Roman Abramovich plans to sell Chelsea | SOLD for £4.25BN

That's life that's what you think. :lol: I thought you were fighting for banning morally corrupt group too.

I just find it odd, and slightly sad, that people aren’t bothered about the hypocrisy until it has an impact on them or in this case their football club.

They are either extremely sheltered from reality or happy to keep the blinkers on when it suits.

Not the greatest look.
Theoretically doesn't this make them more likely to sell? Now the buyer will get them at a lower price allowing the extra funds to absorb some of the costs surrounding the problematic stadium issues.

That’s if RA is willing to walk away with absolutely nothing…
If this continues I wonder if they’ll be banned from the champions league next season
5th spot opens up
We finish 6th
The sanctions mean that Chelsea essentially cannot function properly as a club, so with that in mind, the government issued a special license with limited manoeuvrability that allows the club to still fulfil it's fixtures and pay matchday staff in order to host games, but we can't sell tickets, merchandise etc, so only season tickets holders will be allowed in and the megastore, hotels etc will be closed until further notice. A limited amount money will be allowed so Chelsea are still be able to fulfil away fixtures too, travel, hotel stay, food, etc.

The club also can't transfer players in or out, can't renew any contracts, so if the sanctions stay in place until May, Rudiger. for example, would be forced to leave, even if he wanted to stay, because he is out of contract and we are prohibited from giving him a new one.

Then there is issue of selling the club. That is still unclear for me. The government want to seize the club and possibly oversee a sale but that's not possible unless Abramovich agrees to hand over the club. If he fights the sanctions in court, then the club will likely remain in limbo and run the risk of facing football sanctions from the FA for failing to pay player salaries etc.

Do you know what will happen to the operations of the academy? Go on as normal, remain on a more limited basis, or grind to a halt?
I just find it odd, and slightly sad, that people aren’t bothered about the hypocrisy until it has an impact on them or in this case their football club.

They are either extremely sheltered from reality or happy to keep the blinkers on when it suits.

Not the greatest look.
Doesn't that work both ways? We've got posts on this thread alone (not from you) that looks suspiciously like the main motivation is point scoring against Chelsea and don't get me started on social media.

When it comes to things like this trivial rivalries should be the last thing on people's mind. Tbh I'm a lot more meh than I ever expected to be with Roman leaving exactly due to the circumstances, some things are more important.
They can only have season ticket holders apparently
Food/drink/merchandise/stadium tour etc etc., should also be banned.

Edit: All player contracts should be checked to make sure that any player marketing activities do not give a portion to the club.

It is silly season anyways.
Doesn't that work both ways? We've got posts on this thread alone (not from you) that looks suspiciously like the main motivation is point scoring against Chelsea and don't get me started on social media.

When it comes to things like this trivial rivalries should be the last thing on people's mind. Tbh I'm a lot more meh than I ever expected to be with Roman leaving exactly due to the circumstances, some things are more important.

Of course. You will always get that with football especially but in general. Look at the Ukraine thread in the CE forum too.

Whataboutism is very current though and to me pretty annoying.

Surely it’s positive for football if this is a watershed moment in terms of football ownership though. Even if you are a Chelsea fan and look at the bigger picture.
Do you know what will happen to the operations of the academy? Go on as normal, remain on a more limited basis, or grind to a halt?

Not sure. The club statement only made references to fulfilling the mens and womens fixtures.
I find it really silly to ban supporters. They have done nothing wrong.

At least auction the tickets out for free.

It is always the regular people suffering.
I find it really silly to ban supporters. They have done nothing wrong.

At least auction the tickets out for free.

It is always the regular people suffering.
How is it different from the common Russians whose visa/MC cards, netflix, amazon prime etc etc., have all been banned.
The idea he would willingly sell the club without taking a penny is a fantasy. I don't care what he's said.
It isn't nice but we cannot stand idly by when the money the club makes could indirectly be funding the atrocities in Ukraine due to the links from the owner.
How long before Lukaku starts tweeting about how Roman should act like a man and give the club away for free?
Insulting another member
Ha ha. A City fan talking about clubs having a share of idiots.
" Every club has a share of idiots".
But for most clubs that is a minority.
E.g. some Chelsea fans still cheer Abramovic.
Whereas All glory-seeking City fans who cheerlead the UAE's despicable sportswashing project fall neatly into the category of useful idiots for the barbaric UAE's propaganda machine.

Wow you're a special kind of piece of shit aren't you?

Do me a favor and feck off muppet, go be a wum with someone else.
I find it really silly to ban supporters. They have done nothing wrong.

At least auction the tickets out for free.

It is always the regular people suffering.

What seems more silly is to have a set of rules for how entities owned by sanctioned individuals must operate and then throw those rules out entirely when it comes to football clubs owned by sanctioned individuals because think of the supporters.

In the very long list of issues and people that the government should be taking into consideration right now given the situation in Ukraine, the feelings of a certain set of football supporters should not be very high up.

The government's approach seems like a reasonable balance, letting the club fulfill its fixtures but be forced to operate on a bare bones basis.
The idea he would willingly sell the club without taking a penny is a fantasy. I don't care what he's said.

What will happen is that the Government will allow a sale then freeze the cash left over from it. What they then do with that cash if they win any resulting court case is another matter.

People talking about bans from the CL or anything else are living in fantasy land. The offers for the club end soon (with one coming from a major Tory donor.) One of those people/consortiums Chelsea will go on with and all resulting cash from the sale will be frozen.

This will happen as this is RA's only way out. Sell now, so the club can get back to normal and try and get the money back through legal means.
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At this point it’s pretty obvious he has deliberately been left out of sanction by both the EU and UK. Even if it were to happen eventually, he is so high profile compared to a lot of other Oligarchs that he wouldn’t repeatedly be missed.

Not to mention, sanctioning someone actively trying to diffuse the situation doesn’t seem like the smartest thing to do at this point.

Do you still hold this view?

You realize Glazers and FSG are Americans, right ?

And Israel national teams and clubs are allowed to play in World Cup qualification matches and UEFA competitions, something FIFA and UEFA even went on and stripped Russian national team and clubs of.

I'm American and I agree with you. We're an imperialist nation no different to Russia and China, it's merely the difference in how we operate, or the perception we give. Oligarchs are deeply embedded with many businessmen in the overall west anyway. One and the same in many ways. Criminals the lot of them. The victims are the regular civilians in all this, and they keep the vast majority of us divided, distracted and blinded to their true nature through a myriad of ways and means
In summary, Chelsea are f*c*ed!

Chelsea fans can't really complain though. They know it was shady ownership from the start no matter how much justification they gave it.
What will happen is that the Government will allow a sale then freeze the cash left over from it. What they then do with that cash if they win any resulting court case is another matter.

People talking about bans from the CL or anything else are living in fantasy land. The offers for the club end soon (with one coming from a major Tory donor.) One of those people/consortiums Chelsea will go on with and all resulting cash from the sale will be frozen.

This will happen as this is RA's only way out. Sell now, so the club can get back to normal and try and get the money back through legal means.

I think a very pertinent fact is that the license to operate the club currently issued by the government does not allow for a sale, but that the government is open to Chelsea seeking a new license. This suggests that the government wants to use its leverage to force Roman to agree to certain conditions for the sale. The key issue is what those stipulations will be. Maybe they only involve who controls the process, with Roman essentially letting the government run the show. But it also seems plausible that they would require Roman to agree to terms that would make it effectively impossible for him to ever claw back the sale proceeds or to renounce a legal claim on the money. If so, what would Roman do? He doesn't have much incentive to comply with a sale if he won't get any of the proceeds.

I think there remains a lot to be negotiated and hashed out in the process.
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Not nearly as unfair as Abramovich being allowed to pump his dirty money into Chelsea in the first place.

Agree, but so many owners with dirty money. City and Newcastle are no better. Need a war to get any action and in the end it is the fans that suffer and regular people.

Of course Ukraine people suffer the most as with other people in conflicts over the world.
I think the worst thing that could happen would be this continuing for a long period as it will lead to players and staff leaving prior to the eventual new owners coming in.

No one (including you) thought RA would be touched. Then he tried to change the ownership. Then everyone thought it was a trick and he’d lie low and return. He then said he was leaving. Then people didn’t believe that but were certain he wouldn’t be sanctioned.. now this.

It’s total unknown at this point but let’s just say if it follows the same pattern it will get worse before it gets better.

Yeah this is a good point.

At every step of this we've had Chelsea fans on here downplaying how serious it is and assuring us things are fine. And then each step the opposite happens and they slide further into the shit.

Do I think they'll slide down the leagues Leeds or Portsmouth style? No almost certainly not.

But I think it's very very likely the real glory days and big trophies are over for them.
Or says a lot about how gullible you are to the western media. You really think Glazers don’t have any skeletons? You really think they have no blood on their hands. Okay mate.
Your going to have to prove that. It isn't up to anyone to prove they dont