Romelu Lukaku | Napoli watch

Yeah that's a fairly standard piece of journalist analysis, probably just the right side of clickbait. People still rise to it every time, which I could never be bothered to do.

Lukaku's scoring record against top teams is a worse stat than his lack of trophies imo. Ruud was class for us but won one league in five years.

Yep, I agree with what you are saying. Was just seeking to offer explanation to those posters wondering why United fans are so gleeful about Lukaku’s failure. That sort of headline content from the UK’s state broadcaster is just one example.
Must be where Rashford learned it.

I'd back Rashford over Lukaku every time. He scored a few goals where you can see he had actually picked a spot. Newcastle away last season, Palace away this season, Norwich away right after he'd missed the penalty...a few examples. You give him time, he doesn't rush it and just blast it.
for a guy with a reputation for being a good finisher he sure does miss a lot of 1 v 1s and easy goals in crunch games/moments. This is why i wasn't fussed about losing him and why Inter will also discover his limitations despite scoring like 20 goals in the league every year.
#weloveyourom trending topic, to support the sad Lukaku who stopped to post on social media after the final

Imo the game showed Lukaku's strengths and limitations. It's not as simple as whether he is a crap striker or a great one. The goal he missed was too common for him - he usually misses when he has time to think as he did the same against Bayer Leverkusen.

It also shows how strengths. When you give him space and he is running at you, hardly any defender can stop him. The mix of strength and pace he has is lethal.

The own goal to me was more of an unfortunate situation. Clumsy play but not something I would blame him too much for. The miss at 2-2 is more of something Inthink he deserves blame for as he's a striker and should be scoring that.
Neither did Italian teams. Not sure what relevance teams performances in knockout competitions have to judging the relative leagues though.

Juve the Italian champions got knocked out by the 7th best team in France. Does that mean the French league is stronger? No of course not.

But you can judge a leagues strength by the players moving between them. Would a 35 year old back-up fullback be able to move from the 3rd-4th best team in Italy and start as a winger for City? No again of course not. Because the Premier League is a stronger league.

Lukaku has did well in Italy the league suits him and fair play to him. But when making direct comparisons between his goal tally and a player playing in England. The strength of the respective leagues has to be taken into account. That’s all I’m saying.

When you buy Lukaku in the epl you better be prepared to see him not score against Chelsea, Liverpool, Tottenham, Arsenal and City. That's 10 matches in a league season. That's too much.
Support the sad Lukaku who stopped to post on social media after the final

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Good that he's got a nice thing with Inter and it's fans. He fits the club much better than us. And I do think the mocking gets ridiculous.
Imo the game showed Lukaku's strengths and limitations. It's not as simple as whether he is a crap striker or a great one. The goal he missed was too common for him - he usually misses when he has time to think as he did the same against Bayer Leverkusen.

It also shows how strengths. When you give him space and he is running at you, hardly any defender can stop him. The mix of strength and pace he has is lethal.

The own goal to me was more of an unfortunate situation. Clumsy play but not something I would blame him too much for. The miss at 2-2 is more of something Inthink he deserves blame for as he's a striker and should be scoring that.
So like Usain Bolt? Straight line and he's got the defender beat but come a situation where the kick and run doesn't work and he looks amateurish to say the least
How much to bring him back? We need to get an attacker in this window and Ed is not doing it so far.
The next 12 months will be interesting. Let's see where his relationship stands with Inter come next May/June. Personally i think he's had a lot of luck with his career given some serious limitations in his ability and the amount of money he's taken out of the game. Could easily have ended up your typical run of the mill championship striker. He's 27 now and the likelihood is his best days are behind him so's he got another 2/3 years to continue adding to his youtube fails collection
Just in the wrong direction :lol:


Apologies to the fun police but that is brilliant :lol:
I can remember the published story on here not long after he signed.

He definitely had it tough while growing up but I would have thought that would keep his mouth a bit more shut after losing the Europa while saying everything is tough for him.

It' hardly the end of the world from where he came from.
The BBC headlined with this story the day after United lost against Sevilla:

Fans who are in this thread taunting Lukaku are doing so because so much of the media and opposition fans were and always are happy to rub our faces in it.

He’s played at some big clubs and still hasn’t won a trophy, adding further fuel to the fire that he’s not a forward to build a trophy winning team around.

Paul: Lukaku, what a player. Manchester United made a mistake selling him. Don't get me wrong, Rashford, Martial and Greenwood are great with a lot of potential too, but when things aren't going well, they are all too similar. Lukaku at least gives you a plan B with his aerial threat.

Jack: Lukaku is clearly better than anyone in that current Manchester United front three - he was just unlucky with terrible tactics and management while he was there!

George: Walks into Manchester United's team.

Jesus - Lukaku aerial threat? Unlucky with tactics? Walks into the team? Erm okay
To be fair Juve were really in for him at one point. If he had landed up there he'd have won the league. He's had a terrific season with 35 goals or whatever it is. I agree he's a limited player but he can still play a big part in a title challenge. Doubt that title challenge will happen at Inter. If Conte leaves he's going to feel a bit hard done by :lol:

I'm still not convinced that swapping Dybala for Lukaku wasn't an accounting operation to balance the books in the short term, because it makes absolutely zero sense from a footballing sense.
When you buy Lukaku in the epl you better be prepared to see him not score against Chelsea, Liverpool, Tottenham, Arsenal and City. That's 10 matches in a league season. That's too much.

Well, the pattern certainly holds as he didn't score against Juventus, Atalanta, Lazio so no goals against top 4 teams. He scored a penalty against Roma (5th placed team). Scored twice against Milan (6th), once against Napoli (7th) and then buckets against Sassuolo and lower ranked teams...
Well, the pattern certainly holds as he didn't score against Juventus, Atalanta, Lazio so no goals against top 4 teams. He scored a penalty against Roma (5th placed team). Scored twice against Milan (6th), once against Napoli (7th) and then buckets against Sassuolo and lower ranked teams...

He did score one against Inter to be fair
I still can’t forget the incident at the Emirates last season (think it was an FA cup game) when Lukaku assisted Lingard to score and Jesse simply ran past and blanked him to celebrate by himself, where as Lukaku stood there with his arms opened expecting him to hug and thank him for the assist. Sheer brutal from Lingard there. From then on, I thought he isn’t a very popular member of the squad. There was rumour that he and Pogba even fell out when they were best mates before his move
I still can’t forget the incident at the Emirates last season (think it was an FA cup game) when Lukaku assisted Lingard to score and Jesse simply ran past and blanked him to celebrate by himself, where as Lukaku stood there with his arms opened expecting him to hug and thank him for the assist. Sheer brutal from Lingard there. From then on, I thought he isn’t a very popular member of the squad. There was rumour that he and Pogba even fell out when they were best mates before his move
I can't remember any player wishing him farewell on social media, compared to Fellaini a few months previous...
The next 12 months will be interesting. Let's see where his relationship stands with Inter come next May/June. Personally i think he's had a lot of luck with his career given some serious limitations in his ability and the amount of money he's taken out of the game. Could easily have ended up your typical run of the mill championship striker. He's 27 now and the likelihood is his best days are behind him so's he got another 2/3 years to continue adding to his youtube fails collection

Now this is just hate. Despite his limitations he is still miles better than most strikers in the prem and all strikers in the Championship. One of less than 30 strikers to score over 100 goals in the Prem and top scorer for his national team. He may be a flat track bully but he knows where the back of the net is.