Russell Brand - Moving Right

That’s it in a nutshell. He’s always tended to be seduced by overly esoteric arguments or viewpoints, like a first year philosophy student. Same with the spiritual stuff. He wants to believe there’s something more or deeper to everything, There has to be an unseen hand on every tiller.

Yeah, nicely put. Where spirituality and batshit conspiracy theories collide.

Also illustrated by the massive overlap between the Venn diagram of new age wellness gurus vs 5G-covid tinfoil hat nutters.
By most accounts the reason he isn't on TV is he was the sexual predator Katherine Ryan and Sara Pascoe have talked about

But that wasn't a secret in the industry it seems yet still (sadly) got gigs - I even went to the taping where him and Katherine Ryan were on it together and seemed OK with each other talking off camera and laughing (maybe politely)

I think from this change the last couple years he's vanished really. Even Jonathan Ross doesn't invite him on his show or doesn't do any of the usual stuff. Almost like he's been wiped out of history, you'd think Never Mind the Buzzcocks would be good for him but not been called

Also whilst I agree there is a high chance it was Russell Brand those 2 were talking about, another one I think was mentioned was David Walliams
I started watching a new video of his a while back, but had to turn it off. He was speaking as if everything he was saying was some deep truth that he just discovered, and we were blessed that he was sharing it with the world.
So like everything Russel Brand has said ever?

Yeah, he’s always had a pretentious arts student the Monday after taking their first acid trip vibe to him.

Although I’m sure I remember finding him very funny. Back when he was doing his early podcasts. His friend, Matt, was great at reining him in and taking the piss out of his pomposity. You wonder if he is the way he is because nobody has taken on that role since.
So like everything Russel Brand has said ever?
I never really seen him speak before then to be honest. I was aware of him but somehow I'd never seem him in anything.
But that wasn't a secret in the industry it seems yet still (sadly) got gigs - I even went to the taping where him and Katherine Ryan were on it together and seemed OK with each other talking off camera and laughing (maybe politely)

I think from this change the last couple years he's vanished really. Even Jonathan Ross doesn't invite him on his show or doesn't do any of the usual stuff. Almost like he's been wiped out of history, you'd think Never Mind the Buzzcocks would be good for him but not been called

Also whilst I agree there is a high chance it was Russell Brand those 2 were talking about, another one I think was mentioned was David Walliams

That would be the show she confronted him. I can't remember what it was called but he never came back for the third season.

It is open on twitter and other sites it was him and with his ego and need for attention he would be confronting it if it was not true.

The fact his former showbiz friends avoid him like the plague says it all
He is like Jordan Peterson, over rated and over articulate. Tries to brow beat you into his way of thinking with metric tons of verbiage but underneath it all its plain to see what his views are.
Thats exactly my impression of him. So often he talks over people and then goes on long overly verbose rants so that the original question or point is lost or forgotten.
But that wasn't a secret in the industry it seems yet still (sadly) got gigs - I even went to the taping where him and Katherine Ryan were on it together and seemed OK with each other talking off camera and laughing (maybe politely)

I think from this change the last couple years he's vanished really. Even Jonathan Ross doesn't invite him on his show or doesn't do any of the usual stuff. Almost like he's been wiped out of history, you'd think Never Mind the Buzzcocks would be good for him but not been called

Also whilst I agree there is a high chance it was Russell Brand those 2 were talking about, another one I think was mentioned was David Walliams

Nah, based on comments from other comedians it's pretty certain she was referring to Brand.
I started watching a new video of his a while back, but had to turn it off. He was speaking as if everything he was saying was some deep truth that he just discovered, and we were blessed that he was sharing it with the world.
I knew a guy in college just like that. Very successful with the ladies, which is why I suspect he was like that.
He’s a useful idiot for right wing grifters, I agree. I just don’t think his politics are very right wing. He’s quite fervently anti-capitalist and as @Sweet Square said, believes in universal health care.

Basically, he’s a professional contrarian.
Brand was all for Ed Miliband. Even did a interview with Ed about why people should vote Labour, but posted it the day after Labour lost the election :lol:
I broadly agree with his argument regarding Fox and MSNBC, both lack journalistic integrity due to bias.. I think it’s good that someone is making that point on mainstream tv in the US

it’s obvious his agenda has been moulded by the online algorithms, and he seems quite good at exploiting that

he’s sort of trying to keep the old-school working class leftism vibe but with a more right(Ish) libertarian approach to it.. it’s all a bit weird and confusing, but I do think he makes some good points as well at times
Not listened to his latest Joe Rogan appearance yet, but is he actually moving to the right?

I know he has a lot of ant-vax, anti-government restrictions stuff on his YT channel and seems to be trying to find common ground between the disenfranchised across the spectrum, but I don't think that makes him a right winger.
Heard some clips from the Joe rogan interview, it was mostly about the evil vaccine.
I broadly agree with his argument regarding Fox and MSNBC, both lack journalistic integrity due to bias.. I think it’s good that someone is making that point on mainstream tv in the US

it’s obvious his agenda has been moulded by the online algorithms, and he seems quite good at exploiting that

he’s sort of trying to keep the old-school working class leftism vibe but with a more right(Ish) libertarian approach to it.. it’s all a bit weird and confusing, but I do think he makes some good points as well at times

Thats horseshit. Its like comparing syphilis to cystitis
they’re both infections

I would agree if your point is Fox have worse reasons for lying. But they’re both lying.
His examples of MSNBC lying were poor. When Maddow talked about the efficacy of the vaccines it was against the original strain and it was correct. It wasn't until the strains mutated that this changed. And Ivermectin was only made popular because of a flawed trial where it worked in a test lab.... Even turpentine probably kills covid in a petri dish, doesn't mean anything until proven to work in humans.

MSNBC is corporate media so they will definitely only show news that corporate will tell them to show. Fox news has been shown to outright lie. Completely different.
Fox brazenly lie on a daily basis. What does MSNBC lie about and how often ?

I agree they lie more often

like the example Brand gave, they categorised Ivermectin as a primarily a horse-dewormer to make the right look more loony when it's a drug that's regularly prescribed to humans
I agree they lie more often

like the example Brand gave, they categorised Ivermectin as a primarily a horse-dewormer to make the right look more loony when it's a drug that's regularly prescribed to humans

Wasn’t the criticism of Ivermectin specifically related to its use as a COVID treatment (For which there was scarce, if any, evidence of)?
Wasn’t the criticism of Ivermectin specifically related to its use as a COVID treatment (For which there was scarce, if any, evidence of)?

Yeah. I'm referring to how it was reported as primarily a horse-dewormer to discredit people. Claiming that Fox were telling people to take a horse-dewormer which obviously wasn't the case.
They arent both lying stop with this conflation nonsense you are only doing that to say "see both sides are as bad as each other" which is complete bollocks

I literally say one side is worse than the other in the post you quoted
I think he's more cynical than Peterson. They're both awful grifters but at least Peterson seems to have (wrong) long held convictions and ideology. Brand seems to just be going for the right wing audience for the money, to me
I broadly agree with his argument regarding Fox and MSNBC, both lack journalistic integrity due to bias.. I think it’s good that someone is making that point on mainstream tv in the US

it’s obvious his agenda has been moulded by the online algorithms, and he seems quite good at exploiting that

he’s sort of trying to keep the old-school working class leftism vibe but with a more right(Ish) libertarian approach to it.. it’s all a bit weird and confusing, but I do think he makes some good points as well at times
Your first sentence is embarrassingly incorrect.
you know, you could explain why instead of insulting me
Insulted the post, not you.

Along with the others pointing out how incorrect you were with that statement, one only needs to look at the debacle Fox finds itself right now to realize what their overriding MO is & how it has been intentionally cultivated over the years.
Insulted the post, not you.

Along with the others pointing out how incorrect you were with that statement, one only needs to look at the debacle Fox finds itself right now to realize what their overriding MO is & how it has been intentionally cultivated over the years.

It's interesting that you assume I'm defending Fox just because I don't think MSNBC have journalistic integrity as well. I guess people just assume nowadays and aren't able to accept nuance as genuine.

I hate Fox. I also dislike MSNBC (and CNN) in particular for their bias towards Biden and bias against Sanders in the last election.
CNN is definitely biased. The two US networks stand out from British/Irish news channels in having such an obviously biased agenda (although they all have agendas) It’s bordering on pantomime. Fox is worse though. More extreme.
Current version of CNN has taken a slight lurch to the right.

CNN is / was never unabashedly left as MSNBC.
It's interesting that you assume I'm defending Fox just because I don't think MSNBC have journalistic integrity as well. I guess people just assume nowadays and aren't able to accept nuance as genuine.

I hate Fox. I also dislike MSNBC (and CNN) in particular for their bias towards Biden and bias against Sanders in the last election.
You literally wrote that Fox & MSNBC both lie & lack journalistic integrity without giving any context. Your initial statement did not differentiate or compare, it was just blanket. You didn’t offer any nuance until called out on it.

Last election? You mean 2016? You’re having a bit of a mare here.
You literally wrote that Fox & MSNBC both lie & lack journalistic integrity without giving any context. Your initial statement did not differentiate or compare, it was just blanket. You didn’t offer any nuance until called out on it.

Last election? You mean 2016? You’re having a bit of a mare here.

Yes I said they both lack journalistic integrity, because that is what I think. I said I broadly agree because I doubt I think it's as equal as Brand does. Apologies but I didn't think it needed pointing out that Fox is worse, but I should have made it clear.

I was talking about the last election.
Yes I said they both lack journalistic integrity, because that is what I think. I said I broadly agree because I doubt I think it's as equal as Brand does. Apologies but I didn't think it needed pointing out that Fox is worse, but I should have made it clear.

I was talking about the last election.
Bernie had no credible chance in 2020, bowing out pretty early to endorse Biden in early 2020 iirc. His lack of chance wasn't due to the media. There's far more of a beef to be had with how the DNC & the media undortunately torpedoed his campaign in 2016.
Bernie had no credible chance in 2020, bowing out pretty early to endorse Biden in early 2020 iirc. His lack of chance wasn't due to the media. There's far more of a beef to be had with how the DNC & the media undortunately torpedoed his campaign in 2016.

the mainstream media had a bias against Sanders the entire time, it didn't just happen in 2016 and then stop

I think he took them by surprise a little bit in 2016