RAWK Goes Into Meltdown | 2013/14

When does Gerrard act the cnut on the pitch ever?

You for real, Barnacles?

He's famed for his shithouse tackling, disgusting theatrics, sickening self-promotion, and not to mention his cnutish behaviour off the field, too.

I rate Gerrard as a footballer and would normally fight his corner in ridiculous debates (Gerrard v Toure, for example) but don't start with the holier-than-thou attitude, mate.

It's unbecoming for a "Redman". ;)
When does Gerrard act the cnut on the pitch ever?

In fairness, a few on here wanted us to win too.
Starfish dives? Sticking his fingers up at the ref? Potentially leg breaking tackles?

Nothing that a lot of other players don't do on the pitch but cnuty behaviour IMO.
When a match like that is still swirling around in the after-eddies of the vortex that consumed Selhurst Park tonight and scattered all reason, it's hard not to indulge in some hindsightery.

Translation - We fecked up la'

Why do they take forever to say nothing?
Starfish dives? Sticking his fingers up at the ref? Potentially leg breaking tackles?

Nothing that a lot of other players don't do on the pitch but cnuty behaviour IMO.

You forgot elbows, he loves an elbow smash to the face
I've been seeing pictures of Suarez crying on the front pages of Yahoo news (which barely runs any football related stories) as well. Glorious stuff.
It's Michael Brown, wish a United player had done the same when that cnut lunge-stomped on Giggs.

Was hilarious how Gerrard wasn't retroactively punished despite clear evidence.
All these videos of Gerrard, elbowing and him not getting sent off, seriously, what the feck ? The refs love him.