RAWK Goes Into Meltdown - Quadruple Watch 2022/23

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:lol: :lol: :lol:

I’ve watched the ‘Darwin, Darwin Nunez’ one so many times… my girlfriend was literally crying with laughter watching it.

It’s really fecking odd how he sings with vibrato and power in his voice, as if he can sing well, yet is completely and utterly out of tune AND monotone.

For me, it’s up there with the famous Palace gif. Equally fascinating, pathetic, disturbing and funny.
Best part is he comes up with a new Nunez chant every week. Free entertainment.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
It’s really fecking odd how he sings with vibrato and power in his voice, as if he can sing well, yet is completely and utterly out of tune AND monotone.

For me, it’s up there with the famous Palace gif. Equally fascinating, pathetic, disturbing and funny.

I suspect he has had voice training/lessons. And yet.... his voice teacher must have just seen him as an ATM. But at some point, he felt too guilty to take any more of his hard-earned cash to keep that personal dream/delusion going.

But in some ways, his singing is symbolic of Liverpool this season. Flatter to deceive.
Expect more posts in Rawk meltdown. @No Idea For Nickname - stand by…

ooooooooon iiiiiit

Pete O’Rourke reporting that Edwards is going to Utd.

Well isn't that just fecking dandy
Imagine the fume if he does and they end up signing Bellingham.
At this point it's better if LFC don't overspend on Bellingham (who on all accounts will be a top player, sure) seeing as we need at least 2 new midfielders rather than a super expensive one.
Source is a bit unreliable but then again it was IndyKayla who first broke the news that Edwards was leaving LFC way back in august 2021. Sometimes sh1t sticks on the wall.
Edwards going to Utd where they have unlimited #GlazersOut cash - that's a tough scene.
I wonder what led Edwards out the door.
there will be fume regardless.
Man Utd have and will spend an absolute fortune, having a really good sporting director WITH that fortune to spend, is bad news anyway.
I remember my brother telling me years ago that in his business (hairdressing) they had exclusionary contracts that prevented them working for a geographically near rival. It just stopped salons getting closed down by poaching staff. We should have had the same with people like Edwards, it will harm us if he really does go to the Mancs.
Our budget entirely depends on outgoing sales and we have been unable to get rid of fringe players for a decent value in the past few years. Tapping into the free agent market is the most likely outcome.
Terrible news, he is pivotal to everything good over the last few years, recruitment was spot on, and the culture around the club changed thanks to people like him.
He will go in with lots of info from LFC too, not happy about this, I think its very disrespectful from him too.
Yeh that Klopp geezer just made the tea
Old info
People should stop panicking. Edwards was here during Rodgers' time as well. It was the perfect synergy of several top-of-their-game individuals, on and off the pitch, that spun gold for us. There's no reason to think he, working within Utd's hilarious hierarchy, will monster everything in the same way.
People forget this. I’m not saying he wasn’t good at his job, but when we had some fans on here talking about statues and going overboard about his negotiation capabilities it was a bit embarrassing.
He’s proved he can work well within the right structure, under Rodgers showed that if the structure isn’t right, he won’t look as good. Having a manager that can elevate players performances helps too.
A few months is a long time in football. Before Ten Hag they were a laughing stock playing overrated and past it players week in week out with no sense of purpose or direction. Now they’ve got a good manager who’s installing a better culture and look like having one of the finest sporting directors in the game. It’s not ideal to say the least that it’s coincided with us dropping off and needing to find solutions to some big problems. I think I would’ve preferred Edwards at Chelsea. He would’ve been at odds with Boehly whereas I think Man United will let him work.
I hope our Nerds are on iron clad contracts. Other than that, United are a basket case of a club, as long as we have our people and process at identifying players i'm not worried.
This news doesn't surprise me he lives over in Manc land.
Think I preferred the timeline where he was off to Nice to feck around on boats and whatever else it is they do there.
Remember also hearing he might spend time out of football to do something else entirely. Could never believe that. His talents would be wasted elsewhere.
For me it's one of those who knows? situations. Are they better off for him being there? Yes, surely they are, but other situations behind the scenes will also tell the tale. Of course when you have Klopp it makes your job easier but his own work was massive too
I'd have loved him to stay behind the scenes beyond Klopp and help shape us going forward. If he does end up at United it'll no doubt fuel rumours that he left Liverpool because he probably didn't feel able to keep doing his job at a good enough level going forward, and it's be pretty hard to argue otherwise at that stage surely.
More than rumours mate, consensus seems to be that he didn’t feel the funding would be available to make the changes he felt needed to be made to the squad.
He's clearly very good at his job. I wonder if Utd's analytics department is as big or as good as ours is though. All of that data that we compile, he won't have access to if he does take the job at a different club.
Unless we forgot to cancel his log in
Imagine getting tribally angry that a professional businessman goes to a job that will pay him a fortune, but thinking he shouldn't out of some loyalty to the football club he worked at before ...
He's not a player you know.
I'm just gutted because they are c*nts and he'll improve them recruitment wise probably. With massive money behind him.
Edwards got a thing for Disneyland after all?
If he does, we’ll see. Are there actually many instances of sporting directors moving elsewhere with similar success? I remember Everton signing the genius who signed Kante, Mahrez and Vardy to much fanfare and fecking him off about a year later to much less fanfare after he spunked £250 million on the likes of Sigurdsson, Tosun, Walcott and Klaasen. Wasn’t Comolli meant to be a genius after he left Arsenal?
Campos who’s now at PSG. He got Monaco loads of beasts and built the Lille team that won Ligue 1 in 2020/21. I suspect there are quite a few more but they go under the radar most of the time because it’s not really sexy to know who’s signing players unless you support the team.

Over reaction here surely. He was good at his job but no manager in the world would be able to do what Klopp has done?
Yep, not even any good sources reporting it anyway. Jurgen makes everyone look better than they are.
What a rat.
We are getting spoilt every weekend boys :lol:

VVD done like a kipper. Once again huge cock ups by Nunez costing them!
During the game:
Klopp trips over and falls into the dugout
A good luck omen?
Errr. No.
Our confidence went out of the window with that goal
aaand it's back
Good goal by Mo
Our midfield is like Swiss cheese
We’re so easy to play through.
Leeds are pressing more selectively now
Yes, very much so.
Leeds managing to smother us effectively in the midfield and we're spending plenty of time running in circles
If we could concentrate Reds and find some ruthlessness in front of goal, it would be good
Can we just score 2 goals and put this game to bed please?
Or 4 maybe?
Need to change something
We’ve been even worse than the first half
We seem to struggle after European games this season, Leeds have had a few days rest over us.
This is sooooo frustrating - ball just won't cross that line
Running stats they’ve shown are awful… they’ve run 10k more than us!
Maybe Klopp runs those 10k with the team tomorrow..

89 1-2….
We fail to close down one player in our area and he scores
It's the way every goalkeeper in the league turns into Gordon Banks. He will never have a better game
We had players back in numbers
Van Dijk has never lost a home league game at Anfield
Well that’s about to change
90+2 their keeper is down after a collision with Robbo.

He’s fine you’ll be shocked to know
How is there only a couple of minutes when we've had subs and injury time? Who makes this crap up?
90+4. Everyone up front …. Pumping balls into the box…

Henderson shoots way over

Full time

We don’t deserve to lose, but then again ee've been awful
Interested to know what they’re saying about Carra’s commentary, he was really critical of Robertson on the clash near the end!
Leeds had lost 4 in a row, managed 2 points from their last 8, not won a game since August. Enter fecking Liverpool.

Genuinely disgusted with that performance. Absolutely pathetic.

This team is shot to bits.
Well it doesn't get much worse than this really. Not sure what to say honestly.
It's becoming increasingly likely that the only way we'll be playing European football again next season is if we win the Champions League this season.

We've been absolutely pathetic this season and have only turned up for City at home. It's all broken. The midfield, the defense, the tactics, the substitutions. Everything. Rip it up and start over again
Congrats to Leeds - I applaud the way they went toe-to-toe.

Our fans were crap, if you don’t want to support the team give it to people who do.

Elliot will be great, but cannot play him in midfield, it doesn’t work.

Trent was so casual in the 2nd half - he deserved to be subbed off.

This season is a write off - surprise, surprise we need a midfielder.

This could be the loss that is the start of our season #RAWKSuperFans
Time to admit - this team is pretty much done. Massive changes are needed ASAP
The World Cup can't come soon enough, we are terrible.
Seasons over. We're fecking crap.
Just focus on champions league. League is gone, not even sure we can get 4th now.
Pathetic, another defeat coming next weekend too. A Europa league place would be an absolute dream finish right now but hugely unlikely.
Lost to the worst 2 teams in the league. For feck sake. Just not good enough.
I’d guarded against piling on… but they look very beatable at the moment. They’ll continue to murder the teams that aren’t tactically capable of setting up just to play them.

But most of the teams placed 6-16th in the league no longer rest players in matches against them. They don’t use it as an acceptable defeat. They know a point is possible, especially if you score first.

I still think they’ll finish 4th after having a great 15 game run with most of them being wins… but I’m probably stupid for thinking that.
@No Idea For Nickname I’d like to apologise on behalf of the whole forum that you have had to work every weekend for the last 3 months. We will give you days in lieu some time in the future when this chaotic period ends.
It's been too long since we've revelled in Liverpool being terrible guys, let's take it easy on them...

Well deserved

fecking rancid for 67 minutes.
Worst performance of the season so far and that’s quite an achievement. Too many players who don’t seem to be making any effort whatsoever.
We’re winning feck all playing like this
We are just not good enough at the moment.
We were shit! 0 points against the bottom two teams.

Our midfield is a joke. No energy, no power and getting outrun evreytime.
That was fecking shit.
We are terrible right now. Losing to the bottom two in consecutive league games is simply not acceptable.
No idea what we do moving forward

The winner, (so far)
Need to get to 40 points. We are awful
I’d guarded against piling on… but they look very beatable at the moment. They’ll continue to murder the teams that aren’t tactically capable of setting up just to play them.

But most of the teams placed 6-16th in the league no longer rest players in matches against them. They don’t use it as an acceptable defeat. They know a point is possible, especially if you score first.

I still think they’ll finish 4th after having a great 15 game run with most of them being wins… but I’m probably stupid for thinking that.
I hope when we play them next we just go all out for goals.
They've taken over our role from last season. Love it :lol: :lol:

The insane pressing and intensity has literally gone from them overnight.
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