Russell Brand - Moving Right

Another interesting case study in how high profile figures getting into politics online will invariably end up at one extreme or another.

As Brand might put it, extremism's seductive appeal knows no bounds. One of the few things in our world that appears to affect individuals equally no matter who you are, what position or wealth you hold, etc.

@jderbyshire I think Brand is a good example to show the limits of the "right-left" modern dichotomy. His anti-governmentism I think has its roots in his frustration with drug laws, oppression of the impoverished, etc. It's for that same reason that he's not a fan of governments limited speech or mandating vaccines. The drug laws frustration is a "leftist" position, while the free speech argument is today a "right-wing" position.

Kind of like when the US right wing says "I don't want the government involved in my private life" until they hear about someone having an abortion or being gay. It's all contradictory.
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As Brand might put it, extremism's seductive appeal knows no bounds. One of the few things in our world that appears to affect individuals equally no matter who you are, what position or wealth you hold, etc.

@jderbyshire I think Brand is a good example to show the limits of the "right-left" modern dichotomy. His anti-governmentism I think has its roots in his frustration with drug laws, oppression of the impoverished, etc. It's for that same reason that he's not a fan of governments limited speech or mandating vaccines. The drug laws frustration is a "leftist" position, while the free speech argument is today a "right-wing" position.

Kind of like when the US right wing says "I don't want the government involved in my private life" until they hear about someone having an abortion or being gay. It's all contradictory.
its all a grift.
He obviously started being left wing but then delved into some legitimate criticism of liberal media and then some very shady, weird conspiracy nonsense and whataboutism which he kind of lost me with. What annoyed me is that he genuinely seems a decent bloke with his heart in the right place but he's pandering to right wing conspiracy theories more and more to 'prove' that he's not on one side or the other, but it seems very lopsided.

To use a football analogy, it's kind of like Gary Neville constantly slamming United and praising rivals to 'prove' how neutral he is and it comes off as kind of false.
He obviously started being left wing but then delved into some legitimate criticism of liberal media and then some very shady, weird conspiracy nonsense and whataboutism which he kind of lost me with. What annoyed me is that he genuinely seems a decent bloke with his heart in the right place but he's pandering to right wing conspiracy theories more and more to 'prove' that he's not on one side or the other, but it seems very lopsided.

To use a football analogy, it's kind of like Gary Neville constantly slamming United and praising rivals to 'prove' how neutral he is and it comes off as kind of false.
He’s been groomed by the YouTube algorithms. He’s a vlogger and desperate for views. As such he talks about topics which get lots of views which is without fail right wing nonsense. Once he started producing videos on those themes his views increased by magnitudes and therefore his income so became addicted to it such is his personality.
Not listened to his latest Joe Rogan appearance yet, but is he actually moving to the right?

I know he has a lot of ant-vax, anti-government restrictions stuff on his YT channel and seems to be trying to find common ground between the disenfranchised across the spectrum, but I don't think that makes him a right winger.

His anti-cancel culture, good and bad people on both sides schtick is generally the narrative of the right, who are not coincidentally toasting themselves over him brandsplaining MSNBC to John Heilmann.

This only reinforces my theory that elites of all political persuasions are incentivized to drift right because they think it allows them to retain power and influence against the pressures to capitulate to herd behavior narratives in the age of social media.
His anti-cancel culture, good people on both sides is generally the narrative of the right, who are not coincidentally toasting themselves over him brandsplaining MSNBC to John Heilmann.

This only reinforces my theory that elites of all political persuasions are incentivized to drift right because they think it allows them to retain power and influence against the pressures to capitulate to make herd behavior narratives in the age of social media.

It might seem like that from the left but this isn't true. It doesn't belong to the right unless you consider the likes of Biden etc to be on the right as well, who have mentioned the same thing.

Extreme right does not believe in "good people on both sides". Russel Brand is most definitely not someone on the right. He is someone who has his own independent views and takes on issues. I think he's a good dude and talks sense but he gets a little annoying with this train of thoughts that aren't cohesive sometimes. I like to listen to him but had to stop during the Rogan segment he was getting really really annoying
I listened to him on Rogan and only parts of it made sense to be honest. I’m not sure if I’m just not intelligent enough to understand it or if it was in fact gibberish.
It might seem like that from the left but this isn't true. It doesn't belong to the right unless you consider the likes of Biden etc to be on the right as well, who have mentioned the same thing.

Extreme right does not believe in "good people on both sides". Russel Brand is most definitely not someone on the right. He is someone who has his own independent views and takes on issues. I think he's a good dude and talks sense but he gets a little annoying with this train of thoughts that aren't cohesive sometimes. I like to listen to him but had to stop during the Rogan segment he was getting really really annoying

Biden is not a part of the left by any measure. And even if he said it once or twice, it would be a drop in the bucket compared to how often it’s mentioned on the right, who literally fundraise off of anti-cancel culture/woke/CRT narratives.
I listened to him on Rogan and only parts of it made sense to be honest. I’m not sure if I’m just not intelligent enough to understand it or if it was in fact gibberish.

He’s always been 75% gibberish and 25 substance. The only difference now is the 25 substance has been replaced by more gibberish, this time of the right friendly variety.
He’s always been 75% gibberish and 25 substance. The only difference now is the 25 substance has been replaced by more gibberish, this time of the right friendly variety.
Exactly this. He's an example of someone that uses a word with four syllables when a word with two will do. Pseudo-intellectual that manages to trick dummies into believing he is the new Buddha by wearing beads, having long hair and spouting cod philosophy. Can't stand the man
Exactly this. He's an example of someone that uses a word with four syllables when a word with two will do. Pseudo-intellectual that manages to trick dummies into believing he is the new Buddha by wearing beads, having long hair and spouting cod philosophy. Can't stand the man

Much better trump with his bigglies. I really appreciate when someone has a good command of the language. Words are there to be used and frankly, this 4 syllables works sure they have an undertone that explains better- what he wants to say in 2 syllable words

Agree, though, he seems full of himself when he talks. But I enjoy the way he speaks
He’s been groomed by the YouTube algorithms. He’s a vlogger and desperate for views. As such he talks about topics which get lots of views which is without fail right wing nonsense. Once he started producing videos on those themes his views increased by magnitudes and therefore his income so became addicted to it such is his personality.

Very good summary.
Biden is not a part of the left by any measure. And even if he said it once or twice, it would be a drop in the bucket compared to how often it’s mentioned on the right, who literally fundraise off of anti-cancel culture/woke/CRT narratives.

By any measure? Really?
He’s been groomed by the YouTube algorithms. He’s a vlogger and desperate for views. As such he talks about topics which get lots of views which is without fail right wing nonsense. Once he started producing videos on those themes his views increased by magnitudes and therefore his income so became addicted to it such is his personality.

I think some of his highest viewed videos are from earlier days when he was more on the left? Dunno I could be wrong but I think it's a case of people now disagree with him and he's suddenly just "chasing for views" when it could be he just has his own thoughts that aren't as agreeable.
You’ll have to expand on that one. Because it makes no sense at all on first reading.

I think it means that antivaxers are a right wing position and universal health care is a left wing position. They are both medical related. So if he supports both he is a centrist (sarcastically)
He's shifted right more and more but mainly since 2021. It's really sad, I even went to go see him live during the breaks between Lockdown and really liked his stand ups and general humour

Even when he started his podcasts he was fine and actually still more sane. Then he expanded and hired a team, I remembered those job adverts, and since then he has become a nutcase. His posts and thumbnails went from normal to absolutely batshit clickbait

I don't follow him on anything anymore as it got too much to see that shit. He has as far as I can see severed a lot of ties he had with the comedy people - he no longer appears on any shows or films and hardly gets a look in

I would argue he has gone more right to generate income as offers dried up but that's bollocks. He was lurching right and then offers dried up. He was selling out shows for fun even in 2020/2021. He was a big name, now he is a prick
He's shifted right more and more but mainly since 2021. It's really sad, I even went to go see him live during the breaks between Lockdown and really liked his stand ups and general humour

Even when he started his podcasts he was fine and actually still more sane. Then he expanded and hired a team, I remembered those job adverts, and since then he has become a nutcase. His posts and thumbnails went from normal to absolutely batshit clickbait

I don't follow him on anything anymore as it got too much to see that shit. He has as far as I can see severed a lot of ties he had with the comedy people - he no longer appears on any shows or films and hardly gets a look in

I would argue he has gone more right to generate income as offers dried up but that's bollocks. He was lurching right and then offers dried up. He was selling out shows for fun even in 2020/2021. He was a big name, now he is a prick
Yeah I really hated that and that turned me right off. Seeing almost every video capitalized as "YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS" and "THEY MUST THINK WE'RE STUPID!" in those clickbait headings is intensely irritating.
He’s been groomed by the YouTube algorithms. He’s a vlogger and desperate for views. As such he talks about topics which get lots of views which is without fail right wing nonsense. Once he started producing videos on those themes his views increased by magnitudes and therefore his income so became addicted to it such is his personality.
Literally none of this is true
You’ll have to expand on that one. Because it makes no sense at all on first reading.
I think it means that antivaxers are a right wing position and universal health care is a left wing position. They are both medical related. So if he supports both he is a centrist (sarcastically)
Oh it mostly a sarcastic joke. I do think the likes of Rogan, Brand and really a ton of even just normal people do seem themselves as in the ''centre''. But it's like a dumb guy centre, in that they believe the right wing have some good ideas and the left have some good ideas, so the answer is to just pick the best ideas but the end result is constant contradictions(e.g Brand anti vax stance and belief in government healthcare). It wouldn't surprise me if Brand thinks there's some political platform that everyone can agree to.
Has he shifted right though? He’s just become a kind of anti authoritarian radical libertarian. Standard internet edge lord behaviour.

When In doubt, just look at the army of right wingers now retweeting him, and his appearance on Tucker Carlson (the most popular right wing show on Fox).

I remember years ago when he went to the Fox building to troll them and and only left after security threatened to arrest him. Now he’s welcomed there with open arms.

I don’t think Brand himself is right wing in his political beliefs, he just finds it acceptable and convenient to cozy up to them so he can play his both sides card.
He's shifted right more and more but mainly since 2021. It's really sad, I even went to go see him live during the breaks between Lockdown and really liked his stand ups and general humour

Even when he started his podcasts he was fine and actually still more sane. Then he expanded and hired a team, I remembered those job adverts, and since then he has become a nutcase. His posts and thumbnails went from normal to absolutely batshit clickbait

I don't follow him on anything anymore as it got too much to see that shit. He has as far as I can see severed a lot of ties he had with the comedy people - he no longer appears on any shows or films and hardly gets a look in

I would argue he has gone more right to generate income as offers dried up but that's bollocks. He was lurching right and then offers dried up. He was selling out shows for fun even in 2020/2021. He was a big name, now he is a prick

By most accounts the reason he isn't on TV is he was the sexual predator Katherine Ryan and Sara Pascoe have talked about
When In doubt, just look at the army of right wingers now retweeting him, and his appearance on Tucker Carlson (the most popular right wing show on Fox).

I remember years ago when he went to the Fox building to troll them and and only left after security threatened to arrest him. Now he’s welcomed there with open arms.

I don’t think Brand himself is right wing in his political beliefs, he just finds it acceptable and convenient to cozy up to them so he can play his both sides card.
Maybe he went on Carlson's show because he knew he'd be allowed to lie if he wanted to with no comeback :D
When In doubt, just look at the army of right wingers now retweeting him, and his appearance on Tucker Carlson (the most popular right wing show on Fox).

I remember years ago when he went to the Fox building to troll them and and only left after security threatened to arrest him. Now he’s welcomed there with open arms.

I don’t think Brand himself is right wing in his political beliefs, he just finds it acceptable and convenient to cozy up to them so he can play his both sides card.

He’s a useful idiot for right wing grifters, I agree. I just don’t think his politics are very right wing. He’s quite fervently anti-capitalist and as @Sweet Square said, believes in universal health care.

Basically, he’s a professional contrarian.
Don't think his political views are why he has been pretty much cancelled now

Indeed. If some of his fellow comics didn't have legal action to worry about he'd likely be in trouble for a lot more than his political opinions.
He’s a useful idiot for right wing grifters, I agree. I just don’t think his politics are very right wing. He’s quite fervently anti-capitalist and as @Sweet Square said, believes in universal health care.

Basically, he’s a professional contrarian.
That’s it in a nutshell. He’s always tended to be seduced by overly esoteric arguments or viewpoints, like a first year philosophy student. Same with the spiritual stuff. He wants to believe there’s something more or deeper to everything, There has to be an unseen hand on every tiller.
That’s it in a nutshell. He’s always tended to be seduced by overly esoteric arguments or viewpoints, like a first year philosophy student. Same with the spiritual stuff. He wants to believe there’s something more or deeper to everything, There has to be an unseen hand on every tiller.
Listen to Russell Brand over here