Religion, what's the point?

I heard that Odin is a one-minute man, and Thor definitely has a small cock, that's why he tries to compensate by wielding that giant hammer.
Edit - I've just wikipedia'd it, and turns out Odin and Thor are father and son. This conversation just got - if it's even possible - much weirder. :lol:
If there is a single soul in Hell, doesn't that make the all-powerful being who sent him there worse than any human to have ever lived? I mean, nothing we do on Earth could even come close in its evilness to causing a soul to be tortured for eternity. Does it make you uncomfortable to worship such a being?

you will be judged as you judge.

someone who goes to hell, is there because of his or her actions....not because God wants that person to be there.

.....forgive us our trespasses AS we forgive those who trespass against us....
you will be judged as you judge.

someone who goes to hell, is there because of his or her actions....not because God wants that person to be there.

.....forgive us our trespasses AS we forgive those who trespass against us....

God is all powerful, according to your faith. He has the power to remove somebody from Hell. If somebody is being tortured in Hell, God is choosing to allow it.
you will be judged as you judge.

someone who goes to hell, is there because of his or her actions....not because God wants that person to be there.

.....forgive us our trespasses AS we forgive those who trespass against us....

if God created hell then he clearly wants some people to be there, otherwise why bother with it in the first place.
if God created hell then he clearly wants some people to be there, otherwise why bother with it in the first place.

It's a logical flaw in the concept of an all-powerful, all-knowing and all-merciful God according to the Bible. It's one that religious people try to get around with the laughable claim that the damned choose themselves to be in Hell, through their own free will.
It's a logical flaw in the concept of an all-powerful, all-knowing and all-merciful God according to the Bible. It's one that religious people try to get around with the laughable claim that the damned choose themselves to be in Hell, through their own free will.
Of course, another problem rises in trying to prove that we even have free will. And if we don't (if modern thinkers are to be believed) then how can we be responsible for our actions and how can god justify eternal damnation/reward?
I absolutely love this. I think it pretty much sums everything up.


To be fair, that sums absolutely nothing up at all.
I think it's a point worth considering. I first thought about it when I asked a JW why he was knocking on my door on a cold Saturday morning. He asked me the question that if I truly believed that a tsunami was heading for my street, would I not make the effort to warn my neighbours. I answered yes and saw his point. From this I now completely understand why JW's do what they do, but it makes me wonder how other religious people can sit by in comfort in the knowledge that billions of their fellow human beings are heading for eternal torture. To do little or nothing when in possession of this belief is actually quite disgusting, and shows an enormous level of selfishness.

They should be in this thread tonight, trying their best to convince those of us who are unbelievers that we are wrong.

I find this a strange argument tbh. Religious people are often criticised by atheists for being too up in everyone's face about religion. In schools, in streets, on the internet. People who are a bit less militant about their atheism, the kind that don't mind religious people as long as they shut up about it, also tend to have the same view. You shut up about your religion, you can do and believe whatever you want.

As Revan said, its a bit of a non win situation for them it seems. Get in your face about religion, and I'm sure you'd be complaining about them wasting your time, trying to fill peoples' heads with rubbish. Do the opposite and there's still complaints.

What can they do?
To be fair, that sums absolutely nothing up at all.

Sort of does, the rings were likely formed when a moon was destroyed. Thus, god's either a bit of a twat, or Darth Vader.
They can try and come up with arguments that make sense, that would be nice.

For them, their arguments make sense. For many atheists (especially the ones on here), they don't. I assume that from a simple delve into this thread (or even just reading the title) many people will gather what the general trend of the thread is.

So what is the point? I think its fair to say most of the people on this thread have heard all the arguments regarding theism/ atheism and have made up their mind (and won't be swayed). Similarly for the theists on here.

So a theist on this board coming onto this thread trying to convince Rednev/ MG/ Saliph etc etc that god exactly do you think that would end up?
For them, their arguments make sense. For many atheists (especially the ones on here), they don't. I assume that from a simple delve into this thread (or even just reading the title) many people will gather what the general trend of the thread is.

So what is the point? I think its fair to say most of the people on this thread have heard all the arguments regarding theism/ atheism and have made up their mind (and won't be swayed). Similarly for the theists on here.

So a theist on this board coming onto this thread trying to convince Rednev/ MG/ Saliph etc etc that god exactly do you think that would end up?

speaking for myself...not trying to convince anyone. just saying what I believe. But I respect all the detractors point of view too. In fact I can easily have an honest discussion with them...then with an 'in your fact christian'.
For them, their arguments make sense. For many atheists (especially the ones on here), they don't. I assume that from a simple delve into this thread (or even just reading the title) many people will gather what the general trend of the thread is.

So what is the point? I think its fair to say most of the people on this thread have heard all the arguments regarding theism/ atheism and have made up their mind (and won't be swayed). Similarly for the theists on here.

So a theist on this board coming onto this thread trying to convince Rednev/ MG/ Saliph etc etc that god exactly do you think that would end up?
In an orgy, ideally.
For them, their arguments make sense. For many atheists (especially the ones on here), they don't. I assume that from a simple delve into this thread (or even just reading the title) many people will gather what the general trend of the thread is.

- And so it does for the flat-earthers. Doesn't mean that their arguments are good or valid, or that they have good reasons for believing what they do.

So a theist on this board coming onto this thread trying to convince Rednev/ MG/ Saliph etc etc that god exactly do you think that would end up?

- Well I can only speak for myself, but I'd say it would probably end in just about the same way as if they were trying to convince me of the existence of Thor.
For them, their arguments make sense. For many atheists (especially the ones on here), they don't. I assume that from a simple delve into this thread (or even just reading the title) many people will gather what the general trend of the thread is.

So what is the point? I think its fair to say most of the people on this thread have heard all the arguments regarding theism/ atheism and have made up their mind (and won't be swayed). Similarly for the theists on here.

So a theist on this board coming onto this thread trying to convince Rednev/ MG/ Saliph etc etc that god exactly do you think that would end up?

Does there have to be a point?
- And so it does for the flat-earthers. Doesn't mean that their arguments are good or valid, or that they have good reasons for believing what they do.

- Well I can only speak for myself, but I'd say it would probably end in just about the same way as if they were trying to convince me of the existence of Thor.

Ffs, I'm not looking for an argument, to try to justify the existence of God, to say that the arguments are right or wrong, to tell anyone that their arguments are right or wrong. :lol:

I saw a question and I answered it. And you've kind of proved my point. I assume most of the theists on this board already know how you, rednev etc feel about God, Thor, Mars, the flying spaghetti monster. So why would they waste time and effort and start an argument that is likely to end up with nobody happy.

So what's the point? The theists are happy in their beliefs, as misguided as they may be considered to be. And the atheists are happy, as misguided as some may consider them to be.

Let's all stay happy and away from pointless arguments.
Ffs, I'm not looking for an argument, to try to justify the existence of God, to say that the arguments are right or wrong, to tell anyone that their arguments are right or wrong. :lol:

I saw a question and I answered it. And you've kind of proved my point. I assume most of the theists on this board already know how you, rednev etc feel about God, Thor, Mars, the flying spaghetti monster. So why would they waste time and effort and start an argument that is likely to end up with nobody happy.

So what's the point? The theists are happy in their beliefs, as misguided as they may be considered to be. And the atheists are happy, as misguided as some may consider them to be.

Let's all stay happy and away from pointless arguments.

Haven't you been debating how good Gareth Bale is for months? What could be more pointless.
It's hardly pointless, religions hold incredible amounts of power, even in the 21st century. The fecking Chuch of England has unelected representatives in the house of Lords. That to me is utterly insane.
It's hardly pointless, religions hold incredible amounts of power, even in the 21st century. The fecking Chuch of England has unelected representatives in the house of Lords. That to me is utterly insane.

Debating religion and its impact on society and our lives is incredibly important. I hope we continue to do this in broader society.

Coming onto a thread called 'When will people realise that all religion is just complete bollocks', when many of the people who post in it have read much of the material on theism/ atheism, considered the information and made up their minds, with the sole intention of convincing them to join their religion (which is what rednev was saying) is pointless.

It will lead to arguments and nobody will change their minds.

So what is the point?
The longer there are religions and religious people the longer people will be misguided by the morals of people who died thousands of years before our time. That's one point.
Haven't you been debating how good Gareth Bale is for months? What could be more pointless.

Have I? Are you confusing me with Glaston?

None of my posts in the past 2/3 weeks have been about Bale. I'm not even in the top 10 contributors in the Bale thread. And many of my recent ones in the Bale thread aren't even about how good he is but about the possibilities of him moving.

More importantly, we are on a football forum (where people do change their opinions on players/ teams/ managers) and not on a religion forum.I reckon not a single person has ever changed their religious views based on a conversation on redcafe.
Debating religion and its impact on society and our lives is incredibly important. I hope we continue to do this in broader society.

Coming onto a thread called 'When will people realise that all religion is just complete bollocks', when many of the people who post in it have read much of the material on theism/ atheism, considered the information and made up their minds, with the sole intention of convincing them to join their religion (which is what rednev was saying) is pointless.

It will lead to arguments and nobody will change their minds.

So what is the point?

Well have you considered that you might be wrong. That as a result of the ongoing debate here some will garner further intelligence and then use it in the wider world.

Also, you are wrong on debate needing a point. Debating something for the sake of it is both pleasurable and essential in furthering our understanding.

Lastly, if you believe what you're saying, it renders everything you've said on here as pointless, unless you think you've changed the mind of others?
The longer there are religions and religious people the longer people will be misguided by the morals of people who died thousands of years before our time. That's one point.

And you think religious people coming onto this thread to try to convince Rednev to become a Christian/ Muslim/ Jew/ Sikh/ Hindu/ Pagan/ Bahai/ Satanist/ lover of Thor/ whatever, that this will change the amount of religions and religious people?