I know what bauscia and cacciavite means, and I know the historical distinctions have blurred - but Inter's ultras are some of the worst in Italy. They have a reputation for violence, instigating assaults on rival fans, racism etc. Granted they're not Lazio ultras with Celtic crosses, monkey chants and fascist salutes, but they're closely associated.
Gemellagio storico - here's Lazio fans paying tribute to their Inter counterparts
Also last December they assaulted Napoli fans which resulted in one of their own getting killed.
Anyways, don't want to single out Inter per se - ultras are essentially thugs that make money from touting tickets, merchandise, selling drugs and close association with mafia, camorra, 'ndraghetta etc and they're a problem across Italy, be it Lazio, Roma, Napoli, Inter, Juve, Milan, Atalanta, Verona, Cagliari etc. It's insane with how much impunity they still operate. They're
not hooligans in the British vein of yesteryear who were mainly chaotic, drunks. Italian ultras are super organized, calculating, hierarchical, almost paramilitary in nature, who give themselves insurgent names like Commando and they thrive on this power structure. They're essentially petty or major league criminals and their relationship with the clubs is typically of a secretive compromise. In return for a safe and supportive stadium, the clubs help the ultras make millions of euros a season from touting. It's rare for a club to stand up to their bullshit.