Reddit ITKs

Amazing that castles mentions a goalkeeper and now spoofy suddenly chimes in.
I’m starting to think he’s bullshitting lads.
Amazing that castles mentions a goalkeeper and now spoofy suddenly chimes in.
I’m starting to think he’s bullshitting lads.
:lol: Starting? I think that xsimon was about the only one who might have been, but very doubtful now.
I love the way they can’t resist pretending they know the club’s whole transfer strategy. It’s no longer enough to invent a rumour about one player, now it’s a source revealing every detail as it happens.
:lol: Starting? I think that xsimon was about the only one who might have been, but very doubtful now.
xisimon has actually called stuff. Another guy originally called the Kohler deal too. They've both been hounded out and banned. Kohler guy iirc received barrels of abuse because he said we were going to get Griezzman, which actually turned out we thought we were getting him until he changed his mind. Meanwhile idiots like Spoofy moderate the place making up garbage and claiming ITK credit for 5 month old Callum Gribbin news which everyone already knew. Spoofy can say anything and everyone is at the ready to gobble his cock because he is a mod and for some reason people think internet mods are like the cool kids of school or some shit.
I was being sarcastic. :wenger:
Haha sorrry!

xisimon has actually called stuff. Another guy originally called the Kohler deal too. They've both been hounded out and banned. Kohler guy iirc received barrels of abuse because he said we were going to get Griezzman, which actually turned out we thought we were getting him until he changed his mind. Meanwhile idiots like Spoofy moderate the place making up garbage and claiming ITK credit for 5 month old Callum Gribbin news which everyone already knew. Spoofy can say anything and everyone is at the ready to gobble his cock because he is a mod and for some reason people think internet mods are like the cool kids of school or some shit.

Yeah, that’s what I meant. At least xsimon had some credibility, not really sure how this spoofy has any, bar being a mod. Xsimon’s Twitter is a bit weird though, I’m a bit suspicious.
Haha sorrry!

Yeah, that’s what I meant. At least xsimon had some credibility, not really sure how this spoofy has any, bar being a mod. Xsimon’s Twitter is a bit weird though, I’m a bit suspicious.
They're all full of it mate, that I'm sure of.
I chose to believe every word they say, because they say things i like, and want to happen :lol:
There's a meltdown on Reddit now because someone tweeted a gift emoji, but I can't for the life of me find out who tweeted it.
Amazing that castles mentions a goalkeeper and now spoofy suddenly chimes in.
I’m starting to think he’s bullshitting lads.

To be fair, he said the club were looking for DDG replacements a few weeks ago, although I think it was easy to guess that anyway
There's a meltdown on Reddit now because someone tweeted a gift emoji, but I can't for the life of me find out who tweeted it.

Probably saw the Di Marzio tweet and is jumping the gun, it is of course De Ligt to United, hehehe.

They are so funny. They just wait until some journo posts something and then they change their tune accordingly with their newest made up ITK info.
There's a meltdown on Reddit now because someone tweeted a gift emoji, but I can't for the life of me find out who tweeted it.
Barca tier 1 tweeted a gift symbol next to De Ligt. More updates in 15 mins once show starts. Could mean nothing or could mean De Ligt to Barca is done.
So is your man Spoofy going to say that the deal is off now that this gift emoji has been posted. I love when bullshitters back peddle.
Give it a month, Spoofex will remove the mask to reveal he's Andy@Allerton, thus completing the annihilation by Liverpool this season.

Don't fall for it
I would have said Bruno and Rabiot myself, sounds more believable than Saul for the poor souls on reddit. But hey they would believe any name at these desperate times
Absolutely hilarious that he knows all of this and completely missed the Pogba news.
To be fair, DM did say Juve is working with Mino and United still doesn't have a fee agreed. It shows more about the ambitious effort from Juve .