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Fecking hell they are crazy over at RAWK 

It always amazes me when they wheel out the “Utd fans are all from London lol” comments.1-2
That's it...
Gazpacho Soup.![]()
How do they always have some kid who comes in and scores loads of goals straight away? Always winners as well.
This Tan Hag guy just doesn't have that manager aura. He has the aura of asistent manager.
That was yesterday, shortly after the game..He looks like love child of John Malkovich and Guardiola
Oh look, Ronaldo’s being a dick again.
Can’t wait until he (and Messi) retire. The circus around them is tedious
Ronaldo saying Utd showed lack of empathy when his daughter was ill.
Also saying they are trying to force him out and he has no respect for Ten Haag.
The worm has turned
Bet the twat refuses to buy his own contract out though.
What should United have done differently when his daughter was ill ?
...Why should he? They were dumb enough to offer the contract. He should rinse them and make a mockery of that circus ownership!!
Haven't watched any of them to be honest but they seem to be picking up a decent amount of points to stay within a top 4 race.
Ten Hag for all the criticism appears to have made the decisions we were laughing at previous managers for not having the balls to make. From anyone who has actually seen a good number of their games, have they been performing well? Frustrating to see us below them to be honest, not to say it will remain that way but still
They have not been performing well at all. Their goal difference is 0.
...Nah they are still shit, relied on De Gea keeping them in the game again today. My missus sat there today going "this is fecking shite this, boring, can't play". The only game she's been happy with was the Spurs game
Never has their been a more self-absorbed dickhead in the history of this sport. Imagine one of our players airing their dirty laundry to Piers Moron of all people.
Wonder why no one wanted him in the summer
Ronaldo's like the fecking Homelander of football. An utter narcissist
Even more hilarious they made him captain last week.
How most of the world ever missed his self absorbed cuntishness is beyond me. He regularly threw strops at Real when team mates scored goals rather than passing to him for christ sake.
...I can't wait to see Gary Neville and Roy Keane trip over themselves trying to explain this away. GOAT my arse. Let alone that he's not as good a player as Messi
Imagine burning your legacy with the fans you purport to love in such a public way. Every United fan would willingly run him out of town on a rail. Those who would t burn him in effigy outside Old Trafford.
He has the worst advisors this side of Liz Truss.
...I very much doubt he has advisors.
Who on Earth would be brave enough to deal with that massive bellend?
And would he liston to them?
He won't play for them again.
Other than the hard shoulder shitter, who in their right mind thought that this would end well
...Their gullible fans. He's so egoistic. Stormed off when they were winning against Spurs and now this after a win.
Jeez this interview is brutal.
“The boss is jealous, for sure jealous. I have money, fame and hairline. He has only one of these things.”
“Sir Alex knows the problem. We once went for a drive and we talk and talk. The car smell of shit but the talk was good.”
“Last season I score lots of goals. If I don’t score we don’t play Europa, we play in Championship versus Stoke and Reading.”
“Gary Neville need nose job.”
Hahaha. A couple of these might as well be real. What’s he thinking of, putting the boot into Rooney? Apparently the full thing has some dynamite on Mike Duxbury.
...Ha, I actually thought these might be real.
What a horrific, self absorbed c*nt, how greedy do you have to be? I hope he fecks off from England again and we don't have to hear about him for years... and his interview with Ronaldo was shocking too.
He’s a narcissistic sports pimp. Bet he drinks that yellow stuff in tins.
He’s been constantly undermining the club and managers since returning, yet the whole of Old Trafford will make that noise with his silly little celebration. Then you’ve got all the United players and youth players copying his new one. I’ve already seen United fans defending him on Twitter.
They’re a joke. No wonder he thinks he can get away with the interview. They should refuse to sell him and refuse to play him, let him waste a precious year of his career.
If he adds saying some shite against Everton as well, I may actually start liking him
Ronald Trump
Part me of wants Messi to win the WC or another ballon d'or just so we can see Ronaldo self-implde (even more)
Obviously pushing for the club to release for free in the winter transfer window. Would open more opportunities for a CL club to sign him if no involved. Wouldn't surprise me if he goes home to either Porto or Benfica.
feck sake, if they hadn’t scored that winner this whole thing would have been even better.
Anyway, Ronaldo is possibly the biggest egomaniac to have ever played the game. This behaviour should come as a surprise to nobody. He was fully committed to joining City last year, and yet the United fans still fawned over his every move.
I can't think of a bigger narcissist who has ever played the game. I genuinely believe he sees himself as bigger than any of the clubs he's played for.
United and the show pony deserve each other though. Both driven by ego and an outrageous sense of self importance
Rooney: gives valid criticism over Ronaldo refusing to play and leaving the stadium early.
Ronaldo: says Rooney is jealous and that he himself is better looking
I mean, these are unseen levels of narcissism. Imagine, they used to call Gerrard “Steven Gerrard M.B.E.”
...Mate. They still call him "Steven Gerrard M.B.E." over on Redcafe. Without an ounce of irony.
Their entire club has been full of dickheads with big ego's for as long as I can remember.
Ronaldo probably inherited that ego & chip on his shoulder from his footballing "father" the hard shoulder shitter
Well if you're going to burn all your bridges, you might as well salt the earth while you do.
Plus you know it's bad when he was more than complimentary to Liverpool and their fans than anyone else
Got to love a player like that just destroying his legacy
All that #CR 7 and SUUUUUU!!!! bollocks just gone in an instant.
What a horrific, self absorbed c*nt, how greedy do you have to be? I hope he fecks off from England again and we don't have to hear about him for years... and his interview with Ronaldo was shocking too.
I love the way Ronaldo’s legacy is being ruined. They were never anything more than a stepping stone for him anyway, and now he’s stepping on them again
United have created this mess. It was clear he should have been released in the summer. He's been like a powder keg since, arguably the greatest player of his generation not starting games in the twilight of his career. He's getting out now so as not to look back at spending his final days bench warming beside Fred.
Obviously it's a shitty way to go about it. It's well thought out though, and if he wants to be playing club football in January, it will work.
Hopefully they can't move him on in January as he's such a toxic player for them at the moment. I don't think there'll be a particularly long list of interested clubs, certainly not at the top tier and that would pay the type of wages he's used to.
The results they keep blagging have stopped it being much more of a melodrama. Based on the simple metric of xG they should be 11th and that's backed up by watching them for any length of time. If they were languishing where they probably should be, in mid-table, then I'd expect a lot of fans would be backing Ronaldo.
I think their best bet would be something similar to when we signed Fowler back from Leeds and Leeds paid a third (?) of his salary. Edit: to be clear, I'm not comparing God and Ronaldo!!
...Thats amazing
fecked them over to leave in the first place, they've spent over a decade fawning over him like any success he had was a reflection on them even though he'd have likely been their best ever player if he'd stayed, and now he's returned to much giddiness and....he's been shit and an absolute c*nt. Its amazing.
Ronald Trump wouldn't conduct such an interview if he wasn't 100% leaving in January. I'm hearing that he's sorted it out with Chelsea. Don't quote me on that though.
Hopefully he goes there and ruins them even more
Ooooh, a Ronaldo-Aubameyang-Sterling combination would be an unbeatable dickhead front 3. Although Son-Kane-Richarlison would run it close.
...I've got you covered.
I can't think of many places he can go now, if he won't go to America.
...That single quote sums him up perfectly as a person, and why he should never even be in the conversation as the greatest player ever. Football is about so much more than goals, and I've always said that if you asked any manager in world football who they'd prefer in their team at their peak, I think the vast majority would say Messi.
Annoyingly, my son loves him - despite being a massive red. The Instagram generation seem to have been seduced by his social media image and goals, and overlooked what an utter preening, self-absorbed bell-end he's been since he first played for Utd.
I've had endless debates with my son about how Messi is the better player because of his assists, superior skill level, overall contribution to games, and generally not being a dick most of the time, but today's younger fans seem to predominantly focus on goals and followers, rather than what a player brings to the team and the club on and off the pitch.
I'm glad Ronaldo's shitting all over his legacy, as its exactly the way a narcissist behaves when things don't go well - discardment, destructive behaviour, victim mentality, blame, projection, and gaslighting.
The funniest thing is that it's all his own making - he thought he'd be Utd's saviour and single-handedly propel them back to greatness, but instead it's all gone to shit. What a glorious fall from grace it's been - without doubt one of the biggest twats ever in the history of the sport - and there's quite a list to choose from
Man known to be a self-obsessed dickhead acts like a self-obsessed dickhead.
Only a dickhead club would take on all the circus that would come with him in January. Chelsea it is then. Match made in heaven.
Ronaldo is a dickhead but let's not use this to try and paint Messi in a good light either because he is another dickhead too.
Messi's unlikely to win another Ballon D'Or, but even if you don't like him due to the tax avoidance and going to PSG, I'd love him to lift the world cup and put the GOAT debate to bed once and for all. Ronaldo can then disappear off the face of the earth and sulk in the MLS or Dubai, living in a house full of mirrors and regrets
...He could of course just agree to cancel his contract and move on, United would bite his hand off for it. Somehow that option doesn’t seem to be part of his thinking
...Funny how so many of them change their tune so quickly too.
Resident manc in my office (who literally had an a4 sized poster of Ronaldo on his wall whilst he was at Madrid) has just tweeted this;
There are MANY greater club legends than you, pal… Charlton, Best, Law, Cantona, Giggs, Rooney to name but a few.
First time I've ever seen or heard him mention Charlton, Best, Law & Cantona. He's been on his knees blowing Ronaldo since he left them the first time back in '08.
They're all looking like right cocks now. He never loved you or your club. You were a stepping stone and then a final big pay day. Nothing more.
How the feck has this got anything to do with Messi? This forum is fecking weird at times.
...Perhaps because Ronaldo going back to Utd was partly a desperate attempt to elevate his status, and finally be seen as the GOAT?
The two players are synonymous with each other and always have been.
"Nothing changed. Surprisingly. Not only the pool, the jacuzzi, even the gym … Even some points, the technology, the kitchen, the chefs, which is, I appreciate, lovely persons.
“They stopped in a time, which surprised me a lot. I thought I will see different things … different, as I mentioned before, technology, infrastructure. But unfortunately, we see many things that I used to see when I was 20, 21, 23. So, it surprised me a lot.”
...A good example of why people need to be careful of what they wish for when they want FSG to sell the club. the Glasers just throw money at the problem without a clue what they are doing, while loading £540 million of debt onto the club
Remember “the last dance” and all that shit that was coming from United fans and social media
He’s a cancer and cares about no one but himself. He would gladly win the most individual trophies if it meant his team lost.
It’s funny how one of them says we’ve not been performing well at all because our goal difference is zero.
That was yesterday, shortly after the game..
Now their thoughts about Portugese Diva..
Quote: I don't have respect for him, cause he does not show respect to me
What a horrific, self absorbed c*nt, how greedy do you have to be? I hope he fecks off from England again and we don't have to hear about him for years... and his interview with Ronaldo was shocking too.
The sourness![]()
Jokes aside, it does highlight the lack of investment within the infrastructure of the club by the Glazors over the years. He was whinging about this in the summer, I remember reading about it at the time:
We didn’t need a spoilt brat to tell us but they’re in desperate need of a revamp
His stats are great Of.c but he is a robotic c*nt as a footballer. I'll never look back fondly on him. He is a freak of nature physically which is a huge factor in his greatness but give me a player like ronaldinho or Zidane over this robot any day.
...The Chocolate player - he loves himself so much he'd lick himself
Thinks he's bigger than United, Real and Juventus put together.
Statistically he has the numbers but he only cares about he who fannies about and dives around. Wonderful watching his fall from grace. Everton beckons
The joke is he's actually expressed some legitimate concerns (i.e quality of facilities; club's treatment of his daughter's illness) only to completely torpedo any sympathy he could have gained by going after the manager. Such a thin-skinned individual
What did the Club fail to do,does anybody know ?
I wouldn't put it past him to be making that shit up.
He's inferred that Man Utd officials didn't believe she was ill/hospitalized
...The irony that he called in sick to miss the Fulham game, as he knew his interview - complaining the club didn’t believe his reason for being absent in pre-season training - was coming out. He’s got zero self awareness, the biggest ego, man child that football has ever seen. The fact he is seemingly splitting that fan base is hilarious, the same bunch who hang on to Neville’s every word are now totally confused as to what they should be moaning about and where to focus their anger. He’s right that the club is a shambles, but his circus is a great example of why they are
what a f%%%%% cirus, love it. couldn't happen to a better club
...he is just an arrogant arsehole
He says the club are trying to force him out
He spent the whole summer trying to leave
Ten Haag has at least shown the balls to stand up to him
I’d love to see the United fans try and defend this. Absolute shambles of a club. The gift that keeps on giving ever since the Moyes era be honest I havent seen one defend it, I am not arsed looking through twitter but from united fans i know well none have defended him and they are pretty pissed off with him
...Yeah, annoyingly Captain Van Bjirdseye will probably come out of this with a bit of credit from United fans. Most seem now to know what a disaster bringing Ronaldo back has been. It’s only the weird cult you see online who seem to love individual players over clubs who seem to be on the player’s side.
You only do an interview like that if you want to ensure you're moved on. I wouldn't be surprised if he's hoping that they will buy him out. I doubt he does that interview without a 6 week WC enforced break.
...We need a Rio breaking into a know it all smile meme. That guy has been a legend for Liverpool fans since he stopped playing. First, single handedly, extending Ole's contract via Woodward. Then, single handedly, convincing Ronaldo to join Utd over other clubs.
I honestly can't wait for his next endevour. Absolute ledge.
so their kitchen lacls infrastructure and technology, don't they have oven? How do they cook in their kitchen?
...Like Shaw uses just eat.
Now it's time for Harry Maguire to step up and say some words. You are a PL winner, you are England's defensive anchor and these twats benched you, you have to talk about this betrayal.
...Never won a PL
An ego coming to the end of his career and starting to blame everyone else.
Looks like he’ll be moved on in January and then may find that nobody else wants him.
Oh have they stopped shouting Siuuu when he scores?
...He doesn’t score.
Such an ugly stadium exterior, not sure what revamp they need, they should knock it down and start again.
It's like a combination of Lego, Meccano and a climbing frame.
Theatre of Ugly.
...It certainly doesn't stand up well against most modern stadiums. The roof in particular has always looked unfinished (and, no, I'm not overly keen on our roofs either ). Are there any sewage works nearby that they could develop a new ground next to?
Same people who are astounded when he isn’t in the list of the current top 10 players in the world. He was brought back into United to appease the Green and Golds and to sell shirts to those who cling onto his name.
...Remember them banging on about the shirt sales when he resigned?
Man utd don't play again until end of December. This will all blow over and the faithful will be Siuuu ing every one of his goals.
Now if Ten Months had any cohuna's he tell the Plastic one you're never playing for me again. But I doubt he will.
...Nah I think he's done. He's clearly trying to engineer a contract termination so he can get out before the season restarts, would be absolutely amazed if he plays for ten Hag again.
They'll probably give him a pay rise rather than get rid, he's been ripping the piss out of the club all season and been horrendously unprofessional yet the other week was captaining the team!!
Yup. Exactly what message does it send out? You can disrespect the manager and get rewarded with a captaincy. ETH is scared of him no matter the brave face he puts on.
Made him captain last week despite everything.
...I think that may have been a bit of rope with which they hoped he hung himself.
Ten Hag can say “how did I disrespect him, I made him captain, and still he is moaning and not pulling his weight…”
Is anyone actually going to watch this interview this week? I don't think I could bring myself to watch those two pricks together.
I'll watch Matt Hancock instead. He has more redeeming features than them both put together.
feck me no and not because it's Ronaldo,it's the misogynist twat interviewing him that really turns my stomach,when he's not doing shit interviews he is bullying young ladies on twatter.
...Never thought I would see Matt Hancock and redeeming in the same sentence
The most ill advised interview since Kane went golfing with Gary Neville.
...Prince Andrew says hi.
Bet the twat refuses to buy his own contract out though.
What should United have done differently when his daughter was ill ?
Why should he? They were dumb enough to offer the contract. He should rinse them and make a mockery of that circus ownership!!
...Because it's him trying to force through a move,not the Club like the prick is claiming.
Made him captain last week despite everything.
...I take it all back,that's the ultimate show of a lack of respect
I for one am delighted he's ruining his legacy at Man Utd. His return couldn't have worked out any better than it has for me.
...Agreed. I think he should stay and make amends with the club and supporters.
Ronaldo is a dickhead but let's not use this to try and paint Messi in a good light either because he is another dickhead too.
..Yup. The Simon Kuper book ‘Barca’ lifts the lid on the role he and his entourage played in bankrupting that club.
Club statement:
“Manchester United notes the media coverage ......momentum, belief and togetherness being built among the players, manager, staff, and fans.”
Looks like they don’t really know how to handle it. I expect Ronaldo to issue a statement along the lines of a misunderstanding due to cultural differences and that he is committed to supporting the club and manager.
It'll be a lost in translation excuse & then everybody can pile on that c*nt Morgan,that's something I could get behind the mancs for.
...Cultural differences? Ronaldo’s a c*nt. Morgan’s a c*nt. Their fans are c*nts. Their board are c*nts. Where’s the confusion for anyone?
It's so ironic he talks about the need for the club to be professional, yet he sits on the bench with a diamond cross ear ring in his ear. It's also hilarious that they are paying him half a million quid a week for his presence on the bench and his wonderful personality
...Ken Early was pointing out something similar yesterday – all his criticisms are true, and the thing that proves it is the fact that they signed him.
I know a couple of United fans who think he's a hero for "calling out" the Glazers, and how they'll be forced to sell now that Ronaldo has exposed them.
Like he'd have said one fecking word to Piers Moron if he'd not been dropped.
...Yesterday he was slating his manager for not respecting him and was being seen as a disgrace for airing all this in public. Some hero.
Their heads are going to explode over there, aren't they.
I've just realised this was on Talk TV, and at the same time I just discovered a new channel called Talk TV.
I thought this guy was meant to be the worlds biggest superstar, what is he doing sharing airtime with Vanessa Feltz?
...Because Piers Moron will give him a blowjob at the drop of a hat (and his pants).
Ronaldo is still massively idolised by my son's generation. His goal celebration is used for the majority of them when they score in under 9s games, much to the irritation of our team's manager.
Manchester City shirts are a fairly common sight as well now and we don't live in Manchester.
My son knows that both are c***s for different reasons but he's definitely in the minority.
...Still not a common site in Manchester. Seeing quite a few Liverpool shirts/kits recently
He didn't go to China, Middle East or USA because he doesn't want to finish his career there, as he already said. Manutd knew all this when they signed him. His comments about being "betrayed" are because they promised him playing time, and I'm sure that's what he demanded before he signed for them.
He can't go to the USA unless he wants to be prisoner #288124124416
...Maybe him and Partey can do a house swap, he can go to Ibiza and Partey to America
Can they force him to see out his contract while at the same time not including him in the team?
I've just came back from a weekend on the lash in Dublin to read all this. Mental. I think he did say a few weeks he would say the truth soon, kind of forgot about that. He's a prick and a half that on tube he really is. We all know he's disrespectful and arrogant, and this dig at Rooney really sums the fella up - "I'm not going to say that I'm looking better than him. Which is true..."
What is great is that he is ruining his legacy…
He is acting like a total piece of shit…
And yet, every word he says is true and is pure pure nectar for us to hear.
Ronaldo's ego is absurd. There's a long time he hasn't been a team player, rather an individual glory hunter.
I remember a couple years ago that Virgil rightly questioned his presence on the best eleven selected by Uefa, he went on a meltdown from his sisters instagram. It was hilarious as you could clearly tell it was him writing those things for himself, even the wording gave him up. I'll be waiting impatiently for her future social media endeavours
If Argentina can pull off a World Cup win it'd fully end him I reckon. Imagine how chocker his head would be. He might genuinely have to be committed to an old insane asylum if it happens.
It'd be a glorious end to his career.
Some more bizarre quotes coming out.
“These persons think I am old. Feel my skin Piers, I’m smooth like Barbie doll”
“I don’t like this comment on who’s the greatest of all time. I have scored big goals in four leagues. The Premier league, La Liga, Serie A and the Europa League.”
“The changing rooms don’t even have hairdryers. I have to ask Diogo Dalot to blow on me.”
I hear he also slated the Glazers in the interview. This whole thing is going to feck up the fans heads and how they think about him and the club. Delicious stuff
He's just a shithouse that can't accept he isn't at elite levels anymore.
They should make him player manager.
It is funny though that Utd fans are now saying Glazers should be putting more money into infrastructure all of a sudden after this interview when they’ve only been interested in transfer spend for last 5 years.
He doesnt sounds like a guy who do some thinking. He went right into Pierce Morgan's game like a pupet. His career at any top clubs is over unless PSG would like a Messi-Ronaldo line up for a few month before Messi goes to Miami.
If Ronaldo meant what he said, he would have left in the summer and join a club with a pay cut. The twit wanted everything at his current age and now he has done harm to his reputation. He looks a Portugese Peter Odemwingie at the moment
God, Man Utd really treated Cristiano poorly. Paying him the highest salary in the league while he tried desperately to leave and then when nobody would take him they still played him even as he tried to undermine the team itself. Could they have possibly really done anything else worse? Sounness is right. Get it all off your chest there big guy, we're here for you!
Honestly bonkers how their fan base have turned on him over this when you look at the character of him prior to joining them.
I hope he rinses them for every pound and then he goes to America and gets thrown in jail
Apparently in his first day, they made him eat his unfinished meal from 2009
'Hard shoulder shitter' - the feck is that?
Had to google ‘hard shoulder,’ never heard an emergency lane called that before.
Must admit, that one and the line about Ronaldo smelling shit in Fergie's car did crack me up. It's based on Fergie blaming his use of the hard shoulder on needing a shit in court a few years back. True story.
Ah yeah, it's a British thing. Almost as niche as Fergie's courtroom excuses.Had to google ‘hard shoulder,’ never heard an emergency lane called that before.
What a horrific, self absorbed c*nt, how greedy do you have to be? I hope he fecks off from England again and we don't have to hear about him for years... and his interview with Ronaldo was shocking too.
Messi's unlikely to win another Ballon D'Or, but even if you don't like him due to the tax avoidance and going to PSG, I'd love him to lift the world cup and put the GOAT debate to bed once and for all. Ronaldo can then disappear off the face of the earth and sulk in the MLS or Dubai, living in a house full of mirrors and regrets
Remember when we used to count the years since they'd won the league?
He's so off beat![]()
He's so off beat![]()
It's ironic that they have been shite since Fergie retired and he had more than a big hand in getting the fake Ronaldo back to the Theatre of screams. Causing them even more shiteness.
He anointed Moyes
What with ?
Rock of Gibraltar semen.
...He's done a lot to preserve his pedestal legacy
Moyes, Solsjkaer, Ronaldo............
It said a lot when they dropped 'Football Club' from their crest in a marketing ploy some years back now.
I think two things came into play when they brought him back. One was, as said, all about the marketing. The other was ego. The Mancs have the most overblown ego in world sport. There was no way in hell they could let him go to their Abu Dhabian neighbours. That would have been a dagger to their sense of self. They certainly deserve each other too. Both fading lights trying to capture long past glories. Both brands these days, rather than footballer and football club.
Quite right. Part of me thought that Man City played an absolute blinder there in that whole escapade. For the life of me I can't see Guardiola wanting Ronaldo near his team. The cynic in me thought that they put the stories there and played it out, knowing full well Utd would come steaming in, pay him a staggering amount of money to become a worse team. And not strengthen in the areas they should have spent that money on. I say part of me because you'd think a rival club wouldn't be that devious or underhand. Then you remember who that other club is, and it's probably quite bloody likely.
Yes, it certainly looked like Abu Dhabi played a blinder there. We'll probably never know if they meant to or not, but it certainly looked like they played United.
I can't imagine why Abu Dhabi would have wanted him on the pitch, although him being at the Emptyhad would have been a good sportswashing tool simply because of his name.
Seeing United dancing like puppets on a string was hilarious.
...Didn’t they pull that trick with Maguire and Fred as well?
Fool me once
...The United fans who welcomed him back are the same type of people who get back into relationships with psycho ex's, and then go on the Jeremy Kyle show to complain about how dysfunctional their love lives are.
I really feel sorry for him for the loss of the baby.
...That is where my sympathy starts and ends for Ronaldo
...I'd say I would be glad to see him feck off altogether and spend the rest of his days selling shite to dickheads who worship him but then he's done such a fantastic job of fecking over United (while on their payroll at c £50m pay for 2 years 'work')
It's been fun watching our 2 main rivals over the last 10 years, shame that City appeared (and played a part in one of those stories)
Not really defending him because i couldn't give two shits about Ronaldo. I'm just enjoying that he's talking shit about Manutd. I'm surprised that more people aren't.
But you did defend him I also love that he's giving Man Utd a hammering but it doesn't stop him being an absolute bellend who clearly got the hump at not being an automatic starter despite him being shit and the team functioning better without him. You seem to think he should expect to start no matter what the circumstances are surrounding his ability or form. It's a bit strange.
So he should and all. I think we owe it to football to be with Ronaldo here and demand he plays every game for Man Utd. He's shown some guts and was clearly doing that interview for the fans and out of his love for Man Utd.
...Spot on. Sack Erik Ten Months and start Ronaldo.
...What happened with his baby was terrible, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. That said...
Ronaldo is a narcissistic twat, he always has been, he always will be. Is anyone really surprised he's doing this ? United deserve this, they knew what he was, they certainly knew how he'd act when he wasn't numero uno or getting his own way. They made their bed, it's bed time.
It is ridiculously funny though and it's difficult to disagree too much with some of his opinions.
He was decent for a couple of months.
Laughable comment. He was their top goalscorer last season.
And ?
And he made them worse in the same way that he was holding Juventus back.
He scored 18 and 6 of them were 2 hattys against shite,he failed to score in over half their games.
That's what.
In a year when they scored about 20 less goals in the league. Successful.
He's scored 3 total this season. One v Everton and Two v Sheriff Tiraspol.
He's on fire.
With the right service he's still an elite finisher, the problem is at this stage of his career he offers very little else to the team, he's a "cherry on top" type of player, would work well at Abu Dhabi Sportswash FC, but then again he'd be coming up against the Bald Frauds ego, be fun to watch.
except at this point the "right service" is the same as Balotelli wanted when he was with us ... I'll goal hang and contribute eff-all to the team, but roll a pass in front of me and I'll twat it dead hard toward the goal.
Maybe instead of being a c*nt you can tell me about what you're disagreeing with. Not that i care about your opinion, but it's a slow day without footy
...Ronaldo is shite mate.
Torben Piechnik would have run rings round him.
He was 36 when they signed him
He'll be 38 shortly
He does not have the work ethic for the Dutchman, it was his choice he joined a shit club with a shit manager who has now been sacked and replaced with someone with higher expectations, he could have gone anywhere but I presume the Kudos and money were at United. I am sure Everton would have picked him every week.
...In other words, Manutd are a mess and that's exactly what he was saying in that interview. Ironically, he's a result of that mess because them signing him for the second time just proves that mess even more.They panicked when he wanted to sign for City, so they offered everything and promised him everything just to sign for them. So how is that his fault?
Don't get me wrong, i don't like him and i never did, he's a c*nt, but in this case, he's right.
Is Ronaldo considered a Man Utd legend by their fans? Serious question by the way. It seems to me like the high regard in which he is held by them is more linked to what he did on his time with Real Madrid than with them. His incredible goal scoring and him becoming one of the top few players of his generation happened when he was at Madrid.
Is Xabi a Liverpool legend?
The Xabi who we had in his prime, who conducted himself brilliantly , didn't think he was bigger and better than the club and didn't dick about doing stupid interviews with that smug twat Morgan? Absolutely
Very similar views that the Everton fans have with Wayne Rooney. Won a shed full with Man Utd and won feck all with the bitters, but still an "Everton Legend".
...Cantona, Keane, Schmiechel, Stam are legends to them, no-one I know classes the knobshiner that is he who fannies about and dives around as a legend
Crazy how what Ronaldo means by being 'disrespected' is not having the whole team built around him to score goals.
Who'd of thought an ageing Ronaldo could cause such debate amongst...Liverpool fans?
hahah. I blame Oleh myself. Bring him back and all will be good again
The whole interview last night looked scripted and rehearsed with Ronaldo set up as the victim and also a sort of self proclaimed god. Some of it just came across as childish (claimed he had never heard of Ragnick). Cringe worthy load of crap.
...Very childish that I thought. Ronaldo's been in football what, 20 odd years. And people he spoke to or himself never heard of Ragnick. He also claimed he is charismatic. I dont know which one is the biggest walter
When United played Chelsea in Moscow, it was the ultimate who do you hate most. In the end I got as good as it was possible.
Neither side won really, Ronaldo missed his penalty, Terry missed his and cryed and both sets of fans had to spend a fortune to watch a shite game when they live in the same country. Just a shame Ronaldo won the trophy, you cannot have everything.
This interview is similar, both Ronaldo and United lose
Neither side won really? Didn’t feel like at the time (not that I watched it!).
...Ronaldo's a tit but that game in Moscow was a great one
Part of the issue is in how Ronaldo has been indulged over the years. He has had way too many yes men in his life, managers, coaches and otherwise, so he is wholly unprepared for someone to be a leader and make a choice to play him, or not play him, as they see fit. He is wholly unprepared for someone to be a leader and actually expect him to uphold basic standards, like subbing on when asked, clapping fans, staying until the end.
Ronaldo has obviously been a great player. He isn't any more, but if he had any sort of character he could still be an asset for Man Utd, used judiciously here and there as the manager sees fit, weighing in with goals, and some of them might be important. He still knows where the net is, even if, as he nears the end, he knows he can't win his battle with old father time. That's a battle nobody can win. He could also be an encouraging presence in the squad for the other footballers, and could pass on his experience, health regimen, etc.
But as ever, it is all about him, and since I am a Liverpool fan, I am finding the mess quite entertaining, but deep down, it's sad really, as he has been indulged so much that this is what it is yielding, at his age too!
I agree with all of this but Ronaldo will never be forced to face any of what it means to climb down from your peak and accept being an ageing footballer. He will play first XI for various teams until he retires then go into management and get handed jobs he shouldn't get. His post playing career will be an interesting one for sure
Can someone please wake me up in August? This season is just a never ending slog.
Did any commentary mention how Phillips was pushed from under the ball when Ake scored?
Whatever. Can't defend like that and expect to win.
Didn't put our chances away.
I guess a decent run out.
Meh. Fabinho looked good.
Overall a decent performance given the circumstances. Just a shame we have to lose to those utter pricks
Decent final friendly before the real stuff.
On another day Nunez scores a Hattie and we roll on through.
How the feck city ended the game with 11 on the pitch I will never no. Rodri was a snide prick the entire game and I've no idea how Coote is still allowed to ref us.
I had almost forgotten how mediocre we are this would
With the injury situation we could do without the extra fixtures anyway really. Gave it a go in the end.
We've been poor this season but we were never going to be in our groove after not playing for 6 weeks
Carragher = coño
BBC reject host for sky = coño
Ref = coño
All of Manchester = coños
Rodrigo (I’m actually Spanish) = coño
Sky’s overall coverage = All coños
Carragher = Huge coño
Whole Man City squad = coños
Carragher = un coño grandísimo
I think that covers it.
A little frustrating but think as we get players back we’ll be fine in the second half of the season. Just need to find Darwin’s shooting boots that he seems to have misplaced
There goes the quadruple. Bring back the World Cup.
Good luck finding a bigger gang of whiny c*nts anywhere. That Rico Lewis c*nt was made to play for that side.
feck them, and feck David Coote.
Using a game away at ManC even if it's the League Cup isn't really a great barometer for making judgements. No other game will probably be like that so probably need to wait until Monday's game to say much. With that said based on that I don't think we'll be seeing a much different LFC team than what we've seen all season to now.
Well that was pretty fecking terrible from the soft lads.
Same shit different week.
Not the best barometer of anything given the line up, but still, you sort of feel we need to win this kind of game just to get a bit of optimism back.
Still, 3 wins over Christmas would be a nice remedy for that, feck all chance of it happening on recent evidence, but it would be nice
City v charlton coming up
Qatar World Cup - Bad
City ownership - Good for the League
Can’t wait for these c**ts to disappear
De Bruyne - Fraud doesn’t turn up for the WC
Fab looked good as did the Ox
What's Carra done wrong? Is he not paid to be neutral as much as possible?
It’s not his ‘neutrality’ that’s the problem, it’s the general shite he chats
Unable to pass, dreadful decision making with very little quality.
Score made it look close , but in reality we were way off it and totally unable to deal with their press.
Keita needs to just go, had enough of him now
What a massive limp, floppy cock that was.
Decent game against two patched together sides. I won't be losing sleep over the result anyway. We'll be glad of a lighter schedule in the months ahead.
Huge few weeks coming up in the transfer window. We desperately need at least 2 midfielders in.
It was ok. Never looked like winning even after equalising. Loads of players to come back and a few players have to go
Bring on the top 4 and a CL trophy
Carragher = coño
BBC reject host for sky = coño
Ref = coño
All of Manchester = coños
Rodrigo (I’m actually Spanish) = coño
Sky’s overall coverage = All coños
Carragher = Huge coño
Whole Man City squad = coños
Carragher = un coño grandísimo
I think that covers it.
Last Christmas I said to my old man we would be there or there about’s at the end of the season, we were 14 points off top when I said it. Well I said it again today, we’re 15 points off top right now, but looking at the run of games we have between now and April 1st and then City & Arsenal. I think we’ll get the winning run leading up to those 6 pointer games. I also told him we’d beat Madrid. (Every year he thinks I’m more daft than the last, could be right, but I think this tie is coming at a good time for us)
How they could watch that and think we were the dirty and snide ones is spectacular