Romelu Lukaku | Napoli watch

He's just 6'4. He has no business being that heavy. I am 6'2 in average shape and only weigh 75 kg.

You must be like a bean pole. He weighs about the same as Maguire. Lukaku is packed with muscle, something which you're obviously not, so you've no business commenting on his weight :p

Jesus, 104kg. He needs to lose about 15kg. That will take a serious amount of time.

Doing excessive fat-burning cardio while limiting your calories (to speed up the loss) leaves you perma-tired and unable to perform in high intensity games which would rule him out of the team for at least 2-3 months. If he’s to lose the weight gradually and organically while maintaining decent energy levels, it could take him up to 6 months to get in the right weight.

Can’t believe we managed to sell him for that high a price while he’s in that state. I don’t know if to praise our negotiating team or laugh at Inter’s.... or both.
Isn't Maguire 100kg as well? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we got rid of Lukaku and got an excellent sum for him too, but you can't just say that "100kg is too much for a footballer".
Anyone remember playing the original 2D Gran Theft Auto?

Remember the lorries being one of the quickest vehicles in the game when you get them on a long straight and they start building momentum?

Sorry, a little off topic but it just popped into my head for some reason.

Isn't Maguire 100kg as well? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we got rid of Lukaku and got an excellent sum for him too, but you can't just say that "100kg is too much for a footballer".

As well as who? Lukaku is over 100KG which is the problem.

Maguire is also taller than Lukaku and has a head the size of a small moon.
What a turnaround in opinion on this chap. Does not seem like 5 minutes ago that you were all singing songs about his penis.
He’s been getting abuse for the majority of the past 12 months. Actually it started off exactly 12 months ago when he missed that chance v Spurs.
It’s been fairly regular on matchday as well.
Isn't Maguire 100kg as well? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we got rid of Lukaku and got an excellent sum for him too, but you can't just say that "100kg is too much for a footballer".

Maguire is couple of inches taller (194cm vs 190cm) and a CB. Yet still lighter. He also wouldn’t make a very good striker at that weight. It goes without saying that strikers cover more ground and need more athleticism, agility and stamina than CBs.
Admitted in December that he was overweight. Almost 9 months later and he still hasn't gotten into shape and he's a pro athlete. What an idiot
As well as who? Lukaku is over 100KG which is the problem.

Maguire is also taller than Lukaku and has a head the size of a small moon.
You're right, for some reason I always thought Lukaku was taller than he really is. 6'3'', over an inch shorter than Maguire.
Isn't Maguire 100kg as well? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we got rid of Lukaku and got an excellent sum for him too, but you can't just say that "100kg is too much for a footballer".
Maguire is a totally different kind of player, he can actually play technical football and doesn't always rely on his pace. Lukaku was clearly a much better forward when at Everton with a lot slimmer build.
I'm just amazed we had so many people on here arguing he wasn't too big and his size wasn't an issue.

I mean just look at him in the last 12 to 18 months compared to his first couple of seasons at Everton.

He couldn't make a sprint last season without needing 20 minutes afterwards to recover, Inter showed highlights of him playing at walking pace against a team of amateurs the other day and he was drenched in sweat by the end of the video and looked exhausted.

It's embarrassing for a guy who's supposed to be a top striker and athlete to be so out of shape.
I’d be very surprised if this was true.

Then again for inter he won’t be doing anywhere near the same sort of pressing. The tempo is slower in Italy also so he will find the work easier.

He will start and score plenty in Italy I feel.
Lorries were best for running over those guys who walked about in a straight line. Cant remember now if they were gang members or a cult. You could get the lot in one go with a well aimed lorry.
Hare krishna - they were dressed in orange color? And when you killed all of them a msg would pop up saying GOURANGA?
Maguire is a totally different kind of player, he can actually play technical football and doesn't always rely on his pace. Lukaku was clearly a much better forward when at Everton with a lot slimmer build.

Slimmer as in less muscle mass. He's getting called fat in this thread, which is just wrong. He's built like a boxer currently (not Andy Ruiz). He does need to bulk down a fair bit, which is easier said that done if you're training everyday. I'm sure now he's where he wants to be, rather than being dragged round on a preseason tour by a club that no longer wants him, he'll get into shape. Not getting that hate for him, yes he was a limited player, who was asked to play a style that didn't suit him, but he's moved on the Glazers got their fee for him, about time some of the fans did also.
This sort of story leaves his reputation in ‘taters.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna,
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,
Hare Rama Hare Rama,
Rama Rama Hare Hare

Gouranga means fair skinned, though here it actually means Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who was a fair skinned monk and considered a living avatar of Krishna from the 16th century

Strange thread to talk about all this!

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna,
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,
Hare Rama Hare Rama,
Rama Rama Hare Hare

Gouranga means fair skinned, though here it actually means Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who was a fair skinned monk and considered a living avatar of Krishna from the 16th century

Strange thread to talk about all this!
Again offtopic

@ 2:43 :D
Waiting for Lukaku to post the weights of all his teammates on twitter..
Jesus, 104kg. He needs to lose about 15kg. That will take a serious amount of time.

Doing excessive fat-burning cardio while limiting your calories (to speed up the loss) leaves you perma-tired and unable to perform in high intensity games which would rule him out of the team for at least 2-3 months. If he’s to lose the weight gradually and organically while maintaining decent energy levels, it could take him up to 6 months to get in the right weight.

Can’t believe we managed to sell him for that high a price while he’s in that state. I don’t know if to praise our negotiating team or laugh at Inter’s.... or both.

Maybe Inter only saw him on video/skype. They assumed that the camera adds 10%-15% extra to your weight.
He's just 6'4. He has no business being that heavy. I am 6'2 in average shape and only weigh 75 kg.

That's so wrong. You think someone's fitter than say - Mike Tyson - simply because they're three inches taller and weigh thirty kilos less than he did during his prime? It's not height versus weight alone - composition is way more important and you can muster both high endurance and great agility too despite being bulky.

That being said - Lukaku was unfit. Good build in terms of muscles but seeing him sprint for forty meters all through last season then spend the next five minutes gasping for air was embarrassing to watch. To me he personified everything wrong with our side and I was very happy during our preseason games and our encounter against Chelsea - realizing that the fitness issue seems properly addressed.

During the Chelsea game our players seemed as if they'd just finished warming up as the opposition were losing focus and looking spent. That alone will win us a lot of points this season - just like the opposite cost us a lot throughout our previous campaign (especially the last couple of months). I'm glad we cashed in as much as we did on Lukaku - to write him off as some fat, lazy slob is completely unwarranted - but he's definitely more of a beefcake than an athlete at present and I have no clue why a footballer would prioritize like that.
Decision to bulk up surely wasnt his, doubt he is the one who came up with it. Advice had to come from some coach or something like that.
Whoever was initially responsible, Jose and/or United did absolutely nothing to sort it out. On his return last season he should have been spirited away to a health farm, under cover of a fictitious injury, and kept there until he’d slimmed down. If that had happened he’d almost certainly still be a decent player.
Whoever was initially responsible, Jose and/or United did absolutely nothing to sort it out. On his return last season he should have been spirited away to a health farm, under cover of a fictitious injury, and kept there until he’d slimmed down. If that had happened he’d almost certainly still be a decent player.
Didn't Rooney get shipped off to get fit when we had Nike?
Well I doubt inter will be asking him to pasta the ball, just to put the meatballs in the net.
Maybe one of the reasons the club parted ways with him is also the fact he didn't listen to reason and just kept on following this stupid bulking plan of his after the World Cup ? Whoever convinced it was the right thing to do, that he needed more strength, kudos to them. That's some remarkable advertising for their program.
Comparison for athletic purposes:

Usain bolt is an inch taller than Lukaku and weights 10 kilos less.