Roman Abramovich plans to sell Chelsea | SOLD for £4.25BN

The illegitimate funding got you there though.

You have still spent more and nothing to show for it. The fans really don't have a say in who owns them. We will not get a say in who buys the team this time either. We will still be Chelsea fans.
Sure. Great comment.

They were also extremely flippant about all this until the sanctions against RA today (and some continue to be). I find it very hard to be sympathetic under those circumstances.
Some of the biggest twats on the forum are Chelsea fans, it’s karma in full effect.
Our opposition fans are going to have some fun now. But they will have to deal with the depression of finishing lower than a team that has had to go through this eventually.

Pretty sure no one will be depressed, but some need to look at their own club's owners as well, a demonstration of how things go bad very quickly in unexpected circumstances
You have still spent more and nothing to show for it. The fans really don't have a say in who owns them. We will not get a say in who buys the team this time either. We will still be Chelsea fans.

What a shite comment.

It isn't about who has spend the most, your money was blood money stolen from the Russian people.

Bet you'll be one of the morons chanting Abramovich's name tonight won't you ?
You have still spent more and nothing to show for it. The fans really don't have a say in who owns them. We will not get a say in who buys the team this time either. We will still be Chelsea fans.

You need to adjust for inflation.
The figures you were shelling out when matey took over were far beyond everyone else.
You have still spent more and nothing to show for it. The fans really don't have a say in who owns them. We will not get a say in who buys the team this time either. We will still be Chelsea fans.
:lol: You do realise football didnt start in 2013 right? Since your illegitimate funding, we have won 5 PL same as you and 1 CL in comparison to Chelsea’s 2 CL
Can't say I agree with the way this is being handled, the club should be taken from him and sold.
Restricting the club in this way and staff losing jobs, just shows that football club ownership is completely broken.
Surely after this and countless other things that has happened they will review it
:lol: You do realise football didnt start in 2013 right? Since your illegitimate funding, we have won 5 PL same as you and 1 CL in comparison to Chelsea’s 2 CL
No mate still you will spend next decade as same and will not show anything. That's karma.
Ding, ding, ding. And the PL is feeling the heat on this too, as their Fit & Proper ownership tests are a bunch of BS anyways...still are (i.e. Newcastle).
Good. The lack of foresight in allowing people like this to buy our clubs has been staggering. It's great to have a crystal clear example of why unchecked access is a dangerous thing.
Abramovich has been great for Chelsea why would the fans not cheer him on? He’s not a war criminal and if you ignore the groupthink that is framing all Russians as criminals you might realize this.
Debateable. Certainly a close associate of one, maybe even backing him.
Some of you Chelsea fans are taking all this very badly
No we will take it in chin. This is all uk govt can do as fans of club will take it. I hope uk govt get money from sales and give it to victims of war soon.
Some of the takes from the Chelsea fans on here are bizarre to say the least.
Can't say I agree with the way this is being handled, the club should be taken from him and sold.
Restricting the club in this way and staff losing jobs, just shows that football club ownership is completely broken.
Surely after this and countless other things that has happened they will review it
Agreed even if that meant us diving down the league's (it won't but even if it did some things go beyond football).

My worry for the entire pyramid now (with us being punished as an overall club) is does it set a precedence? Will pressure eventually build to do the same to Newcastle due to the Yemen situation or next time someone head gets chopped off? Will the same have to happen to an American owned team if their owners get caught up in the metoo movement?

When can of worms are opened they tend to stay open.
Agreed even if that meant us diving down the league's (it won't but even if it did some things go beyond football).

My worry for the entire pyramid now (with us being punished as an overall club) is does it set a precedence? Will pressure eventually build to do the same to Newcastle due to the Yemen situation or next time someone head gets chopped off? Will the same have to happen to an American owned team if their owners get caught up in the metoo movement?

When can of worms are opened they tend to stay open.
Me too movement is a hell of a leap from aiding a war?!
Any body got any sympathy for Roman Abramovich, must be blinkered , there is no point in trying. He's washed is dirty money in the UK for years.
He's not the only owners who are doing it either imo. The football licence they have been granted what I can read into it, is that its flexible, so I think the club can be sold, as long as Putins man gets no cash to help him out.
Imo the club in the next few months will get sold.
Agreed even if that meant us diving down the league's (it won't but even if it did some things go beyond football).

My worry for the entire pyramid now (with us being punished as an overall club) is does it set a precedence? Will pressure eventually build to do the same to Newcastle due to the Yemen situation or next time someone head gets chopped off? Will the same have to happen to an American owned team if their owners get caught up in the metoo movement?

When can of worms are opened they tend to stay open.
Straws, grasping. A few words . Phewww
Any idea when he bought into the Steel company? Was it before the war was announced? Before the troop build up? If it was before the troop build up then clearly he knew the invasion was happening and has been trying to profit from it. In that case all of his media briefings have been absolute horseshit.
Transferred the shares to himself eight days before the invasion.

He knew exactly what was going to happen.
Club can't even be sold now?

Can we go for Tuchel?

Anyway serves Abramovich right, as his dirty money wasn't enough now he's a war profiter too.

Serves Chelsea right too don't have an ounce sympathy for them.
Agreed even if that meant us diving down the league's (it won't but even if it did some things go beyond football).

My worry for the entire pyramid now (with us being punished as an overall club) is does it set a precedence? Will pressure eventually build to do the same to Newcastle due to the Yemen situation or next time someone head gets chopped off? Will the same have to happen to an American owned team if their owners get caught up in the metoo movement?

When can of worms are opened they tend to stay open.

Hopefully yes? I want the whole of football cleaned up. If this is the start of it thank feck for that. It's good its open.
Agreed even if that meant us diving down the league's (it won't but even if it did some things go beyond football).

My worry for the entire pyramid now (with us being punished as an overall club) is does it set a precedence? Will pressure eventually build to do the same to Newcastle due to the Yemen situation or next time someone head gets chopped off? Will the same have to happen to an American owned team if their owners get caught up in the metoo movement?

When can of worms are opened they tend to stay open.

Fingers crossed, eh?
Me too movement is a hell of a leap from aiding a war?!


I lol’d at the ‘me too’ comment as well but I have to say, I do agree with the general sentiment of the OP’s post: where do we draw the line? City and Newcastle are fine but Chelsea aren’t because of an owner’s dubious past and tenuous links to a crazed warlord?
Okay i guess :lol: although i doubt you understand the concept of karma.
Yup karma is simple mate. When others hurt though they have nothing to do for that,you laugh about them karma will turn it on you. This is simplest form of what is karma.
Yeah I don't see how English football no longer letting criminals or state backed owners guilty of human rights atrocities owning our clubs is a bad thing to be honest.

Hopefully this is a watershed moment
I know this is a field day for opposition fans but this is not the usual transfer ban etc. This is setting a dangerous precedent that football clubs can be sanctioned based on geopolitics.

It would have been perfectly fine for Roman to be sanctioned but sanctioning the club not only effects Chelsea fans and Chelsea employees but really the integrity of the league itself.

Think about it. If there are news reports in the future about human rights abuse in the middle east, there will be calls in the UK Parliament to sanction City, new Castle and Everton.

No club can be safe. And this will eventually spell disaster for the premier league.
Agreed even if that meant us diving down the league's (it won't but even if it did some things go beyond football).

My worry for the entire pyramid now (with us being punished as an overall club) is does it set a precedence? Will pressure eventually build to do the same to Newcastle due to the Yemen situation or next time someone head gets chopped off? Will the same have to happen to an American owned team if their owners get caught up in the metoo movement?

When can of worms are opened they tend to stay open.

I think there is a misconception at play here where there is an assumption that these actions are related to some moral or ethical stance that is being taken by the Government. This is not the case at all.

Russia, in the shape of Putin, has invaded a European democracy and this act is a potential catalyst for a third world war, certainly the security of the West is threatened and the ability of Russia to launch a nuclear strike is terrifying at this point. Confronting Putin's aggression with military action will inevitably lead to an escalation as he will not back down and so the doomsday scenario comes closer. The point of the sanctions and extreme economic pain being inflicted upon all Russians is an attempt to force Russia to remove Putin from within as this is seen as the safest way to confront the very real threat he presents.

If anyone is under the mistaken delusion that Politicians from the UK, USA or any other Western democracy give a flying f*** about Ukraine or its people then they are sadly mistaken.
Agreed even if that meant us diving down the league's (it won't but even if it did some things go beyond football).

My worry for the entire pyramid now (with us being punished as an overall club) is does it set a precedence? Will pressure eventually build to do the same to Newcastle due to the Yemen situation or next time someone head gets chopped off? Will the same have to happen to an American owned team if their owners get caught up in the metoo movement?

When can of worms are opened they tend to stay open.

Let’s hope so?

This could be the catalyst needed to clear up the game of similar funded clubs
That might be beyond their control. I am assuming this is gameday staff and the spending limits imposed in the sanctions might be forcing the clubs hand here.

It will likely be zero hours contract matchday staff.

Because the club can't sanction new spending, they won't be able to offer hours to people they don't have to.

Of course, they shouldn;t have been using zero hours in th efirst place if that turns out to be the case.
United fans protested against glazers et al

Chelsea fans treated this war criminal like a hero

it really was embarrassing

Hardly apples to apples to be fair. One was investing in the club. The other waa taking funds out of the club.
Obviously I feel no sympathy for Abramovich, but I do feel for Chelsea fans, they have enjoyed the success his wealth brought to the club, but they have never had a say in who owned them. My thought is the government should have seized Chelsea and sold it donating the proceeds. That way there are no constrictions on the team, the staff or the club and the only person that loses out is Abramovich.
So they will pay millions to players but wont pay staff who earn less in comparison?

The players can fund the's a weak excuse. Players get paid an insane amount of money...they can just share the wealth to those coaches and front office. There's plenty of money still at Chelsea.