Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

It should be clear to anyone with a bit of brain cells, of course that UA loss can be high too.

It's why I find it weird that people think the UA won't seek to end the war by some diplomatic way that would be backed by major powers from both sides. It may be why the U.S is pushing them to focus and capture some southern territories to bring Putin to the table on the UA terms. Whether Putin will come by then is a different topic altogether but they have to try it.

All these let UA do their way is ridiculous because the U.S could stop supporting them altogether after the next election and then what? It is even questionable for the next year with the current political situation in the house.
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For those who frequent r/combatfootage, in the past days 2 new Bayrakter videos were uploaded.

Good to see them in the fight at least. Presumably, the media and whoever is going to make a massive fuss about it being the first one ever destroyed, and its loss in general without knowing anything about what it accomplished.

Good to see them in the fight at least. Presumably, the media and whoever is going to make a massive fuss about it being the first one ever destroyed, and its loss in general without knowing anything about what it accomplished.

The most important question is what happened to the crew. Did they survive this? If yes then it did well despite getting lost. And considering that so far no Leo 2 crew member died there is hope that the Challenger also protects its crew well enough against Russian weapons
The most important question is what happened to the crew. Did they survive this? If yes then it did well despite getting lost. And considering that so far no Leo 2 crew member died there is hope that the Challenger also protects its crew well enough against Russian weapons
Would think highly likely unless it's a direct artillery hit, the issue with the Russian tanks is the ammo has an autoloader from what I read so a good hit will cause the whole thing to explode, the turret to usually pop off and the crew have no chance. Challenger's have ammo that explodes outwards so might well be what we're seeing in the vid (Forbes article was where I read this)
Would think highly likely unless it's a direct artillery hit, the issue with the Russian tanks is the ammo has an autoloader from what I read so a good hit will cause the whole thing to explode, the turret to usually pop off and the crew have no chance. Challenger's have ammo that explodes outwards so might well be what we're seeing in the vid (Forbes article was where I read this)
True, but it has to be said that an autoloader as such is not the problem, but the fact that the currently used T-tanks store their ammo in the same area the crew populates. It is possible to build autoloaders that also utilize safe storage compartments and blowout panels.

Western designs like the French Leclerc or the projected German KF51 use such designs for an autoloader, which is much safer for the crew - and the Russian T-14 actually does that in a way as well, simply by using an unmanned turret.
It's Jewish Nazis time again, so nobody forgets Russia's rightous cause. Let's see when they start talking about hidden bio labs again. Seems like there is a lack of new ideas for the genocidal war.

Of course the Russian embassy was gonna jump on the Challenger tank loss.

Of course the Russian embassy was gonna jump on the Challenger tank loss.

Imagine making fun of western tanks saving their crews' lives, while at the same time Russian tanks completely wipe out the own crew because they sit on their ammo. That said, I think tank manufacturers need to come up with new ideas to protect tanks against the cheap suicide drones. All the tanks are vulnerable to them right now.
Imagine making fun of western tanks saving their crews' lives, while at the same time Russian tanks completely wipe out the own crew because they sit on their ammo. That said, I think tank manufacturers need to come up with new ideas to protect tanks against the cheap suicide drones. All the tanks are vulnerable to them right now.
Active Protection Systems are a thing and probably can deal with such stuff as well, but they are not widely used at the moment.

The most modern tank Ukraine got is probably the Leopard 2A6, it only has an APS since 2A7A1...
That said, I think tank manufacturers need to come up with new ideas to protect tanks against the cheap suicide drones. All the tanks are vulnerable to them right now.
I don't think any new ideas is needed to stop slow moving targets like that, either you use EW equipment to jam out the signals to the drone or an old fashioned AA gun should be able to handle it. The problem for both sides in Ukraine is that they don't have enough of these available.
Nice little thread about the IRIS-T SLM system:

Most important in the context of the war is the fact that the third unit is finished and will soon move to Ukraine, the more general news is that the training center has now officially opened and Diehl keeps increasing the production rate of this system.

Nice detail, the third one is the first one purposefully built for Ukraine and therefore got the green camo, the first two were originally intended for Egypt and therefore have desert camo. I guess it works just as well in urban areas, otherwise I am sure Ukraine would have repainted them by now.
And a new war crime, while NATO Erdogan calls Putin my dear friend.
Obviously nothing is going to happen over this but Romania's communication was odd.

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Relying on Russian-language media and open-source material sourced from Russian social media channels, the BBC counted 190 suspected Ukrainian attacks inside Russia and occupied Crimea in 2023.

The regular drone strikes have forced Moscow’s airports to cancel, delay and divert hundreds of incoming and outgoing flights, further damaging Russia’s aviation industry, which has already come under heavy pressure from Western sanctions.
For his part, the hacked Russian officer, Maj. Anton Valentinovich Perevozchikov, did not deny his role in recruiting the Cubans. He instead sent an expletive-laced reply to The Intercept denouncing NATO and declaring, “Russia will win.”