Film Robert Pattinson IS The Batman

Yes. Nothing terrifies more than poor exfoliation.

It’s just a more convoluted way of saying he’s a tad too baby faced.

Although if there’s a real Batman he’d be pale as feck, or even appear a bit sickly-looking. Spending most of his days in a underground cave and only come out at night.
There is no maybe, he IS a very good actor, I am kinda tired of people spamming Twilight comments when they see him. I never saw a Twilight movie. Everything he's done since then was great pretty much.

Well.... during my younger year my ex-girlfriend forced me into watching Twilight. If you had the experience of watching a Twilight movie (most men didnt watch those because they wanted to watch those movies.) you would understand. What would you say is the best movie he plays in? Anything i should watch before watching this Batman movie that might remove the vampire image he has for me?

Watch a Twighlight movie if you want to understand why people keep mentioning Twilight... but really, dont do it.

It’s just a more convoluted way of saying he’s a tad too baby faced.

Although if there’s a real Batman he’d be pale as feck, or even appear a bit sickly-looking. Spending most of his days in a underground cave and only come out at night.

But he doesnt just have to play Batman. He also needs to play Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne is supposed to have a billionaire playboy image. Billionare playboys dont spend their entire days in a cave :lol:
Good decision, he's a fantastic actor. Weird that everyone keeps bringing up Twilight tbh. Who cares. It has nothing to do with anything. Every actor has to start somewhere.
Reminds me of Val Kilmer in that video, feels a bit ridiculous and really shiny. The decision to take the cowl so far back on the jaw is also a bad one I think from a design perspective but we will see. Chest piece looks decent but not a fan of that cowl at all. Looks like they modelled it after Night Owl II in the shitty Watchmen movie.
But he doesnt just have to play Batman. He also needs to play Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne is supposed to have a billionaire playboy image. Billionare playboys dont spend their entire days in a cave :lol:
In all the live action films we’ve had so far he acts as Bruce Wayne in mostly evening functions, off the top of my head in the 3 Nolan films there was only one time he was chilling on a yacht under Mediterranean sun.

I’ve known a few guys who does graveyard shifts and they are listless as feck, now on top of the 5-6 hours this dude spend beating up criminals and prowling rooftops every night, he also needs training, sleep/eat/shit , equipment maintenance, that’s a lot of time spent indoor.
I think the Batsuit will evolve throughout the movie.

I’m sure it was confirmed recently that Bruce Wayne will be developing all of his equipment, vehicles and suit himself. No Wayne tech failed military contract like in the Nolan trilogy.

I’d be very surprised if he was still wearing this by the end of the movie.

I like the upturn on the top of the cape. A little nod to him being a detective.
There is no maybe, he IS a very good actor, I am kinda tired of people spamming Twilight comments when they see him. I never saw a Twilight movie. Everything he's done since then was great pretty much.
Plus, there were some good actors in the Twilight series and none of them came out smelling of roses, which says more about the direction than to their ability.
I just don't get all the Batman love? He's a shit superhero. The Dark Knight trilogy is completely over-rated and he had no right facing off against Superman and Steppenwolf in the DCEU. It's a sad indictment on the whole sorry affair when Adam West is still the best incarnation of the caped crusader.

Blasphemy :mad:

And I think Pattinson will be very good, I think he's an excellent actor.
What would you say is the best movie he plays in? Anything i should watch before watching this Batman movie that might remove the vampire image he has for me?
Cosmopolis (not a great film but he's very good in it)
Lost city of Z (he has a supporting role but he's good)
The Rover (good little film and fantastic performance)
Good Time and The Lighthouse are his 2 best performances though I'd say. Both cracking films, in very different genres.

He's a very, very talented actor who has a very interesting choice of roles since his Twilight days.
He was pretty decent in High Life, which was a largely forgettable film for the most part. He’s good at playing solemn, internally conflicted characters that err on the safe side of madness and despair. Very good choice for Batman in my opinion. Shame Jonah Hill decided to be such a money grabbing prick for the role of Penguin.
I just don't get all the Batman love? He's a shit superhero. The Dark Knight trilogy is completely over-rated and he had no right facing off against Superman and Steppenwolf in the DCEU. It's a sad indictment on the whole sorry affair when Adam West is still the best incarnation of the caped crusader.

Batman is a Conservatives wet dream . All the money and power you can want and all he does is chase after petty crime and muggers.

And anyone who thinks Pattinson is a good actor is clearly a 12year old girl
Havent seen twilight, but hes been a decent actor in other stuff ive seen.

When I saw the picture (without context) I actually did think Daredevil was returning on the Disney streaming channel or something.
Im looking forward to this, but forget what he looks like, I just want a good Batman movie with a good script. The gallery of comic villains is easily the best in Batman (Spiderman probably second imo). Just need somethign fun and gripping to watch.

I thought Afleck looked great as Batman (not so much BW, thought Bale was a better Wayne), but the story and script did him no favours.
Still annoyed that they went with an 'older' batman and didnt just go the obvious route of an older Luthor played by Cranston.

It’s just a more convoluted way of saying he’s a tad too baby faced.

Although if there’s a real Batman he’d be pale as feck, or even appear a bit sickly-looking. Spending most of his days in a underground cave and only come out at night.
He'll stink of bat shit too.
Cosmopolis (not a great film but he's very good in it)
Lost city of Z (he has a supporting role but he's good)
The Rover (good little film and fantastic performance)
Good Time and The Lighthouse are his 2 best performances though I'd say. Both cracking films, in very different genres.

He's a very, very talented actor who has a very interesting choice of roles since his Twilight days.
Re-watched Cronenberg's Cosmopolis late last year and it grew on me more. Certainly a film that warrants another look.
The Rover,as you say, is a good little film.
Good Time and The Lighthouse,the later being one of my films of the year ( it does Prometheus better than Prometheus lol ), with excellent direction.
Liked how Pattinson was channelling his inner Daniel Day-Lewis's There Will Be Blood Daniel Plainview accent on occasions regarding his performance in The Lighhouse.

So,yes,Pattinson should do fine as Gotham's caped crusader.
The reports of a rogues gallery set-up is intriguing but , fundamentally, it all boils down to the execution.
He's going to be infinitely better than Ben Affleck, that's certain.
I rate Affleck more highly behind the camera than infront but he,and everyone involved, were pretty much buggered due to Snyder's soulless ,charisma vacuumed,heavy visual direction.
Can’t believe people think he will be bad! He’s an awesome actor. He just so happened to be in huge franchise films (HP and Twilight) right off the bat (no pun intended). So many more amazing actors and actresses have done far shitter things than those movies and nobody take about it, because they were largely not very popular projects.

take a look at Cosmopolis or Lighthouse to see what he can really do.
Looks cool. I think the batsuit hints at a very different type of film to the more recent Nolan films (which I love). The fact his whole head wear looks like it's leather instead of carbon / armour makes me think of a much more cerebral detective and darkly real character to the one-man army type. Maybe I'll be wrong but ...
Suit reminds me slightly of Lee Bermejo's beautifully illustrated comic Batman : Noel
Robert Pattison is very good at acting. Although Dafoe stole the show in Lighthouse, Pattison was amazing in it too. Excited for this one. Also Matt Revees has said- "I’ve talked about making it a very point of view noir-driven definitive Batman story in which he is investigating a particular case and that takes us out into the world of Gotham. "
Return of the detective Batman!
Looks cool. I think the batsuit hints at a very different type of film to the more recent Nolan films (which I love). The fact his whole head wear looks like it's leather instead of carbon / armour makes me think of a much more cerebral detective and darkly real character to the one-man army type. Maybe I'll be wrong but ...

I think you're right. Matt Reeves has said this Batman will be very different from Nolan's. Maybe DC and Revees got inspired from the Joker's success.
I'm fairly confident Reeves will do his own thing here regarding Bats.
As said above,this will likely be a noir detective film involving various Batman foes.

A Todd Phillips Joker tone would be the last place I would take a new Batman Film.
Can’t believe people think he will be bad! He’s an awesome actor. He just so happened to be in huge franchise films (HP and Twilight) right off the bat (no pun intended). So many more amazing actors and actresses have done far shitter things than those movies and nobody take about it, because they were largely not very popular projects.

take a look at Cosmopolis or Lighthouse to see what he can really do.

A fecking Men. Just like Kristen Stewart, made a shit ton of cash and has spent his time since using his pull to work on and get financed projects hes interested in and working with directors he wants to work with. If the story and direction are ok he will be great.


I like the suit.

People that are ripping on it are not looking at the bigger picture here, it shouldn't look flawless as this is supposed to be first iteration of it made by Bruce, it should look "crappy", it should get upgrades along the way etc... But hey, it's easier to just trash anything we see!
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I like the suit.

People that are ripping on it are not looking at the bigger picture here, it shouldn't look flawless as this is supposed to be first iteration of it made by Bruce, it should look "crappy", it should get upgrades along the way etc... But hey, it's easier to just trash anything we see!

That's exactly what was said about The Flash suit too but it didn't happen. 'It's his first iteration, it's going to get upgraded in the film, Batfleck is going to give him a new suit'. It kinda at least made sense for The Flash since Barry Allen wasn't a billionaire and so had to resort to making a crappy looking suit that was stitched together with random parts but that doesn't really hold well for a billionaire. I think saying that Batmans suit 'should look a bit crappy' is just as extreme of an apologist position as just trashing anything you see is to the shitting on side of things. I preferred the montage we got in The Dark Knight where we saw the suit get upgraded, the problems with manufacturing etc and then the reveal of the good suit.
That's exactly what was said about The Flash suit too but it didn't happen. 'It's his first iteration, it's going to get upgraded in the film, Batfleck is going to give him a new suit'. It kinda at least made sense for The Flash since Barry Allen wasn't a billionaire and so had to resort to making a crappy looking suit that was stitched together with random parts but that doesn't really hold well for a billionaire. I think saying that Batmans suit 'should look a bit crappy' is just as extreme of an apologist position as just trashing anything you see is to the shitting on side of things. I preferred the montage we got in The Dark Knight where we saw the suit get upgraded, the problems with manufacturing etc and then the reveal of the good suit.
That's exactly what was said about The Flash suit too but it didn't happen. 'It's his first iteration, it's going to get upgraded in the film, Batfleck is going to give him a new suit'. It kinda at least made sense for The Flash since Barry Allen wasn't a billionaire and so had to resort to making a crappy looking suit that was stitched together with random parts but that doesn't really hold well for a billionaire. I think saying that Batmans suit 'should look a bit crappy' is just as extreme of an apologist position as just trashing anything you see is to the shitting on side of things. I preferred the montage we got in The Dark Knight where we saw the suit get upgraded, the problems with manufacturing etc and then the reveal of the good suit.

Can't be compared, totally different directions, this movie has a really competent person behind it, I also like "crappy stitched up suit" look more than high tech James Bond ones, this should have more detective vibe than an action fest that was before.
I'm so tired of charcoal/black armoured style batsuits

Is it so hard to make a light grey and black suit that's light and flexible? Arkham Asylum/City games nailed the look.
I also like "crappy stitched up suit" look more than high tech James Bond ones, this should have more detective vibe than an action fest that was before.

Im with this. Batman needs to go in a different direction after the Nolan films and the leaked pictures so far hint at that. I can’t wait to see more and I really hope it does go down the screwed up detective route instead of the one man army route.