Romelu Lukaku | Napoli watch

Are there really people doubting that Lukaku came with a reputation of having a really, really bad first touch? His touch was the talk of RedCafe when he signed:

I still remember certain posters on here who'd make posts after he managed to control a ball, talking about how his first touch obviously isn't bad due to that one, latest example of him managing to control it.

A click on a random page shows someone making the excuse that his touch doesn't have to be as silky as Berbatov's because Lukaku has a bigger operational range or something :lol: (possibly due to his non existent levels of strength or quickness). That was the kind of nonsense his critics had to put up with so I wouldn't be surprised if fewer people felt like arguing the point back then.
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Are there really people doubting that Lukaku came with a reputation of having a really, really bad first touch? His touch was the talk of RedCafe when he signed:

I still remember certain posters on here who'd make posts after he managed to control a ball, talking about how his first touch obviously isn't bad due to that one, latest example of him managing to control it.

A click on a random page shows someone making the excuse that his touch doesn't have to be as silky as Berbatov's because Lukaku has a bigger operational range or something :lol: (possibly due to his non existent levels of strength or quickness). That was the kind of nonsense his critics had to put up with so I wouldn't be surprised if fewer people felt like arguing the point back then.
Well i believe this all started from me questioning how noticeable and how big of a topic Lukakus touch was for years. It was argued that its been this big of a topic since his Everton days which I questioned that its couldn't be because when he was at Utd there was way more attention being drawn than when he was at Everton and thats pretty much it.
Well i believe this all started from me questioning how noticeable and hoe big of a topic Lukakus touch was for years. It was argued that its been this big of a topic since his Everton days which I questioned that its couldnt be because when he was at Utd there was way more attention being drawn than when he was at Everton and thats pretty much it.

Oh, that's fair enough. Obviously when you play for United, Madrid, Juventus or the likes your performances are going to be under the magnifying glass from the respective national papers, but before we signed him I remember there was a popular YouTube compilation of all his bad touches at Everton which our rival fans had latched onto and started using to take the piss once we were heavily linked to him. That couple of weeks before and after we signed him was when the talk of his bad first touch was at its loudest, then it went quiet because there's a big segment of our fan base who have trouble accepting that some of our players might have massive weaknesses to their games, but they couldn't deny the obvious forever and his lack of first touch became a meme once again.
Oh, that's fair enough. Obviously when you play for United, Madrid, Juventus or the likes your performances are going to be under the magnifying glass from the respective national papers, but before we signed him I remember there was a popular YouTube compilation of all his bad touches at Everton which our rival fans had latched onto and started using to take the piss once we were heavily linked to him. That couple of weeks before and after we signed him was when the talk of his bad first touch was at its loudest, then it went quiet because there's a big segment of our fan base who have trouble accepting that some of our players might have massive weaknesses to their games, but they couldn't deny the obvious forever and his lack of first touch became a meme once again.
I think i must have been the only person on this thread to try and scale things down bit. 6-7 people laughing and joking about a bad touch has a place on the playground its just a waste of time and energy that can be put into something positive or new to discuss. I think 5-6 posters all blindly jumped in all with the same argument, there all fairly quiet now. I hate what ive seen some fan do and say to some of our players we dont have any right to judge them or call them names. We're better than that you'd expect from Pool fans but not Manchester United we are a family that stick together through the pain and the glory.
I think i must have been the only person on this thread to try and scale things down bit. 6-7 people laughing and joking about a bad touch has a place on the playground its just a waste of time and energy that can be put into something positive or new to discuss. I think 5-6 posters all blindly jumped in all with the same argument, there all fairly quiet now. I hate what ive seen some fan do and say to some of our players we dont have any right to judge them or call them names. We're better than that you'd expect from Pool fans but not Manchester United we are a family that stick together through the pain and the glory.

I genuinely love that idea, but for me when there's a player stinking up the joint I want him shipped out and replaced with someone better. Especially when they're leaking confidential training information or something. The rest of the squad clearly froze him out towards the end because of that, to the point that he was too embarrassed to turn up to Carrington to train.
I genuinely love that idea, but for me when there's a player stinking up the joint I want him shipped out and replaced with someone better. Especially when they're leaking confidential training information or something. The rest of the squad clearly froze him out towards the end because of that, to the point that he was too embarrassed to turn up to Carrington to train.
It's growing problem even on this forum where almost every thread will eventually end in arguments and threads on players will only discuss the negatives and never any positives. Problems that players have or issues should be looked at from both sides and backed up by facts. So I posted that Lukaku video not because im a big fan or anything like that but having had to watch a video making his over and over in the background is just petty and needs to realized by everyone.
I'm amazed we practically got our money back for Lukaku. Conte excused him in the post-match interview saying he had a lower back issue, but it's clear he had a poor game and will struggle to live up to his price tag.

Inter's savior once again was Stefano Sensi. What a player he's turning out to be.
I'm not joking, has he actually lost some weight? Because he still looks huge.
Another 4d chess move

No idea why he didn't just shoot

It's funny because if you watch what he's doing in the run-up to that moment - he's calling for the ball to be played through. Ie he actually knows he's clear through the defence line. As in .. he knows there is no one on his shoulder behind him.

His first touch there could have been a goal, could have been a right foot feeding his left foot or he could have helped the opposition defend :wenger:

PS: how piss poor is the defending in that league? Wow. That last defender 'marking' him is completely off and then when he chooses to now engage Lukaku he chooses the most bizarre 270 clockwise turn vs a 90 left turn. Lukaku had all the time in the world because of that pathetic defending on top of it all

Pretty disgusting/shocking last sentence..:eek:

This is so weird.

Over the top with his praise for Lukaku for starters and then he tops it off with a casual bit of racism for dessert.
Classic Lukaku stuff, fecked up a good opportunity, proceeded to hide between two defenders, cutting off any chance for a similar pass to be made and then pointed to an imaginary one to put the blame of the move breaking down on someone else.
In general Serie A defending is better than EPL, especially defending as a unit. We'll see how Lukaku does overall in his first season.
That's not racism, that's just the way Italians like to make examples in case of rivals. It doesn't came from a racist meaning but a more "fun" sort of way.

That's how some people explain it!!!
That's not racism, that's just the way Italians like to make examples in case of rivals. It doesn't came from a racist meaning but a more "fun" sort of way.

That's how some people explain it!!!
How many times do they make comments invoking bananas and white players?
I understand frustration with a player that should be doing better with his talent or anger at a players off field antics that affect his preparation for a big game but its disappointing to see resentment and ridicule towards a player that tried his best for the club and in his first season with us brilliant for us and showed passion and leadership on the field that people quickly forget.

I am still confused by his condition when returned for his second season? Was it his idea to bulk up or was it Mourinhos attempt to turn Lukaku into a pure target man. With this extra weight he lost the pace on the turn that was probably his most dangerous asset in getting in front of defenders they were never going to out muscle him.

I have to think Mourinho requested him to bulk up as surely he would have said so otherwise. It's a shame as a slim Lukaku that ran at the defence would probably still be our first choice ST today. If he is responsible for his weight gain then he has only himself to blame for his departure. Regardless he gave his best for the club and never cause any trouble during his exit.

You don't have to insult or disrespect others to prove a point. If you do, that just shows how shaky you point must be.
Funnily enough you had to invent a theory that Mourinho asked Lukaku to bulk up just to prove your point.
And consider he lost considerable weights (12 pounds in just 10 days) for Inter and spent the whole last season not losing any pound while playing for us, you can hardly claim he gave his best for us.
He made a great choice of joining Inter. Less pressure, less attention. Not many will ridicule him for such performances.