Russell Brand - Moving Right

Russell Brand: ""There's no point in having a minute's silence on Friday - it's a minute of bull****."

I actually wasted six minutes of my life following up this story, more fool me. lol Viable solutions for where we presently find ourselves are thin on the ground, and his accusation about hotel staff are inaccurate (their bravery was recognised in the reporting). He also makes but a cursory acknowledgement of the victims themselves.

ETA: Brand ahs removed the video from his YouTube account, interesting.
Looks like its been removed.

Yes, i've just noticed that particular wrinkle.

To summarise further: he alludes to the sales of arms by British companies, and advances an isolationist policy as a solution to the ongoing conflicts across the region.
Ignoring Brand, this country has no idea how to combat isis, fundamentalism or the mole problem on Wimbledon common. Listening to Cameron's regurgitation of 'buzz words' with no definitive ideas or plan, makes me want to scream.

I have a 'special friend' who champions David Icke continually, a narrative, five years ago that seemed absurd, and is now in line with what is actually taking place....the exception being the lizard thing. This just demonstrates how absurd our response to what is happening has been.
Just like FOX News Brand's built himself a bubble, when nothing never leaves or get's into the bubble.

Also reading Youtube comments and using them as facts is fecking bizarre.
Anyone who posts in the american gun thread about the problem of gun ownership must surely agree with Brand.

Not sure what he has said that is wrong. We need to stop selling arms to human rights abusing countries - less guns less shootings surely?
As much as this will enrage the daily mail crowd he's not said much wrong there. It is a welcome but vapid gesture and criticising the government's response isn't the same as attacking the victims memory even if that's how the daily mail will cover it.

You could play political bingo with the government's reaction to this, as someone above has said they don't have a clue what to do but they know how to appear.

I'm increasingly worried by the division tactics being employed and it's creeping towards a situation where you can only criticise the government's foreign policy if you're a non-Muslim.
Russel Brand is a twat, but he's not 'the enemy'. He has no real influence, he's easy to avoid and ignore.
As much as this will enrage the daily mail crowd he's not said much wrong there. It is a welcome but vapid gesture and criticising the government's response isn't the same as attacking the victims memory even if that's how the daily mail will cover it.

You could play political bingo with the government's reaction to this, as someone above has said they don't have a clue what to do but they know how to appear.

I'm increasingly worried by the division tactics being employed and it's creeping towards a situation where you can only criticise the government's foreign policy if you're a non-Muslim.

Exactly my thoughts. It is a bit rich that Cameron and co. can support military intervention in the Middle East and then act surprised when there is retaliation. It's like constantly hitting a hornets' nest with a bat - and then being surprised when they attack you.

My thoughts are definitely with the innocent people that lost their lives. I just think these terrorist attacks are inevitable until the West (US & UK) re-assess their foreign policy and intervention in the Middle East.
As much as this will enrage the daily mail crowd he's not said much wrong there. It is a welcome but vapid gesture and criticising the government's response isn't the same as attacking the victims memory even if that's how the daily mail will cover it.

You could play political bingo with the government's reaction to this, as someone above has said they don't have a clue what to do but they know how to appear.

I'm increasingly worried by the division tactics being employed and it's creeping towards a situation where you can only criticise the government's foreign policy if you're a non-Muslim.

I do think that the government don’t have a clue how to combat this, and that their reaction is perhaps quite predictable, but what else can they really be expected to say, to be fair? Politicians generally would always have to toe the line on matters like this.

Saying we shouldn’t have a minutes silence or anything like that does feel a little bit like something that’s been said to stoke up controversy. I mean, if you feel that they’re fairly pointless gestures then that’s a fair opinion, but he should’ve probably known that saying it at this current time wasn’t going to go down well at all.
He's a muppet but I do often sympathise with his views. Only lasted a minute of this one before getting too irritated to watch any more. Drives me up the wall when people shit on about the "mainstream media" not covering x, y, z when even a casual glance would reveal they're all fecking over it. Even the Daily Mail is chock-a-block with stories about the heroism of the local Tunisians and hotel workers during the attack. I'm pretty sure every news outlet, bar none, covered that angle in full. How far up your arse does your head need to be to host a show called "Trews" while being so completely clueless about the actual news?

I also found his severe sunburn quite distracting. Him and David Cameron both. They obviously need to get proper jobs.
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He's a muppet but I do often sympathise with his views. Only lasted a minute of this one before getting too irritated to watch any more. Drives me up the wall when people shit on about the "mainstream media" not covering x, y, z when even a casual glance would reveal they're all fecking over it. Even the Daily Mail is chock-a-block with stories about the heroism of the local Tunisians and hotel workers during the attack. I'm pretty sure every news outlet, bar none, covered that angle in full. How far up your arse does your head need to be to host a show called "Trews" while being so completely clueless about the actual news?

I also found his severe sunburn quite distracting. Him and David Cameron both. They both obviously need to get proper jobs.
I was thinking while I watched it, the C4 News definitely had a big segment with one of the hotel staff.

I think he touches on a serious point about the culpability of the Western arms trade, without going into any depth on it. Obviously he didnt, he never does, and it would need a lot more than a 5 minute youtube clip to do it justice.
Being a YouTube hipster isn't exactly underground these days. Russell is actually a part of the mainstream whether he likes it or not.
He's wrong about the media not covering the bravery of the hotel staff, even I saw bits of that and I've not followed this story at all. Is that what's getting people so riled up? Cos the rest of it is obviously true (which everyone knew anyway).
I do think that the government don’t have a clue how to combat this, and that their reaction is perhaps quite predictable, but what else can they really be expected to say, to be fair? Politicians generally would always have to toe the line on matters like this.

Saying we shouldn’t have a minutes silence or anything like that does feel a little bit like something that’s been said to stoke up controversy. I mean, if you feel that they’re fairly pointless gestures then that’s a fair opinion, but he should’ve probably known that saying it at this current time wasn’t going to go down well at all.

It's definitely a purposefully controversial title but I imagine he knows that most will have forgotten all about this event in a weeks time as they sip on their skinny ginger bread lattes.

I find it too exhausting to care about most of the injustices these days. Nothing changes and the majority are placated by such political manoeuvring. Glad there's someone shouting back even if he is a bit of an idiot.
He's wrong about the media not covering the bravery of the hotel staff, even I saw bits of that and I've not followed this story at all. Is that what's getting people so riled up? Cos the rest of it is obviously true (which everyone knew anyway).

To read the daily mail comments he's worse than an Islamic hate preacher apparently :lol:

I gathered his point wasn't that the acts weren't covered but that the fact they were Muslim heroes wasn't highlighted on every point as it was with the Muslim attackers. A generally valid point against the media perhaps less so here.
To read the daily mail comments he's worse than an Islamic hate preacher apparently :lol:

I gathered his point wasn't that the acts weren't covered but that the fact they were Muslim heroes wasn't highlighted on every point as it was with the Muslim attackers. A generally valid point against the media perhaps less so here.

Oh yeah, that goes without saying. We're talking about same readership who upvoted a comment branding Syrian refugees and "cowardly scum" because they didn't "stay and fight for their country like our boys in WW2".
I think he touches on a serious point about the culpability of the Western arms trade

The 'culpability' of the Western arms trade is an argument of last resort for the 'blame the West for all that's wrong on the planet' left. As if, without Western weapons, antagonists around the world would be busy planting tulips and Morris dancing. Twenty years ago in Rwanda, the Hutus managed to kill almost a million people, 70% of their neighbours, the Tutsis, entire population, in 100 days, using little more than rocks, machetes and matches. American casualties in WW2 were 300,000; in Vietnam - 55,0000. Killing people the old-fashioned way is surprisingly effective.

I read an article the other day celebrating the success of the Russian AK-47, which has killed more people globally than any other firearm, and still has a 20% market share almost 70 years after its invention.
The 'culpability' of the Western arms trade is an argument of last resort for the 'blame the West for all that's wrong on the planet' left. As if, without Western weapons, antagonists around the world would be busy planting tulips and Morris dancing. Twenty years ago in Rwanda, the Hutus managed to kill almost a million people, 70% of their neighbours, the Tutsis, entire population, in 100 days, using little more than rocks, machetes and matches. American casualties in WW2 were 300,000; in Vietnam - 55,0000. Killing people the old-fashioned way is surprisingly effective.

I read an article the other day celebrating the success of the Russian AK-47, which has killed more people globally than any other firearm, and still has a 20% market share almost 70 years after its invention.
And I guess the right to bear arms in the US is in no way to blame for the high incidence of shootings in that country either.
The 'culpability' of the Western arms trade is an argument of last resort for the 'blame the West for all that's wrong on the planet' left. As if, without Western weapons, antagonists around the world would be busy planting tulips and Morris dancing. Twenty years ago in Rwanda, the Hutus managed to kill almost a million people, 70% of their neighbours, the Tutsis, entire population, in 100 days, using little more than rocks, machetes and matches. American casualties in WW2 were 300,000; in Vietnam - 55,0000. Killing people the old-fashioned way is surprisingly effective.

I read an article the other day celebrating the success of the Russian AK-47, which has killed more people globally than any other firearm, and still has a 20% market share almost 70 years after its invention.

Step 1) Stretch the argument to an extreme no one is making

Step 2) present an idealism no one has suggested to make 'apparent' argument seem ridiculous

Step 3) reel off unrelated facts as evidence against made up argument

Step 4) sit back smuggly and reel in satisfaction at showing the left what's what.
...which wouldn't have happened were it not for colonialism.

Or Adam and Eve.

You're right, of course. The West invented tribal and ethnic hostilities in Africa. Without our fell hand, they'd be as nice as pie to each other.

The accounts of the first Portugese explorers, telling of such practices as tribal chieftains celebrating their birthdays by chopping off the heads of household slaves and propping them on stakes around the compounds, were all just Western lies. Africa was a happy land, full of gentle people, before we came.
Without our fell hand, they'd be as nice as pie to each other.

Because that's clearly what I said... Oh, wait...

Obviously you're right. Western intervention in Libya, Syria and Iraq has been brilliant for the region, those bloody savages should be praying at the alter of George Bush!

See? I can make ridiculous strawmen too.
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Because that's clearly what I said... Oh, wait...

Obviously you're right. Western intervention in Libya, Syria and Iraq has been brilliant for the region, those bloody savages should be praying at the alter of George Bush!

See? I can make ridiculous strawmen too.

Of course you can.

The whole approach of people like yourself is a ridiculous strawman.

You come to every issue asking only one question, 'How is the West to blame for this?'

Reducing your opinions to parody is not reduction at all. Merely stating explicitly what is implicit in your entire attitude.
Is that what's getting people so riled up? Cos the rest of it is obviously true (which everyone knew anyway).

Really? Where is the truth in British isolationism as a solution to the strife afflicting the region in 2015?

Brand's little sermon was entirely absent of practical suggestions for how we should proceed, preferring to be smug in its self-righteous analysis of the past. He didn't even make the attempt, it was a lazy critique which only served to discredit his own reputation.
Of course you can.

The whole approach of people like yourself is a ridiculous strawman.

You come to every issue asking only one question, 'How is the West to blame for this?'

Reducing your opinions to parody is not reduction at all. Merely stating explicitly what is implicit in your entire attitude.

"The West is to blame for some things" is not the same as "the West is to blame for everything". No one outside of tumblr would disagree with you that people would still be killing each other in the third world regardless of the West, which seems to be what you think people are saying - or are pretending to think people are saying.
Really? Where is the truth in British isolationism as a solution to the strife afflicting the region in 2015?

Brand's little sermon was entirely absent of practical suggestions for how we should proceed, preferring to be smug in its self-righteous analysis of the past. He didn't even make the attempt, it was a lazy critique which only served to discredit his own reputation.

Eh fair enough I suppose - perhaps I shouldn't have said "everything". I don't pretend to have to solution for stopping Isis, but is it wildly off the mark to say that bombing the shit out of people hasn't worked so far and maybe we need to look at alternatives? Also we practice exactly that with other conflicts around the globe (Myanmar, South Sudan) do we not?
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First time I saw Brand on tv I thought god what a horrible cnut. But the more Ive seen him over the years the more impressed I was with him. Is he a bit of a twat at times yes but his interpretation of the political landscape and current events definitely grab my attention.
I think the DMT trews should come with some sort of warning that DMT is not for the faint hearted or those with "weak" minds. I did it one time and couldn't do enough to get a breakthrough but it was still powerful. Kind of like when you take too many mushrooms and think you've gone insane. Very pretty though!