Russell Brand - Moving Right

Have you been found out for being a sex pest, a rapist, a paedophile or a sex trafficker? Are you a known celebrity?

If this is you then join the neo-fascist cult and enjoy the adoration and unwavering support of the masses of morons that lack the ability to think critically. Take as much money from them as you can to support your lifestyle.
The link between malignant narcissism and far right politics is undeniable. Like others have said he just wants people to kiss his feet and throw money at him, he has zero goals beyond that.
Have you been found out for being a sex pest, a rapist, a paedophile or a sex trafficker? Are you a known celebrity?

If this is you then join the neo-fascist cult and enjoy the adoration and unwavering support of the masses of morons that lack the ability to think critically. Take as much money from them as you can to support your lifestyle.
Why do so many people seem to idolise these sexual abusers? It’s genuinely weird as feck
Why do so many people seem to idolise these sexual abusers? It’s genuinely weird as feck
The answer is as simple as it is disturbing. Many who do are abusers themselves or at least see no wrong in it.
While society is coming to a point where we understand how many victims of sexualised violence live among us, I feel many still fail to arrive at the logic conclusion, that there must be a somewhat similar number of perpetrators among us. And especially in spaces that offer anonymity, like the internet, they are free to advocate their horrible cause.
They don’t do so directly. But it is obvious that many discussions around these topics are highjacked by these people.
Why do so many people seem to idolise these sexual abusers? It’s genuinely weird as feck
For alleged rapists, the right believes that very few women are raped and women simply use accusations to go after men they don't like.

Every alleged rapist is therefore set up.
I don’t think it’s worth even attempting to predict where he actually sits on the political spectrum. I think in the most reductive terms, the political spectrum is generally a measurement of whether you believe that prosperity comes from everyone working together and sacrificing for the team (community) or everyone working as individuals (competition).

I think when you have narcissistic people like Brand or Trump, they don’t consider anything outside of their own ego which sounds right wing but it’s even more insular than that because it’s not about a particular ideology being for a great good (whether that be family, friends or country) it’s entirely about them. Therefore political alignment is nothing more than a facade.
The answer is as simple as it is disturbing. Many who do are abusers themselves or at least see no wrong in it.
While society is coming to a point where we understand how many victims of sexualised violence live among us, I feel many still fail to arrive at the logic conclusion, that there must be a somewhat similar number of perpetrators among us. And especially in spaces that offer anonymity, like the internet, they are free to advocate their horrible cause.
They don’t do so directly. But it is obvious that many discussions around these topics are highjacked by these people.
Possibly, though I think there’s a fanboyism about it as well - these guys are so cool, they can do what they want
It is not complicated. The guy has a litany of accusers, which he would have known would eventually come out during or after the me too movement.
So the only way he can remain in business is to move right and embrace the anti cancel culture rhetoric.
Why didn’t he get into legal trouble for all the sexual harassment accusations? So weird to see this bloke acting like some messiah of spirituality with people on twitter responding with “beautiful!”, “lovely prayer”. Nothing pulls the wool over people’s eyes like religion.
Why didn’t he get into legal trouble for all the sexual harassment accusations? So weird to see this bloke acting like some messiah of spirituality with people on twitter responding with “beautiful!”, “lovely prayer”. Nothing pulls the wool over people’s eyes like religion.

I would imagine there's a lot of behind the scenes legal wrangling going on about the allegations at the moment, which is why we haven't heard much lately. There will probably be a civil settlement involving him paying his accusers off in exchange for an NDA, similar to CR7.
He was strongly left wing a while back wasn’t he?
I'm not sure you can really categorise nutcases like Brand, or at least not in the way you would normally be able to do so because he wears his "politics" like a cloak for effect, depending on what persona works for him at any given moment.

I don't think there was much of a hint about anything political about him until about 15 years ago and then it was attending the odd protest march (G20) but mostly toying with Buddhism and drug legalisation, but a cynic might think it was more about selling his books than anything else. About a decade ago he switched to his anti-capitalism schtick, despite happily earning himself, and urging "revolution" which was mainly about taxing corporations more and urging young people not to vote.

In retrospect you begin to see him being attracted to conspiracy theory idiocy as early as 2014 (9/11) and for the next 5 years he wobbled around all sorts of stuff; don't vote, vote Green, vote Labour and protesting against rent rises and memorably getting the shits when asked about his expensive rental properties.

The pandemic seems to have triggered him drinking the alt-right Kool Aid, with all that implies. Turning Christian, loving conspiracy theories (conveniently including the theory that the accusations against him are conspiracies to silence him) and moving to love MAGA/Trump style political opinions. No idea if this is just to try to make himself relevant or the center of attention, to try to avoid responsibility for the sexual assault charges (which were allegedly an open secret in the industry) or simply the continued acts of a narcissist - or all of the above.

Even when he seems to be left or right the scattergun approach to his views make it highly unlikely that he is truly either.
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Why didn’t he get into legal trouble for all the sexual harassment accusations? So weird to see this bloke acting like some messiah of spirituality with people on twitter responding with “beautiful!”, “lovely prayer”. Nothing pulls the wool over people’s eyes like religion.

I think he's possibly still under investigation by the police. Weird it's taking so long though. He was interviewed after the documentary came out which was nearly a year ago.
Why does everyone so happily call the likes of Trump and Brand narcissists without calling them what they really are, which is psychopaths?

If you're both a narcissist and an unrepentant sex predator, for sure you're a psychopath.
Why does everyone so happily call the likes of Trump and Brand narcissists without calling them what they really are, which is psychopaths?

If you're both a narcissist and an unrepentant sex predator, for sure you're a psychopath.
I mean there’s so much you can call them. They’re a lot of things and most of them are bad
Interestingly, his awakening and subsequent monetisation from the dumbest people on the internet occurred right around the time he was exposed as being a sexual predator.

Weird timing but I’m sure there’s nothing sinister in it.

Think it was happening just before to be honest. During COVID he started the videos and they were actually OK, got reasonable people interviewed and very light hearted. But was still mainly him talking to act smart

Think maybe a year in (around 2022) he dabbled in the far right stuff. I remembered he hired a team and think from there it changed. Then the allegations came out but he was already on that end of the political spectrum so had a lot of support from them. It would have been harder to gain that support if he pivoted after the doco came out

I fully expect he made that pivot knowing it would come, but just don't think he knew when
I mean there’s so much you can call them. They’re a lot of things and most of them are bad

That might be so, but a narcissist is innocuous by comparison to their true natures.
Hearing 'deep state' used in a prayer was something new for me.
I've waited a while to do this, but - I told you so!

Anyone fancy a bet that who ever wins in November will last more than 1 term?

As for Brand, I suspected it was all a grift from the beginning, but feck me, even I didn't see this character arch.
This is one of the sweetest and most ripe I told you so's.
There was a compilation video on YouTube of Brand flirting with women during interviews and he was so touchy and going beyond what would be appropriate so you can only imagine what he was like when the cameras are off.
I really like him in Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Get Him to the Greek and on the big fat quiz of the year shows.. shame he turned out to be a huge cnut
The answer is as simple as it is disturbing. Many who do are abusers themselves or at least see no wrong in it.
While society is coming to a point where we understand how many victims of sexualised violence live among us, I feel many still fail to arrive at the logic conclusion, that there must be a somewhat similar number of perpetrators among us. And especially in spaces that offer anonymity, like the internet, they are free to advocate their horrible cause.
They don’t do so directly. But it is obvious that many discussions around these topics are highjacked by these people.

Nah, I don’t think that’s true at all. Even the most pessimistic possible view of all men would have the majority as never having sexually abused someone. The much more likely reason that abusers can hold onto their “fans” is because of the narrative on the right that woke/cancel culture has created an epidemic of men being falsely/unfairly accused of sexual abuse. So their guy is obviously just another victim of this culture.
There was a compilation video on YouTube of Brand flirting with women during interviews and he was so touchy and going beyond what would be appropriate so you can only imagine what he was like when the cameras are off.
I really like him in Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Get Him to the Greek and on the big fat quiz of the year shows.. shame he turned out to be a huge cnut

I barely ever knew abouttge guy when more than a decade ago made fun to a old man on getting with her grandaugther.

Barely early you could see he was a jerk
I barely ever knew abouttge guy when more than a decade ago made fun to a old man on getting with her grandaugther.

Barely early you could see he was a jerk

The earliest clues were him attacking photographers when he was still with Katy Perry.
The earliest clues were him attacking photographers when he was still with Kay-ee Perry.
I think attacking paparazzi isn't a bad thing. They are despicable leeches. His guru like persona was the only warning sign needed.
I think attacking paparazzi isn't a bad thing. They are despicable leeches. His guru like persona was the only warning sign needed.

There was always something a bit off about him, which was usually concealed by his comedic flair.
That might be so, but a narcissist is innocuous by comparison to their true natures.
Pretty much. Brand will jump on anything that will earn him a penny and have him adored by gullible masses, the more the better.

This right wing angle will be his biggest grift of the lot. He thinks and feels nothing for these people or their cause, just a throng of faceless marks to be rinsed and discarded. He’s more than a narcissist.
I don't think somebody like Brand is very complex. He's spent his whole life/career trying to get people to care about his existence; from his sex addiction stuff to comedy, through to acting, politics, youtube-ing and everything else in between.

He's not somebody who sits in the shadows caring only about the opinions of those close to him. He needs to be adored or hated, never ignored.

Right wing grifting seems to be his latest means to an end.
I don't think somebody like Brand is very complex. He's spent his whole life/career trying to get people to care about his existence; from his sex addiction stuff to comedy, through to acting, politics, youtube-ing and everything else in between.

He's not somebody who sits in the shadows caring only about the opinions of those close to him. He needs to be adored or hated, never ignored.

Right wing grifting seems to be his latest means to an end.

That and he's a malevolent sex predator...
I've waited a while to do this, but - I told you so!

Anyone fancy a bet that who ever wins in November will last more than 1 term?
I mean your whole premise of "people don't have the attention span for the same person for 2 terms anymore" is completely deconstructed by Trump himself, who despite losing handily by being a massive nutjob has managed to keep the attention of half the country while out of office and is in with a very real chance of getting a second term.

America might have a 1 term presidency issue if they keep electing men in their late 70's, but it's not because of peoples attention spans. It'll be because people with visible signs of dementia doing presidential stuff is a big turnoff to a lot of democratic leaning voters.

That and Trump isn't even eligible to run for another term if he wins again, of course.
Are all these cnuts like brand and Tommy Robinson getting paid by Russia or some far right groups?

Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense as a grift is just the money made from online platforms and stuff - gotta be more to it
Are all these cnuts like brand and Tommy Robinson getting paid by Russia or some far right groups?

Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense as a grift is just the money made from online platforms and stuff - gotta be more to it

Couldn’t the link to Russia be bot farms amplifying their content, which earns them more money?
Are all these cnuts like brand and Tommy Robinson getting paid by Russia or some far right groups?

Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense as a grift is just the money made from online platforms and stuff - gotta be more to it
Robinson is on Israel’s payroll.
Are all these cnuts like brand and Tommy Robinson getting paid by Russia or some far right groups?

Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense as a grift is just the money made from online platforms and stuff - gotta be more to it

Not all of them, but certainly some of them. For the rest, the grift usually involves trying to sell crap to their audience.