How about when it claims concrete things that can be proven to be wrong ? For example the creation of humans ? A book which comes from such a supreme and intelligent creator surely should be exempt of any mistake right ?
Yes, however it would be tough for either of us to prove his point in this regard.
You'll tell me the book says this which is wrong.
I tell you yeah, but it meant this.
You say why not take it literally?
I tell you it isn't meant to be taken literally. It's a metaphor, and it can be interpreted in more than one way.
You tell me well what's the use of a book if you can interpret it in more than one way.
I tell you it's not all of that kind. Many things are clear in it, and some are not clear that carry more than one interpretation, what's important in religion is that you follow what's clear.
You'll tell me then why isn't it all clear so we know everything?
I tell you there are two reasons for that, first you can't know everything, because you're asking the religion to give you scientific facts, which actually change over time from people's perspective, so what you now think is right, people back then would have thought that's clearly wrong, and would have dismissed the whole religion and not believe it, even though it was correct. That's why it has to use logic, rather than actual scientific facts that are only going to fit one era.. The second reason is also because the idea behind life on Earth (according to religion) is not establishing peace and welfare on Earth, but rather a test for the people, so they can earn their destiny in the eternal life. So, God
can actually give a damning evidence or force the people to believe in him or become good people, but that's not the point, because it defeats the purpose of life being a test for the people to choose their path voluntarily, so that can be rewarded or punished for it.
You tell me, that's bullshit, I don't believe in any of that. When I die, I die, and nothing will happen after that.
I tell you how do you know?
You tell me I don't know, and you have no proof either that there is an "eternal life" after life. I'm not convinced, and I don't care.
I tell you, that's fine.