Reddit ITKs

This is all getting a little silly now. I doubt an ITK would ever get that many scoops no matter what. They might be led on in some news, but outlining our whole strategy is just a lot of calculative guesswork rather than knowing someone's someone at the club. 15 mins of fame well and truly over for a lot of them now.
I’d actually believe these things more if they didn’t give daily updates. I doubt people working in the club know exactly what the movements are daily - unless they have direct connections to Woody, which I highly doubt.
The only person who is ITK is Ed, i don't even think Ole knows what is going on.
Those Reddit ITK’s are so absolutely full of shit. People hang off their every word though and get all dramatic when they say supposed itk things like “Pogba is bid on by Juventus!!!” And say like “OH WELL LOOKS LIKE HE’s gOne, hope we get x player to replace him”
Amazing that castles mentions a goalkeeper and now spoofy suddenly chimes in.
I’m starting to think he’s bullshitting lads.

I don't want to say Spoofex is credible but he has been talking about a new goalkeeper for almost over a month now. Said DDG won't sign in an update a few weeks ago and we will look to replace this summer.
Those Reddit ITK’s are so absolutely full of shit. People hang off their every word though and get all dramatic when they say supposed itk things like “Pogba is bid on by Juventus!!!” And say like “OH WELL LOOKS LIKE HE’s gOne, hope we get x player to replace him”

Sounds like the Caf actually, lots of bs tweets but taken like its biblical.
I don't want to say Spoofex is credible but he has been talking about a new goalkeeper for almost over a month now. Said DDG won't sign in an update a few weeks ago and we will look to replace this summer.

You seem to be believing an awful lot of this stuff.

Clearly until DDG signs a new contract he isn’t signing a new contract. If he then signs a new contract the ITK simply says he decided to sign the contract.

Only DDG can actually be ITK in such a situation.
I don't want to say Spoofex is credible but he has been talking about a new goalkeeper for almost over a month now. Said DDG won't sign in an update a few weeks ago and we will look to replace this summer.
Mate, I could have told you that month ago. It’s obvious he wasn’t going to sign, it’s been on the table for forever and he’s started throwing the ball in the back of his net. Obvious he’s already decided he’s off
You seem to be believing an awful lot of this stuff.

Clearly until DDG signs a new contract he isn’t signing a new contract. If he then signs a new contract the ITK simply says he decided to sign the contract.

Only DDG can actually be ITK in such a situation.

I'm not saying I believe him. Im saying he's not suddenly jumping on news because DC said we are looking for a new goalkeeper. This spoofex bloke has consistently said this for a while anyway.

Mate, I could have told you that month ago. It’s obvious he wasn’t going to sign, it’s been on the table for forever and he’s started throwing the ball in the back of his net. Obvious he’s already decided he’s off

Yeah, he looks on his way out. But again this idea thar Spoofex is only saying it because DC said it isn't a stick to beat him with (for the reason I already stated).

What stinks more about this reddit ITK guy is his weird deadline obsession. No one has that level of detail.
None of these people have any more information than is public, that's the sad truth. They get things right sometimes but it's all a sh!t at a wall tactic . . .some of it's gonna stick and they cover themselves with 'may take longer than this' or 'dependent on someone else moving'.
I'd love if someone who has faith in a particular ITK could explain to me how they believe that individual comes across this information. Genuinely interested
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I'm not saying I believe him. Im saying he's not suddenly jumping on news because DC said we are looking for a new goalkeeper. This spoofex bloke has consistently said this for a while anyway.

Yeah, he looks on his way out. But again this idea thar Spoofex is only saying it because DC said it isn't a stick to beat him with (for the reason I already stated).

What stinks more about this reddit ITK guy is his weird deadline obsession. No one has that level of detail.
Agreed. They pretend they have connections at the club then they start doing daily updates with deadlines, which is absolutely flying too close to the sun.

Imagine you worked at the club in the marketing department? You’d be given minimal information and it would be on a need to know basis at that. Then you’ve got some dickhead mate texting you every day for ITK stuff because you accidentally told him you’d seen that a certain player wasn’t being used for next seasons kit launch.

Anyone in their right mind would tell him to feck off mithering you while you’re trying to work.

Their stories just don’t stand up.
Hi. Just before everyone starts berating me, I'm not "In the know" I just passed on what I was told. Probably rubbish, I dont even believe it. But it is what it is

Cut him some slack. This is what he said on here.
Don't pass on anything else. Thanks
It's hardly a big deal is it? He stressed the fact that it was likely to come to nothing, both on Reddit and on here.

Did you lose sleep over it? Did you get your hopes up and ultimately end up devastated beyond repair?
I can't believe how gullible Reddit posters are. Look at the detail those claiming to be 'ITK' go into, as if they're getting access to scouting reports and itineraries about when players will arrive :lol: I'm sure most of their 'scoops' are nothing more than embellished hunches.

I bet they're secretly laughing at everyone buying their shit. They'll be proven to be worse than that IndyKaila bullshitter in the next week or so.
Yeah, the poster said it himself. Take it with a massive grain of salt.
" I'm not claiming to be an ITK , but here's some info only an ITK would know. Ignore it if I'm wrong but annoint me if I'm right. "
Many ITKs say that, but when the poster himself said it was likely to be bullshit, it's clear on where they stand on it and what their intention was. It's easy to separate the attention seekers from those that just want to share what they know or came across.
Many ITKs say that, but when the poster himself said it was likely to be bullshit, it's clear on where they stand on it and what their intention was. It's easy to separate the attention seekers from those that just want to share what they know or came across.
That's the thing for me - if he thinks it's bull, then why even post it?

I get that transfers aren't done until they're done. Things can change last minute. But something like that is genuine heresay and attention driven. The entire Reddit thread is amuck with this fever now.
Our very own Redcafe ITK fails at first attempt on Reddit. :lol:
Many ITKs say that, but when the poster himself said it was likely to be bullshit, it's clear on where they stand on it and what their intention was. It's easy to separate the attention seekers from those that just want to share what they know or came across.

Thing is, as stated elsewhere, there’s no point in posting something like that other than for attention.

If it happens it happens. Why do you need to have your name attached to a rumour though?
So days after Spoofex claimed "Mata is going. No contract is on offer and he isn't asking for one" Simon Stone has come out and said Mata and the club are in ongoing negotiations.

:lol: Guy is a joke