Religion, what's the point?

Sometimes people compare conservative republicans to Saudi Arabia. I don't like conservative republicans, but the truth is that even the worst conservatives in America are not remotely close to what happens in Saudi Arabia.

Cristiano Ronaldo faces arrest for celebrating a goal in Saudi Arabia.

CR7 now risks at least a warning from the club's top management. Praying or publicly displaying objects and symbols belonging to the Christian religion is considered a crime in Saudi Arabia, punishable even by arrest.

The worst conservatives in America are fascists, so let's not give them too much credit. Their ideal state would be worse than Saudi Arabia.
The worst conservatives in America are fascists, so let's not give them too much credit. Their ideal state would be worse than Saudi Arabia.

I am not giving them any credit at all. I am an atheist and I dislike all the religious nuts. However, even the worst I have heard in the US is much better than the normal in Saudi Arabia, so I honestly have no idea what you are talking about.
I am not giving them any credit at all. I am an atheist and I dislike all the religious nuts. However, even the worst I have heard in the US is much better than the normal in Saudi Arabia, so I honestly have no idea what you are talking about.

Alt-right, white supremacists, Christian nationalists, neo Nazis. They would all dearly like to create a society that might be just as bad as Saudi Arabia.
Alt-right, white supremacists, Christian nationalists, neo Nazis. They would all dearly like to create a society that might be just as bad as Saudi Arabia.

I don't think so. Even these idiots do not want to create a religious state like Saudi Arabia. For example, nobody wants the following situation for female sports in the US, not even the religious nuts:'s_sport_in_Saudi_Arabia
I don't think so. Even these idiots do not want to create a religious state like Saudi Arabia. For example, nobody wants the following situation for female sports in the US, not even the religious nuts:'s_sport_in_Saudi_Arabia
If the white supremacists, Christian nationalists, neo Nazis had their way only WASP women would be allowed, if you were back, brown, Jewish or any other non Christian religion you'd be banned - that's not any better
If the white supremacists, Christian nationalists, neo Nazis had their way only WASP women would be allowed, if you were back, brown, Jewish or any other non Christian religion you'd be banned - that's not any better

There is zero probability of any of what you state becoming real any time soon. But more than that, I have never heard anyone proposing anything like that, either. Who is proposing that only WASP women will be allowed in sports? Is this real?

In my opinion, wild exaggerations that are based on nothing are not helpful. Especially when compared to an existing state like Saudi Arabia.
There is zero probability of any of what you state becoming real any time soon. But more than that, I have never heard anyone proposing anything like that, either. Who is proposing that only WASP women will be allowed in sports? Is this real?

In my opinion, wild exaggerations that are based on nothing are not helpful. Especially when compared to an existing state like Saudi Arabia.
If it did, those would be some of the likely outcomes, it's isn't that long ago that colored people couldn't wait in the same room as a white person, or piss in the same bathroom, racism is alive and well in the US, the likelihood is very slim, but given Trump got elected and Bush 45 got elected twice you can never discount it totally
There is zero probability of any of what you state becoming real any time soon. But more than that, I have never heard anyone proposing anything like that, either. Who is proposing that only WASP women will be allowed in sports? Is this real?

In my opinion, wild exaggerations that are based on nothing are not helpful. Especially when compared to an existing state like Saudi Arabia.

David Duke got 43% of the vote for senate in Louisiana 30 years ago, and then immediately after 39% of the vote for Governor. And as @Red in STL says, desegregation is not that long ago. Today you've got an increasingly extreme right-wing of the Republican party. Is it in danger of becoming like Saudi Arabia any time soon? No, of course not. But the point was that there are very loud and somewhat popular extremist voices who are explicitly or implicitly for things that would make society Saudi Arabia-levels of bad. That's all.
David Duke got 43% of the vote for senate in Louisiana 30 years ago, and then immediately after 39% of the vote for Governor. And as @Red in STL says, desegregation is not that long ago. Today you've got an increasingly extreme right-wing of the Republican party. Is it in danger of becoming like Saudi Arabia any time soon? No, of course not. But the point was that there are very loud and somewhat popular extremist voices who are explicitly or implicitly for things that would make society Saudi Arabia-levels of bad. That's all.

Thirty years ago? And since then?

And did this Duke person want women sports in the US to be WASP women only?
I have no idea. Have you really not heard of David Duke?

Nope. I am a Greek who immigrated to California. I just looked in Wikipedia and it seems that this guy went to prison. Is he of any importance today? I mean really taking part in anything himself today. Is he still active in politics? It is a good thing that he went to prison, I hope Trump will also go!

Anyway, I know there are various religious nuts in the US. For example, I know the story about Jonestown. But these are insignificant cults, why are we talking about them?

For the zillionth time, my question is: Is there a person who wants to restrict women sports to WASP women only? I mean in the United States, today or recently. If there is, I'd like to know who he is, because it would be very funny to tell to my friends, that so-and-so wants to restrict women sports in America to WASP women only! It is a good joke!
David Duke got 43% of the vote for senate in Louisiana 30 years ago, and then immediately after 39% of the vote for Governor. And as @Red in STL says, desegregation is not that long ago. Today you've got an increasingly extreme right-wing of the Republican party. Is it in danger of becoming like Saudi Arabia any time soon? No, of course not. But the point was that there are very loud and somewhat popular extremist voices who are explicitly or implicitly for things that would make society Saudi Arabia-levels of bad. That's all.
I think the point is that we're actually talking about the late 60s - the Fair Housing Act 1968- so, more like it's been 50 odd years and it all still continues, or as we're talking about extreme Southern Baptists or such like did much ever change and are attitudes and acts of racism going backwards?
Nope. I am a Greek who immigrated to California. I just looked in Wikipedia and it seems that this guy went to prison. Is he of any importance today? I mean really taking part in anything himself today. Is he still active in politics? It is a good thing that he went to prison, I hope Trump will also go!

Anyway, I know there are various religious nuts in the US. For example, I know the story about Jonestown. But these are insignificant cults, why are we talking about them?

For the zillionth time, my question is: Is there a person who wants to restrict women sports to WASP women only? I mean in the United States, today or recently. If there is, I'd like to know who he is, because it would be very funny to tell to my friends, that so-and-so wants to restrict women sports in America to WASP women only! It is a good joke!
OK as I brought up the WASP women thing in context to how Saudi women are treated.

Such people don't need to proclaim what they would do, what they stand for is enough to tell you what would happen, it's not very likely to happen but if anyone had told you 10 years ago that a President of the US would try to subvert an election result they'd have said no it would never happen and thought you crazy for even suggesting it, but it happened
If the white supremacists, Christian nationalists, neo Nazis had their way only WASP women would be allowed, if you were back, brown, Jewish or any other non Christian religion you'd be banned - that's not any better

There wouldn't be women sports in a WASP theocratic utopia, they'd be doing as instructed - popping out babies and being a good housewife.
I am not giving them any credit at all. I am an atheist and I dislike all the religious nuts. However, even the worst I have heard in the US is much better than the normal in Saudi Arabia, so I honestly have no idea what you are talking about.

Give them a longer period of time to reign freely and I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes really bad. It all starts with smaller changes but quickly escelates, we've seen it so many times in history.
OK as I brought up the WASP women thing in context to how Saudi women are treated.

Such people don't need to proclaim what they would do, what they stand for is enough to tell you what would happen, it's not very likely to happen but if anyone had told you 10 years ago that a President of the US would try to subvert an election result they'd have said no it would never happen and thought you crazy for even suggesting it, but it happened

So the answer to my question is: No, nobody in the US has proposed WASP-only women's sports for the future. At least as far as you know. Correct?
So the answer to my question is: No, nobody in the US has proposed WASP-only women's sports for the future. At least as far as you know. Correct?

Why on earth are you so hung up on women’s sports? Is that the main metric of theocratic fascism?
Why on earth are you so hung up on women’s sports? Is that the main metric of theocratic fascism?

Because any comparison to Islam/ Muslims bothers him/her a lot. And Germans/Germany too to be fair.
Muslims have advanced because of bombs on chests? :lol: How about brain cells in brains?
For those people who believe in God, in the creation theory as described in Genesis and that all humans are descended from Adam and Eve, I would love to hear from you as to your logic for your beliefs.
:lol: Logic? Your a WUM.

I was hoping for something more mature than this. Says it all.

EDIT. This was a genuine question incidentally as I have a very good friend who I have discussed this type of thing and was interested in a broader set of views.
I was hoping for something more mature than this. Says it all.

EDIT. This was a genuine question incidentally as I have a very good friend who I have discussed this type of thing and was interested in a broader set of views.
Might be better placed in the non-pisstake religion thread!