Television Rick & Morty

Loved the Jellybean king moment in the toilets. Really knew I was watching something... different!

Re-watching episodes randomly at the moment, saw the last one at lunch with Bird Person A.K.A @Eboue as well as Abradolf Lincler and Summer's friend who likes watching bukkake but doesn't know whether she'd do it herself.
Re-watching episodes randomly at the moment, saw the last one at lunch with Bird Person A.K.A @Eboue as well as Abradolf Lincler and Summer's friend who likes watching bukkake but doesn't know whether she'd do it herself.

There's some weird people at your work mate.
So I've just watched the pilot and I'm assuming it gets a lot better going by what people say. I don't think I laughed once and Morty sounds too much like Earl Of Lemongrab that its a bit distracting.
So I've just watched the pilot and I'm assuming it gets a lot better going by what people say. I don't think I laughed once and Morty sounds too much like Earl Of Lemongrab that its a bit distracting.

It gets a lot better I think. Though I thought the 1st episode was decent enough, just not great.

Watch episode 2. That was the episode that convinced me, if you still don't laugh then I guess it's best to give up.
So I've just watched the pilot and I'm assuming it gets a lot better going by what people say. I don't think I laughed once and Morty sounds too much like Earl Of Lemongrab that its a bit distracting.
Same voice actor. It doesn't distract you that Jake sounds like Bender?
I think it's because Morty has a similar speech pattern to Lemongrab that I half expect him to yell 'unacceptable' at any moment.
They are similar in the way that they're both nervous characters. I just watched the first Lemongrab episode the other day and in the scene where PB and Finn dress up as ghosts and beat Earl up he sounds pretty much exactly like Morty afterwards. They are quite a like.

If you've read this thread there's quite a pressure on you for liking this show. It's very easy to become an outcast so you better watch your words. Nilsson will troll you to no end.
I can't believe there has been a thread on this since December!

This show is amazing. Don't watch episode 1, its alright but if you need to be convinced start from episode 2.
The Mr. Meeseeks episodes was just pure awesome. I hope Mr. Meeseeks makes a return for season 2.
I'm Mr Meeseek! Existence is pain to a Mr Meeseek!

I can't believe there has been a thread on this since December!

This show is amazing. Don't watch episode 1, its alright but if you need to be convinced start from episode 2.
I've rewatched them loads of times and I actually think episode 1 is fine, especially when rewatched while knowing the characters a bit more. And it has this fantastic piece:


- They're not robots Rick!
- It's a figure of speech Morty, they're bureaucrats, I don't respect them!
You're just a little creepy creep person!

Just read this, interesting point by Harmon:
One thing Harmon said that I really jived with was how there shouldn’t be too many inside jokes within the series that make it kind of exclusive and hard to jump into. He expressed how he really wanted each episode to be self-explanatory, and able to stand on its own. As he compared Rick and Morty to his experience with Community, he noted that he also didn’t want to have as many fan-service-type revisits with this new show.

While in Community there were multiple paintball wars, Halloween parties, et cetera (I guess there are only so many things you can do with the same group of people in a Community College), Rick and Morty has all of the unknown universes at its disposal – so being limited by setting and running out of ideas or content might pose a little bit less of a problem in this case.

All day every day Archer
Oh, right! That's what it was about. I thought we were just showing our appreciation to Twigg for no reason.

Archer is genuinely my favourite show of all time. Rick & Morty isn't far behind, but there haven't been enough seasons of the latter yet. I wouldn't say they're similar though. Frisky Dingo and The Venture Bros both have a bit more of a surreal side to them.
Definitely. I don't know why it isn't already a thing.

On a side note - I've taken to telling people I'm gonna get "riggity, riggity wrecked, son!". "Wabalaba dub dub" has entered my vocabulary, too.
Every time one of these threads are bumped I get excited assuming a new series is starting but it is always just twigg. Home Movies Harvey Birdman Venture Bros

All of those are a bit surreal. Venture Bros is the best, but give any of them a try.

Archer is the funniest show on TV imo, but in more of parody/sarcastic sort of way.

I'm rewatching Birdman right now. I love that show so much. I like how they came up with the idea of the Hot Tub Time Machine before the movie did.
What is Adventure Time like? I always thought it was meant for kids.
It's brilliant. It works so well because kids will love it for its sillyness and characters. Adults like it for it's actual written content.
Finished whole in two days :lol: Brilliant show.

Starting Archer now after seeing it being recommended here.
oh so Archer's voice actor is same as of Bob in Bob's Burgers.

When Archer speaks, I picture as Bob speaking in the background. :lol: Home Movies Harvey Birdman Venture Bros

All of those are a bit surreal. Venture Bros is the best, but give any of them a try.

Archer is the funniest show on TV imo, but in more of parody/sarcastic sort of way.
Between that and Parks and Recreation in the last few years for me. Probably the two best comedies since Arrested Development, both great in their own way.

Brooklyn Nine Nine is also surprisingly good, if people are looking for something new.