Creator of the Caftards comics
Karma rectifies your mistakes for you. We tend to blame God for our misfortunes, when in reality is due to Karmic consequence. You have free will in this life now, and you had it in the last. You can choose to good, or choose to do bad. That's all free will is.
Also if you haven't been exposed to Sikhism, you still have every single chance. As mentioned before religion is just a label, and we are judged on our actions and thoughts alone. Religion (if any) is not considered. You are judged on your own merit regardless, but if you have sinned and still get through then it's not on your own merit. If you've done good then it is. So actually what you are saying should be the case, is actually the case. I'm saying that someone who is part of a religion is more likely to do good, because they have the tools and the knowledge available to them. If you're an atheist and you manage to do it with no guidance whatsoever, well then I have to say you're one heck of a person. Think of it as teaching yourself tennis with no coach whatsoever and winning Wimbledon.
What we call life is a combination of the soul + the vessel (human body). The vessel is part of the material universe so this can be created and destroyed, and we believe the body is temporary. The soul is actually an essence of God, it's not separate. It's a fraction of God. So there's actually no "us" and God. There is only God. It's our human minds that make us think otherwise (Ego). So to answer your question, no new life is created- it's already all there.
But didn't you say:
Because I would argue that we don't have the means without religion, or more specifically the teachings/methods of the enlightened ones.
So which is it? Can I atone and make up for past sins without being introduced to religion or not? My point is, I don't trust religion. I trust in my ability to be a good person and pass that on to my offspring. If Religion is just a label, do you therefore accept all other religions as correct? Are some better or worse than others? Why should we be made to sift through all that, when we can just be good people?
The deity isn't deciding, Karma is. God doesn't decide this person needs to punished this way. Karma just simply brings the pain one has caused back on themselves whether in one life or across multiple. It has to balance out, if you do something bad you have to receive punishment. If you do good, you have to receive reward. It's like a law. The soul has to be punished, until the debt is paid. Let's say it was Hitler, now it's horrendous to us now yes exactly. It's horrendous to the family, doctors etc. But it was not horrendous to all the lives and people affected by Hitler? That's how it balances out. Admittedly, Hitler is a pretty extreme example given most people couldn't dream of committing that much atrocity.
So now you are saying, that karma is balancing out all those hitler killed with the lives affected by new born babies dying? Is that not just completely wrong? Or have I got the concept wrong. I admit, I'm a little confused
I hope I'm making sense there, basically I can't understand why Karma decides to punish good fractions of god to prove a point to the singular bad ones. Unless you are saying all those good ones have been bad in lives far previous? In which case, doesn't that sound a little like hell??