Gaming Resident Evil 4 Remake (PS5, Series S/X, PC)

I'm not so keen on some parts now being off to the side though (like the emblem bit when you get the rifle, or the fishing village) as I think it changes the journey flow a bit too much.

Oh the Fishing Village bit is new? That explains why I don't remember it then :lol:
Oh the Fishing Village bit is new? That explains why I don't remember it then :lol:

Nah, it's not new. But it is such a forgetable part of the original (and one of the very few bits with infinite spawning enemies). You run through it to get to the lake, it's actually as big as the area in the remake, but such a quick section it's easy to forget. When you play it again, you'll certainly remember it though, as it's full of bombs and is tense when you realise they just won't stop coming :lol:
Nah, it's not new. But it is such a forgetable part of the original (and one of the very few bits with infinite spawning enemies). You run through it to get to the lake, it's actually as big as the area in the remake, but such a quick section it's easy to forget.

Yeah I noticed the they kept respawning and though it was stupid especially as I had to make a few loops looking for those blue emblems.
I think it's more that they are still not as great as should be. The engine isn't all that. However, I still like how it looks overall, there's some very cool little touches too.

I've only just played it again (on VR) so I could enjoy the changes. Overall, so far (I'm still in the village fecking around with the boat), I'm liking the areas that have been kept the same but expanded on. I'm not so keen on some parts now being off to the side though (like the emblem bit when you get the rifle, or the fishing village) as I think it changes the journey flow a bit too much. However all in all, I'm pleasantly surprised how faithful early game is, and even expanded on. This actually feels like a proper remake and not like for like stuff like Dead Space or Metroid Prime (though those are both still great updates and in the latter's case it would be nigh on impossible to reimagine the level layouts tbf).

I'm still hating the magic spawning enemies though, it's just obvious and tedious. But that's a mechanic I've always disliked in games that do it, it's cheap and lazy design that the original does have but nowhere near as much (and it makes more sense, as in they are always coming from somewhere else not just dropping on your head). And of course, the shooting "mechanic" I keep banging on about. I hope they don't keep that dumb idea of bad sway/zoom in so you can crit more in future games. Should never EVER take control away from the player just to add fake difficulty.

But all in all, yep I'm really enjoying it. Which is why I'm trying my hardest not to rush it and look around properly (I'm trying not to use the map to find stuff, the audio clues are ridiculously loud though :lol:).

Magic spawning enemies? Do they respawn actually? Which could be a bit problematic in a game with finite ammo.
Yeah I noticed the they kept respawning and though it was stupid especially as I had to make a few loops looking for those blue emblems.

It's the way they spawn that gets me. So cheap. In the original, they come flooding in from the town, almost everywhere in the game it works like that. In this, they sometime spawn right in front of your eyes and it's just awful design.

However, again, I will say that I do like the reimagining of the areas themselves. Not a fan of some of them being off to the side as I said, but there's almost always some lip service to the original (apart from I couldn't find a birds nest in the Fishing village. Bit of an oversight there!).
I would like to be able to put ammo into storage.

For a game about survival (I know it's more action-orientated) and conserving ammo, etc, it seems a bit odd. I know it wasn't in the original either (I don't think) but it would have been nice if they implemented it here. Just as a QoL thing. Perhaps they thought it may have broken the game. Not a big deal, just a minor thing.
Magic spawning enemies? Do they respawn actually? Which could be a bit problematic in a game with finite ammo.

I'm talking more about the set piece events in the game. The old "find a piece of the puzzle you need? Turn around and OMG ENEMIES!".

It's not that more enemies spawn (it'd be incredibly dull without that!), it's how they do. They've gone lazy with that aspect in the remake. It's the God of War effect.
I would like to be able to put ammo into storage.

For a game about survival (I know it's more action-orientated) and conserving ammo, etc, it seems a bit odd. I know it wasn't in the original either (I don't think) but it would have been nice if they implemented it here. Just as a QoL thing. Perhaps they thought it may have broken the game. Not a big deal, just a minor thing.

Yep, it's a deliberate choice.

Personally I don't think there should be any storage at all, and I don't use it.
Yep, it's a deliberate choice.

Personally I don't think there should be any storage at all, and I don't use it.

Yeah, I haven't used it at all in this game when I realized that you can't put ammo or recovery items in there, and I haven't missed it. So yeah, they probably could get away with not having one in there, to be honest.

I always find I have enough room in inventory anyway because I'm using a lot of healing items and bullets because some of these enemies have no chill!
Yeah, I haven't used it at all in this game when I realized that you can't put ammo or recovery items in there, and I haven't missed it. So yeah, they probably could get away with not having one in there, to be honest.

I always find I have enough room in inventory anyway because I'm using a lot of healing items and bullets because some of these enemies have no chill!

:lol: True! Health is actually a bit of an issue in this one (well it is on hard anyway), I like that. But ammo and stuff is everywhere anyway.

Also I find money is way too easy to get now, and the spinels for the trade items too. You don't really have to make a choice about anything, you can easily just have it all in one playthrough.
:lol: True! Health is actually a bit of an issue in this one (well it is on hard anyway), I like that. But ammo and stuff is everywhere anyway.

Also I find money is way too easy to get now, and the spinels for the trade items too. You don't really have to make a choice about anything, you can easily just have it all in one playthrough.

Yeah, I find the ammo supply is fine. I have a couple of guns so I just rotate and I'm good. That's why I wanted to store it because I found I had a surplus. But I just sell it now.

I also have the gold attache case which increases the drop rate of money, so I'm rolling in it! Enjoying the game overall, though. Think they did a great job, although I have a few complaints. Think I still prefer the RE2 remake, but it's early days. Not even halfway through the game yet.
Yeah, I haven't used it at all in this game when I realized that you can't put ammo or recovery items in there, and I haven't missed it. So yeah, they probably could get away with not having one in there, to be honest.

I always find I have enough room in inventory anyway because I'm using a lot of healing items and bullets because some of these enemies have no chill!

You can put the first aid sprays in storage.
You can put the first aid sprays in storage.

To be honest, I'm never in a position where I have a surplus of recovery items!

It's either this game is a lot harder than I remember it being, or I'm just worse (very possible)
I was going to platinum the game initially having done the same with RE2 and RE3 remakes, but starting to think that could be a fantasy at this point. Also, looking at the trophies, it's going to be about 5...maybe 6 playthroughs unless you combine a few trophies together which will make it considerably harder.
The initial challenge with this game is getting used to Leon being more weighty/realistic in movement, especially when trying to pull off melee attacks. It’s a bit of a curse if you’ve played the original in that sense.

The Ashley AI has also derped on me a few times as well where a scripted event will happen and she’ll run beyond me into the fecking enemies. (‘They’re coming, Leon!’ as she runs into them Leeroy Jenkins style)

Overall it’s as fun as the original though I’m taking my time through it.
Am i the only one finding standard/normal difficulty nearing what is usually hard?
Am i the only one finding standard/normal difficulty nearing what is usually hard?

Yeah it's pretty tough for a 'standard difficulty'. It's just the mobs that swamp you and the slow reloads for me. Even harder when you've got Ashley to keep an eye on at the same time.
Am i the only one finding standard/normal difficulty nearing what is usually hard?

No. This game is a lot harder than the original. I like it though. Keeps you engaged. I'm on a boss fight at the moment that's doing my head in a bit.
That Ada voice actress doesn't want to know. She sounds like she's doing someone a favour by being in it.
So i beat the remake 2nd time on standard. I think i will sell my disc edition if i can. I dont think i have the nerve or skill to try my luck at professional and hardcore and since i played the og twice, i cant see myself going back to this game as great as it is. At least not withoutva few years break. I found the overall 30 hours i put into the game to be too mentally taxing. I tend to binge play new games and i just think i need something relaxing.
So i beat the remake 2nd time on standard. I think i will sell my disc edition if i can. I dont think i have the nerve or skill to try my luck at professional and hardcore and since i played the og twice, i cant see myself going back to this game as great as it is. At least not withoutva few years break. I found the overall 30 hours i put into the game to be too mentally taxing. I tend to binge play new games and i just think i need something relaxing.
Hardcore is very intense (and i've not even tried professional yet :() and it will drive you nuts on your first playthrough but if you're already two runs in your weapons and health must be pretty top notch at this point? Might be worth just a quick try to see how you find it, also you'll be getting even stronger as you go through hardcore mode too.

After completing the game on hardcore first-after about a hundred deaths- i'm going through standard now with all the elite weapons and it's pretty comfortable. The few deaths i've had have been mostly Ashley related ones. I really miss the days where i could just dump her in a bin somewhere, clean up the area and then pick her up again.
Hardcore is very intense (and i've not even tried professional yet :() and it will drive you nuts on your first playthrough but if you're already two runs in your weapons and health must be pretty top notch at this point? Might be worth just a quick try to see how you find it, also you'll be getting even stronger as you go through hardcore mode too.

After completing the game on hardcore first-after about a hundred deaths- i'm going through standard now with all the elite weapons and it's pretty comfortable. The few deaths i've had have been mostly Ashley related ones. I really miss the days where i could just dump her in a bin somewhere, clean up the area and then pick her up again.

Im too much of a noob for that. My ng+ playthrough was on standard after having completed assisted so i had lots of health items in the beginning of my standard playthrough but was running short during the final third. I was never a horror/survival buff in the first place. I died a lot more, i didnt even know those tentacle things could bite off your head. In assisted i only died because i managed to kill myself by being too close to dynamite. My lack of skill and my nerves mean that i wont try higher difficulties and i find the whole ride too taxing even though its a great game.
It's a classic case of the difficulty being all about restricting the player more than anything else. The enemies aren't particularly hard to kill, and it can be fun in groups if you chain things together. Also there's just so much money and ammo, it's never really an issue.

But the whole game is held back by the fact Leon moves, aims and reloads like it's his first day on the job. Also screw Ashley and Luis, they don't help with things and actively hurt (like Ashley running ahead, or Luis charging over to you to finish you melee attack leaving you mid-animation and vulnerable).

I am enjoying it though, but I highly doubt it's anywhere near a 10 for me (or close to the VR version for that matter).
It's a classic case of the difficulty being all about restricting the player more than anything else. The enemies aren't particularly hard to kill, and it can be fun in groups if you chain things together. Also there's just so much money and ammo, it's never really an issue.

But the whole game is held back by the fact Leon moves, aims and reloads like it's his first day on the job. Also screw Ashley and Luis, they don't help with things and actively hurt (like Ashley running ahead, or Luis charging over to you to finish you melee attack leaving you mid-animation and vulnerable).

I am enjoying it though, but I highly doubt it's anywhere near a 10 for me (or close to the VR version for that matter).

The difference in difficullty between Re games and the soulsborne like games is that in the souls genre you cant break the game so you have to start over. In re if you managed to waste too much ammo or health items, you have to reload an older save or start over. Considering the length of the game i dont have the skill it takes on higher difficulties. I didnt play with guides although having a look at them i can see stuff like shooting crows drops ammo.
The difference in difficullty between Re games and the soulsborne like games is that in the souls genre you cant break the game so you have to start over. In re if you managed to waste too much ammo or health items, you have to reload an older save or start over. Considering the length of the game i dont have the skill it takes on higher difficulties. I didnt play with guides although having a look at them i can see stuff like shooting crows drops ammo.

Did you do a lot of melee/sneaking too? The enemies are quite easy to kite and get into a position to kill multiple at once, but it does take a tiny bit of practice. Also the game doesn't tell you about running attacks and how to do the suplex later in the game which all help.

Yeah there's birds/nests that don't show on the map and tons of crafting materials too for ammo. But you've already cleared it, so it's probably moot at this point.
It's cool that you can skip the village fight if you have a sniper rifle. Useful for harder difficulties.
This game is glitchy as feck. Was well into the castle earlier today, loaded it back up now and it's put me back outside the cabin. Absolutely fuming.
Bought this after never really playing the original, but I just don't really "get" Resident Evil games. All things horror just seem to have meh stories only designed to jump scare or gross you out. And I'm not very susceptible to either so all that is left is the silly story and ehh gameplay.
Bought this after never really playing the original, but I just don't really "get" Resident Evil games. All things horror just seem to have meh stories only designed to jump scare or gross you out. And I'm not very susceptible to either so all that is left is the silly story and ehh gameplay.

That's all that needs to be said really.
That's all that needs to be said really.
I played it a bit, but at the time I disliked the move from sort of puzzly horror game to action game.

I like action games, but not with meh gameplay.