Television Rick & Morty


I kept thinking this too much whilst watching True Detective, whenever Rust said "Marty".
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In a show that is completely batshit insane, that was by far the craziest episode. Brilliant stuff, the writers must've taken so many terrific drugs. My new drinking game is coming up with semi-improvised, alternate universe takes on television shows I know and love.
Imagine being an animator being given recordings of the writers doing rambling crazy improv and being told to animate it. Babylegs Detective!
That was the craziest fecking episode of anything I've ever seen! I lost it at Ants in my Eyes Johnson and Gazorpazorpfield.

Love it!
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Just saw this on the AV Club, in line with Nilssons earlier post.

"Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's gonna die."

I've just watched the fourth episode and Rick humming Baker Street at the end nearly had me in tears. :lol:

It's unreasonable how disgusted I am by the shit flying out of everyone's mouth all the time though.
This is quickly becoming one of my favourite shows, it's so unlike anything else on TV. I thought this week's was brilliant, they obviously didn't care much about a plot (still managed to move along on the characters relationships between one another) but managed to squeeze a million different ideas into the episode. Also, their universe is so peculiar that they're building their own mythology which can be great in the long run.
I can't think of another show where you really can't predict what surreal and dark turns it's gonna make, maybe Frisky Dingo.


But yeah, this is great. Deserves more attention..
Caught up now. I actually thought the last episode wasn't as good as the rest. I think I only find the batshit surreal stuff funny when Rick and Morty are in the middle of it.
What was the craic with the latest episode? Just improv. Thought it was shite.
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It had really great bits (babylegs detective had me in stitches) but I agree the bad bits where shite. It gets a pass for the sheer demented attempt to improvise a cartoon though.
Another good episode. The little exchange between Rick and the Robot at the beginning.

"What do I do?"
"You pass the butter"
"Oh my God"
"Welcome to the club, pal" :lol:

If there's anything that counts against this show it's that the storyline that doesn't involve Rick is always weaker. Also good work from Alfred Molina.
Best show I've discovered in months. Genius all around. Right now, I can't name a better cartoon.
I actually think the Rick/Summer dynamic is funnier than the one between Rick and Morty. That's probably why I thought the last episode was such a classic. The dad is always hilarious too.
I especially love the sudden changes of tone, like the ending of Rick Potion #9. Christ on a bike.