Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Bush is so cringe.

KYIV — Former U.S. President George W. Bush reckons Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is so tough, he could be from Texas.

Speaking via video chat during a conference in Kyiv on Friday, Bush said he sees Russia’s President Vladimir Putin as an empire builder, who may not stop at invading Ukraine. As for Zelenskyy, Bush joked: “Well he is a tough dude, he is a real Texan.”
I wonder if they are doing it to all the airframes or only the ones that are operational?
Marking the ones that are operational like that would be such a Russian thing to do.
There is at least one that was covered this way that lacked an engine it was a Il-96 or something like that. So we know for sure that they are covering non-operational planes as well.
They do not produce weapons, what's to follow?
I’m lost.

Did you know that food companies don’t make cars?

I was aware that Starlink doesn’t make weapons, everyone knows that, so I’m not sure what your point is.

I’m saying companies that work with essential military systems for the US and their allies cannot be able to turn them off, or otherwise disadvantage the US or it’s allies, no matter how many scary thoughts he has, or conversations with the enemy.

I think what you mean to say is that weapons and communications systems are so different the same rules shouldn’t apply.
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I’m lost.

Did you know that food companies don’t make cars?

I was aware that Starlink doesn’t make weapons, everyone knows that, so I’m not sure what your point is.

I’m saying companies that work with essential military systems for the US and their allies cannot be able to turn them off, or otherwise disadvantage the US or it’s allies, no matter how many scary thoughts he has, or conversations with the enemy.

I think what you mean to say is that weapons and communications systems are so different the same rules shouldn’t apply.
You're the one advocating for starlink to be given the same rules as weapons producers, so not my point.
He didn't turn them off, they were already off in that area. I believe he was trying to avoid a retaliatory nuclear strike on Ukrane as taking out that fleet would have been countered, as that's what they've done constantly.
You're the one advocating for starlink to be given the same rules as weapons producers, so not my point.
He didn't turn them off, they were already off in that area. I believe he was trying to avoid a retaliatory nuclear strike on Ukrane as taking out that fleet would have been countered, as that's what they've done constantly.
Hell of a leap this.
He didn't turn them off, they were already off in that area. I believe he was trying to avoid a retaliatory nuclear strike on Ukrane as taking out that fleet would have been countered, as that's what they've done constantly.

What a weak excuse. Russia will never use nuclear weapons, because NATO would destroy their troops in Ukraine in return and that would be the end of their aggresion.
Sorry I didn't get that memo.
It wasn't explicitly said but strongly suggested that NATO would react in a massive way to any use of nukes. Of course it is another question if Russia truly believes this or will at some point try to call the bluff.

Probably roughly fitting this topic, NATO is just now performing their Northern Coasts 2023 exercise in the Baltic Sea. For the first time in ages this exercise doesn't focus on anti-piracy or anti-terror missions, but instead on fighting an equal enemy. Including hunting it's fleet, performing amphibious landings etc.
Sorry I didn't get that memo.

Stoltenberg said: “So, this is a risk we have to take seriously. And we do so by conveying clearly to Russia that there will be severe consequences for Russia if they use a nuclear weapon in Ukraine," he added.
Of course you can debate about how these severe consequences would look like, but I'm pretty confident NATO warned them through back channels that they would intervene, if Putin loses it completely. As if they would stand by, if Russia uses nukes in Europe. It was also around that time, when the nuclear rhetoric calmed down.
G20 stopping short of criticising Russia for provoking and starting this conflict.

G20 stopping short of criticising Russia for provoking and starting this conflict.


It's difficult to write a statement that China will accept. And India for that matter, since they became Russia's oil middleman. At least they agreed on the fact, that UN charter must be respected, which Russia doesn't. So better than nothing I guess, Hooray!
Ukraine saying there's over 400,000 Russian troops present in Ukraine now.

Russia has amassed over 420,000 troops in the temporarily occupied Ukrainian territories, including Crimea, Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU) reports.

That's apart from the Russian National Guard, other bodies, special units, and the Russian security forces that support the occupying power in our territories."
Ukraine offensive could have only 30 days left - US Army chief

Ukraine has little more than 30 days left of fighting before the weather hinders its counter-offensive, the top-ranking US military officer says.

Speaking to the BBC's Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg programme, Gen Mark Milley said colder conditions would make it much harder for Ukraine to manoeuvre.
There are some 42,000 Starlink terminals in Ukraine, officials have said, which provide military, government and civilian communications as Russia relentlessly attacks civilian infrastructure. The terminals are also playing an increasingly important role in Ukraine’s counteroffensive, giving soldiers portable communication options in rural areas along the southern front that are either too remote or where cellular towers have been damaged and destroyed.

This is a good clip. We knew most of the stuff in that clip, but it is good to hear from General Milley.

The clip included an estimated casualty for the Russians and UKR of 300,000 and 200,000, respectively. And the UKR has about a month for this counteroffensive before rain comes in, and who knows what will happen next?
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This would be the real G20 statement, if the international oganizations weren't such failures.

Sure, if you can win of the battleground you can dictate terms.

In the real world, after a long stalemate, you settle for what you have.

US will sue for peace, Putin will get what he wanted (Crimea + Donetsk + Luhansk, plus security guarantees that Ukraine will not join NATO), and Little Jakie, Vicky and Teeny Tony have lost yet another war after spending close to $100Bn.
Yeah, crazy Ukrainians who fought in the first place instead of just giving those areas to Russians and we'd have peace by now, right?
G20 stopping short of criticising Russia for provoking and starting this conflict.


Statements from countries don't mean shit. They will always just look out for their own strategic, economic and political interests. Thats the same everywhere.

It's why India is occupying Kashmir, it's why China is exterminating the Uiyghurs, it's how Israel is occupying Palestine and it's how America and it's allies bombed and or invaded/occupied Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Sudan, Pakistan with no consequence.

Those with power do what they want, those without it suffer the consequences. Nothing changes.