Film Robert Pattinson IS The Batman

People might find he's a decent actor and I can understand that while I don't agree with it. But to play Batman? Come on now..

The feminist men among us will probably disagree because times are what they are, but imo an actor that portrays a superhero like Batman should be a real masculine actor, not a manchild. Which is what he comes across like for me. He has a bit too much of a babyface to play a superhero. Henry Cavill was a fantastic superman for that reason I thought. Isn't there someone similar out there to play Batman? Surely there are better options than this dude?

All just my opinion at the moment of course. Who knows, maybe he proves me wrong, I dont know. But I really doubt it.
The Rock. Now that's a film I'd watch
Such a weird choice. Completely agree with Vato but I think it's what they are looking for now as the other choice was Nicholas Hoult who again is a baby faced man child.
They should make batman older and do a Batman: The Dark Knight Returns style movie.
He’s already casted as Black Adam and has a solo film coming out. Would be very confusing.
He's been cast as that for about ten years but still no word on production ever actually starting...
Such a weird choice. Completely agree with Vato but I think it's what they are looking for now as the other choice was Nicholas Hoult who again is a baby faced man child.
They should make batman older and do a Batman: The Dark Knight Returns style movie.
Yep. I know it's impossible after Thanos but an old, disgruntled Batman played by Josh Brolin would be amazing.
Has there ever been a bad Batman? Even Clooney did a decent job playing the character despite the terrible script. It's not a very challenging role. Even Ben Affleck made it look cool.
How was Val Kilmer received?
I wanted Armie Hammer to be honest
Would have worked... Shit, even Statham could probably pull it off. I think people just love getting their knickers in a twist over this stuff...
Yep. I know it's impossible after Thanos but an old, disgruntled Batman played by Josh Brolin would be amazing.

It’s not impossible as actors crossing over has happened. Heck even Brolin plays another superhero in Cable.

But for this specific role they’re doing a much younger Batman. So it’s clearly not in the direction that they’re going in.
I’ve not seen any of his work outside of Harry Potter and Twilight, but I can’t see any way that he’ll be worse than Affleck. That’s a very low benchmark, but there you go.
Don't understand the Affleck bashing, he was one of the closest to comics Bruce Wayne and Batman there was, great Batman overshadowed by bad movies. Maybe even best Batman for me.
Don't understand the Affleck bashing, he was one of the closest to comics Bruce Wayne and Batman there was, great Batman overshadowed by bad movies. Maybe even best Batman for me.
He was good in BvS. Clearly lost interest in JL and phoned in a Clooney esque performance.
Don't understand the Affleck bashing, he was one of the closest to comics Bruce Wayne and Batman there was, great Batman overshadowed by bad movies. Maybe even best Batman for me.
Great Batman, terrible Bruce Wayne.

Wasn't helped by the terrible writing for BVS either.
Great Batman, terrible Bruce Wayne.

Wasn't helped by the terrible writing for BVS either.
Other way round for me, looked goofy in that suit.
I literally have no clue about his acting chops so I am not sure how this is going to turn out. Just hoping we get some decent fare.
I thought Batfleck was good. Was pissed off he decided to bail... But let's face it, been a long time coming.
Yeah I didn’t mind Afleck either, the films weren’t well made which will overshadow his work
Bat 2 the future 2: 2 Bat 2 Furious - Return of the Cat.

Its basically Batman Returns Redux.
I agree with what others have said, he looks a bit too boyish. I think I'd prefer him to hoult though.
Batfleck was fine, especially in the suit. I preferred Bale as Bruce Wayne though.

Yeah, when Heath was announced as Joker, a lot of people were laughing (more people seemed comfy with Leto as Joker).

The script needs to be good though.
A lot of people hated when Ledger was announced as the Joker, so can only hope Pattinson proves a lot of us wrong.
I'm very happy with the Director so I'm willing to see how it goes and give them the benefit of the doubt.
My only beef is that yet again they re going with someone who is not physically imposing. Then again, only Affleck might have fit that bill out of all the actors who played him and we all know how that worked out.
My only beef is that yet again they re going with someone who is not physically imposing. Then again, only Affleck might have fit that bill out of all the actors who played him and we all know how that worked out.
I have no doubt he will magically gain pounds of muscles for the movie. Hollywood actors have access to certain products
My only beef is that yet again they re going with someone who is not physically imposing. Then again, only Affleck might have fit that bill out of all the actors who played him and we all know how that worked out.

Check out Henry Cavill in the tv show the Tudors mate. The guy was skin and bone. Then check him out in man of steel.

I guarantee that RP will pack on a significant amount of bulk and muscle between now and the start of filming.
I have no doubt he will magically gain pounds of muscles for the movie. Hollywood actors have access to certain products

Exactly. He’ll easily gain 30-40 pounds of muscle before shooting starts.
Where all the Marvel actors under contract not to appear in DC movies - and there was literally no one else left?
Should have always been Jon Hamm

Nah. They obviously want to go younger this time. I think he will be great. He's got serious acting chops and has been really picky with his roles post batman so must have liked what he heard
I need to watch some Robert Pattinson stuff, i have only seen 10 minutes of Twilight and imagine that franchise is what everyone is basing their displeasure from, but anyone who I have spoken to who have watched him in things outside of that have said he is actually a very good actor, so i can't judge him until then.
And as people mentioned I remember the uproar when Heath Ledger was announced as the Joker..