy, tomorrow bad, he must have change lul.
He and his familiy always were pricks, just one day he was good fit in the eyes of the west and not so much in the other, so spare me with whole im/moral good/wrong bullshit.
Its not you who were 15 year old back then and had to carry your grandma on your back towards hills when NATO was bombing my town for the first time, i was living in basement with my family for 2 months, no bed, just matresses on the ground with blankets, getting light from car battery because we didnt have always power.
There were other means to stop that cnut. West didnt always view him in the same way how they did before NATO bombing, one day good guy, tomorrow bad, he must have change lul.
My point is, we are all hypocrites. NATO are wormongers seeking war for profit all around the globe, we all tolerate that and keep our mouth shut most of the time. The time Russia does it, all is up in flames.
I wouldn't get my hopes up. They have a track record of making witnesses disappear that the 1920s mafia would be proud of.
There were other means to stop that cnut. West didnt always view him in the same way how they did before NATO bombing, one day good guy, tomorrow bad, he must have change lul.
He and his familiy always were pricks, just one day he was good fit in the eyes of the west and not so much in the other, so spare me with whole im/moral good/wrong bullshit.
Its not you who were 15 year old back then and had to carry your grandma on your back towards hills when NATO was bombing my town for the first time, i was living in basement with my family for 2 months, no bed, just matresses on the ground with blankets, getting light from car battery because we didnt have always power.