Romelu Lukaku | Napoli watch

Why do people assume he thought he would be fine.

You realise he has suffered racism most of his career including whilst at United. His brother also plays in Italy, racism isn’t a deterrent enough to stop him advancing his career and it shouldn't be either.

More players need to go there and speak out
That would be good to highlight the major issue yeah, but I don't blame black players not wanting to go there anymore after they've seen what others have been through. I'm fully on Lukaku's side on this and think it's great that he speaks out, but I also think he shouldn't be surprised about the abuse (not sure he is, of course).
That would be good to highlight the major issue yeah, but I don't blame black players not wanting to go there anymore after they've seen what others have been through. I'm fully on Lukaku's side on this and think it's great that he speaks out, but I also think he shouldn't be surprised about the abuse (not sure he is, of course).

Yeah I don't think he is surprised at all and I also don’t knock any player who doesn't go there.
Ultras are vile, anywhere, and this letter just demonstrates the stupidity and depths they'll go to in order to defend such abhorrent and hateful behaviour. I wish I could say it was backwards and prehistoric but unfortunately I think it's symptomatic of a growing public racial hatred that is becoming more and more normalised throughout Europe.

Clubs need to start banning these "fans" from ever setting foot in their stadiums again. These are simply sets of people who use clubs as a base to justify their tribalism and hate under the cover of "support".

You might argue that football provides a necessary outlet, and that it'd be worse if they didn't have a place to direct this behaviour. But right now it feels like football is providing a base for these views and behaviours to grow. Clubs need to act, or they're complicit in this hatred.

He was a dud for the most part here, but hoping all this is sorted for Rom and that nothing like this happens again, although I'm certain it will.
The most prominent ultras group in the North is called Boys SAN. Look up what SAN stands for...

Thankfully, the ultras ARE the minority. Unfortunately, they're a very loud minority, and also, just, they exist...
Tried, not that easy so maybe you can just tell us.
Squadre D'Azione Nerazzurre, a play on Squadra d'Azione Mussolini, a fascist terrorist organization during the years of lead.

Milan had their counterparts in the Brigate Rossonere, a play on Brigate Rosse, a communist terrorist organization

Though nowadays, the brigate have lost the original political far-left identity, like most far-left ultras groups in Italy
This kind of nonsense was what made Luis ‘but I can’t possibly be racist’ Suarez think it was fair game to try and get a red card reaction out of Evra by racially abusing him.
That statement is as offensive as booing a black person, Ultras are a 1% of the Whole World of any fanbase, especially when we talk about a big fanbase that is Worldwide like Interisti.

Oh yeah it is. Both attitudes have the same thing in common: ignorance. So spreading hate, dissings, disrespect, badness to any kind of person is wrong. Period.

Two of the stupidest posts in the history of redcafe one after another.
Regarding the particular 'culture' argument that those Ultras outline: it's fatally flawed - analogically, whether someone stabs you because of anger or fear or in self-defence, the effect is still the same. The motive won't make a difference to the victim.
The fans who wrote that statement and who agree with it are 100% racists. No 2 ways about it
They are and they know they are. They're defending their shield for being racist without suffering the consequences such as long stadium bans
They are and they know they are. They're defending their shield for being racist without suffering the consequences such as long stadium bans
It is a shame Italian authorities and football authorities are pussies when it comes to that, this is the moment to be firm
It is a shame Italian authorities and football authorities are pussies when it comes to that, this is the moment to be firm
Agreed. They won't though. Can't punish 10k for the actions of a 1k... :rolleyes:
They are and they know they are. They're defending their shield for being racist without suffering the consequences such as long stadium bans
Yeah, completely. They're basically getting their excuses in for the next time they start booing or monkey-chanting a black player. Unbelievable.
Agreed. They won't though. Can't punish 10k for the actions of a 1k... :rolleyes:

Is it really so hard for a football club to pinpoint exact bad elements using cameras and security personnel? If it's just 1K like you say, even punishing a 100 of them would go a long way.

Inter fans especially ultras are well known for being dickheads. In Milano, you're referred to as bauscia because you're insufferable snobs and braggarts. The ultras are another matter where the Irridicubili, Azione Skinhead, Boys San of Inter (Squadre d'Azione Nerazzure refers to the Action Teams of Benito Mussolini) are fascist hooligans that dress up as Inter fans whilst the club does nothing to disassociate themselves from.
Is it really so hard for a football club to pinpoint exact bad elements using cameras and security personnel? If it's just 1K like you say, even punishing a 100 of them would go a long way.
Evidently it is in Italy. I'm not even sure stadiums like cagliari's even have enough cameras for that

Inter fans especially ultras are well known for being dickheads. In Milano, you're referred to as bauscia because you're insufferable snobs and braggarts. The ultras are another matter where the Irridicubili, Azione Skinhead, Boys San of Inter (Squadre d'Azione Nerazzure refers to the Action Teams of Benito Mussolini) are fascist hooligans that dress up as Inter fans whilst the club does nothing to disassociate themselves from.
The club never associated with the Ultras in the first place, thankfully, one of the few clubs to never build a close relationship with them

Also bauscia means rich, snob. It's a nickname given to the upper middle classes of milan, and inter historically were the team of the rich classes, while milan was the team of the working class(casciavit. Means screwdriver). Nowadays the distinction has been lost(both clubs draw fans from all classes and walks of life) though the nickname remained
I found the, “Hi Romelu,” opening particularly nauseating.
The familiarity they display at someone whose dignity they just tried to strip away shows how bad they really are. It’s that they feel that he would be compliant and accepting of such a ‘valid excuse.’ Why? One night ask. It’s obvious to me and some may disagree but they do believe that black people are inferior and that insult goes to the core of that belief

Inter fans especially ultras are well known for being dickheads. In Milano, you're referred to as bauscia because you're insufferable snobs and braggarts. The ultras are another matter where the Irridicubili, Azione Skinhead, Boys San of Inter (Squadre d'Azione Nerazzure refers to the Action Teams of Benito Mussolini) are fascist hooligans that dress up as Inter fans whilst the club does nothing to disassociate themselves from.
Not all the 8.000/9.000 people from the stand of Curva Nord are fascists, not everyone are into politics. Any fanbase got their dickheads.
You're words are based on clichès and not true at all (especially in the modern era) and to judge you need to live the reality and you don't know.
This is absolutely fecking disgraceful. Why would any black footballer want to play in Italy?
Not all the 8.000/9.000 people from the stand of Curva Nord are fascists, not everyone are into politics. Any fanbase got their dickheads.
You're words are based on clichès and not true at all (especially in the modern era) and to judge you need to live the reality and you don't know.
You started out well but then seem to excuse the racism.

Reality or not, Italy has had a long standing problem with people of colour
Some far right douche in Belgium just wrote a similar piece (similar to what the Curva Nord wrote, maybe even worse) about Lukaku's reaction on racism. With the same talking points: how it's not really racism and that he needs to get over himself (because he makes a lot of money).

Lukaku is getting the full support of pretty much everybody else though in the country, so that's good to see.
This is absolutely fecking disgraceful. Why would any black footballer want to play in Italy?
As Darko Pancev famously said while at Inter "you whistle, i buy ferrari. You whistle again, i buy another ferrari"

At the end of the day it's a job, italian clubs are among the richest and highest paying in the world, and even with the very real racism problem, living in Italy when you're as rich and famous as a footballer is quite nice.

Racism is a problem across all of europe unfortunately. It might be more prevalent in Italy than in other countries, but in many cases it's not something Lukaku or other black players in Europe never experienced before. It is unfortunately something they have had to learn to live with to do their job.
The club never associated with the Ultras in the first place, thankfully, one of the few clubs to never build a close relationship with them

Also bauscia means rich, snob. It's a nickname given to the upper middle classes of milan, and inter historically were the team of the rich classes, while milan was the team of the working class(casciavit. Means screwdriver). Nowadays the distinction has been lost(both clubs draw fans from all classes and walks of life) though the nickname remained

I know what bauscia and cacciavite means, and I know the historical distinctions have blurred - but Inter's ultras are some of the worst in Italy. They have a reputation for violence, instigating assaults on rival fans, racism etc. Granted they're not Lazio ultras with Celtic crosses, monkey chants and fascist salutes, but they're closely associated.

Gemellagio storico - here's Lazio fans paying tribute to their Inter counterparts


Also last December they assaulted Napoli fans which resulted in one of their own getting killed.

Anyways, don't want to single out Inter per se - ultras are essentially thugs that make money from touting tickets, merchandise, selling drugs and close association with mafia, camorra, 'ndraghetta etc and they're a problem across Italy, be it Lazio, Roma, Napoli, Inter, Juve, Milan, Atalanta, Verona, Cagliari etc. It's insane with how much impunity they still operate. They're not hooligans in the British vein of yesteryear who were mainly chaotic, drunks. Italian ultras are super organized, calculating, hierarchical, almost paramilitary in nature, who give themselves insurgent names like Commando and they thrive on this power structure. They're essentially petty or major league criminals and their relationship with the clubs is typically of a secretive compromise. In return for a safe and supportive stadium, the clubs help the ultras make millions of euros a season from touting. It's rare for a club to stand up to their bullshit.
Inter fans are well known for being dickheads, so maybe Romelu should have done a bit more due diligence and less "not for everyone" posturing once he signed up for that team. He's going to get far worse from them then he ever got from us once he starts underperforming, mark my words. He can shove that "Inter is not for everyone" up his ass once they his own Ultras pelt him with coins and bottles from the second ring of the Meazza.
We are a club in a nation where the PM has openly described black people as "Picanninies" ,is islamophobic and has also used the term "final solution". While the latter term may be historically associated with actions against the Jewish people, history shows that the only other group targeted anywhere near as much as Jews are black people. Thats without mentioning how there are a lot of black Muslims and Jews. Then you have the institutional racism coming from people like Gary Neville. We ain't better than the Italians when it comes to this issue
We are a club in a nation where the PM has openly described black people as "Picanninies" ,is islamophobic and has also used the term "final solution". While the latter term may be historically associated with actions against the Jewish people, history shows that the only other group targeted anywhere near as much as Jews are black people. Thats without mentioning how there are a lot of black Muslims and Jews. Then you have the institutional racism coming from people like Gary Neville. We ain't better than the Italians when it comes to this issue

As a black person who has lived in Italy and England, you couldn't be further from tge truth. Racism is worse, and significantly so in Italy. Take it from someone who knows.
I know what bauscia and cacciavite means, and I know the historical distinctions have blurred - but Inter's ultras are some of the worst in Italy. They have a reputation for violence, instigating assaults on rival fans, racism etc. Granted they're not Lazio ultras with Celtic crosses, monkey chants and fascist salutes, but they're closely associated.

Gemellagio storico - here's Lazio fans paying tribute to their Inter counterparts


Also last December they assaulted Napoli fans which resulted in one of their own getting killed.

Anyways, don't want to single out Inter per se - ultras are essentially thugs that make money from touting tickets, merchandise, selling drugs and close association with mafia, camorra, 'ndraghetta etc and they're a problem across Italy, be it Lazio, Roma, Napoli, Inter, Juve, Milan, Atalanta, Verona, Cagliari etc. It's insane with how much impunity they still operate. They're not hooligans in the British vein of yesteryear who were mainly chaotic, drunks. Italian ultras are super organized, calculating, hierarchical, almost paramilitary in nature, who give themselves insurgent names like Commando and they thrive on this power structure. They're essentially petty or major league criminals and their relationship with the clubs is typically of a secretive compromise. In return for a safe and supportive stadium, the clubs help the ultras make millions of euros a season from touting. It's rare for a club to stand up to their bullshit.

Yeah, I’ve read a lot about this sort of thing. Obviously I’ve no first hand experience but essentially, the ultras control the clubs, in particular Napoli and Inter?
Gennaro Di Tomasso (a Napoli ultra with ties to the mafia) supposedly halted a Coppa Italia final until club and stadium officials came and spoke to him. Then there was the Totti incident in the Rome derby all those years ago.
It’s actually quite insane but it makes a lot of sense as to why the behaviour doesn’t get stamped out by the clubs and authorities as it would in England. Seems as if as a club you can’t cross the ultras.

They supposedly don’t even actually give a shit about how the club performs and it’s all cock measuring shit.
Also read something about how you aren’t allowed to start a new chant unless the ultra leader approves. Don’t know how true those are but yeah insane .
We are a club in a nation where the PM has openly described black people as "Picanninies" ,is islamophobic and has also used the term "final solution". While the latter term may be historically associated with actions against the Jewish people, history shows that the only other group targeted anywhere near as much as Jews are black people. Thats without mentioning how there are a lot of black Muslims and Jews. Then you have the institutional racism coming from people like Gary Neville. We ain't better than the Italians when it comes to this issue

Wait what, Gary Neville is an institutional racist because he doesn’t like Paul Pogba? :lol:
And we are definitely better than the Italians when it comes to attempting to eradicate racism and embracing other cultures. Pure madness to suggest otherwise.
Racist abuse towards Lukaku is karma? :wenger:
Nope but the way the ultras expect him to just deal with it, and not making it a big problem is kinda funny.

And stupid. But what do you expect? some football fans just take everything on the football pitch to a whole new level. At least the rest of the fans are behind him.

It does remind me of something though and I'm sure He'll deal with it alright.