Film Ruin a movie with the smallest change possible

Marlon Brando has some coleslaw stuck to his face throughout The Godfather, everybody keeps hinting and gesturing to him to clean his face but they’re all too afraid to just say it to him.
Sharon Stone is wearing jeans in that scene from Basic Instinct
Iceberg! Phew that was close.
“As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a ballet dancer.”
"Rosebud...which used to be my sled when I was a kid, by the way, it's a metaphor for my lost innocence and childhood." *dies*
"As juror number 12, I probably should insist we at least talk about the accused man's life but I'm not one for conflict. So, yeah - Guilty. Now who likes tacos? I know a great place!"
What weve got here, is failure, to masturbate
E.T Bone Gnome
A census taker once tried to test me, he was lovely, we had a nice chat
Say hello to my little friend, oh, wait, its out of batteries
"Spartans Ready your breakfast and eat heartily. For tonight we dine at Applebee's!"
Marcus Aurelius decides not to invite Commodus to the Germanic border to tell him that Maximus will be his heir.
Don't Look Now murder dwarf: Enough with the red coat. Where's my black kagoul?
"There's a bomb on the bus. Once the bus goes 50 mph, the bomb is on. If it drops below 50, you'll be behind schedule. What do you do?"
"They may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!". "But they may take our lives though".
Hold your fire, there are no life forms.

Just kidding, blow it to bits.
Alternative titles:

The Dead Psychologist and the Kid
The Lady's Head is in the Box
The Stepford Robots
The Apes have taken over Earth
The Magical Twins who cut off their Fingers
Ed Norton and his imaginary Friend