RAWK Goes Into Meltdown | 2013/14

I hate Scousers.....I've been in Liverpool 3 times and I've seen, 3 teenagers crash a car they robbed, 2 lads trying to break an ATM, 2 women fighting with their fists, while been egged on by their partners, on the street...And I had the utter shit kicked out of me at Goodison when I was 12 years old by three middle aged lads on a school trip at the match RVN scored a peno. The rest of the crowd threw coins at me as I got battered...My point is, I hate them and look down on them for a lot more then Liverpool/United rivalry...So as much it pains me to say this, they've been better then us this season so far and posting in this thread is ludicrous given all the crap we've had to endure this season

Holy shit. :eek:
I think it's important to remember that Everton fans are scousers too. I feel it's sometimes forgotten since they aren't typically as belligerent or whingey as Liverpool fans but we must all strive to remember that scousers are the true enemy, red or blue or, indeed, any affiliation.
I think it's important to remember that Everton fans are scousers too. I feel it's sometimes forgotten since they aren't typically as belligerent or whingey as Liverpool fans but we must all strive to remember that scousers are the true enemy, red or blue or, indeed, any affiliation.

All of them are a bunch of wankers as far as I'm concerned...United fan or not!

I mean, look how quick they all turned on Souness...After all he did for them...

Look how they all turned on Moyes after all he done for Everton...

All of them are a bunch of wankers as far as I'm concerned...United fan or not!

I mean, look how quick they all turned on Souness...After all he did for them...

Look how they all turned on Moyes after all he done for Everton...


Look how quickly you've turned on Keane...

I loved Souness as a player, he was my favourite. I still respect all he's done as a player even if he wasn't a good manager.

As for Moyes, after the shite he came out with after leaving them, Everton supporters have every right to turn on him slightly.
Look how quickly you've turned on Keane...

I loved Souness as a player, he was my favourite. I still respect all he's done as a player even if he wasn't a good manager.

As for Moyes, after the shite he came out with after leaving them, Everton supporters have every right to turn on him slightly.

I've turned on Keane?? :lol: So me defending him on here is me turning on him?

What shit? He made that club what it is today!! They were relegation candidates every year till he took over and he transferred them into what they are now!! Personally, I'm still out on Moyes, I don't know what to think of him so far, but Everton fans turning on him for the little rat thats in charge now? Disgrace!!

They should be thanking Moyes for taking Fellaini
Ha yeah...And I respect Blur but doesn't mean I like them!

I loved Souness. He'll never be regarded in the same light as Gerrard, Dalglish, Barnes, Rush, etc. mainly because he didn't have the connection with the supporters that a lot of our other legends have had.

We support Liverpool FC, not Souness FC and when we see that someone isn't working out after being given a fair cracking of the whip, we understand it's time to move on.
I loved Souness. He'll never be regarded in the same light as Gerrard, Dalglish, Barnes, Rush, etc. mainly because he didn't have the connection with the supporters that a lot of our other legends have had.

We support Liverpool FC, not Souness FC and when we see that someone isn't working out after being given a fair cracking of the whip, we understand it's time to move on.

See, thats crap as far as I'm concerned! Dalglish and Rush are great Liverpool legends...Barnes, for me has dirtied his bib with some brain puzzling comments in his media career...Gerrard, the same guy who flirted with Chelsea for two years?

Souness was one of your best ever players and done everything for that club! He, like Moyes, was handed a positioned chalice and yet you blame him for it all and laugh at him? Like you put down Keegan at every opportunity...The same players who gave you all that glory and that aura and that reputation....And don't try and deny it as on a daily basis, my Liverpool supporting mates use Keegan as a figure of fun and use Souness as some sort of anti Christ figure that "destroyed" your club

Some of you lot need to have a higher respect for the people that made your club what it is
Rossi, Souness was a great player, no doubt. However, he had dealings with The Sun; 'nuff said.
Scouser are like the lad at school, we all knew one, that was good looking, excelled at sports and had girls falling all over him. Over the years and decades he has gotten fat, hair is going, has a dead end job on some factory floor he has had for twenty years plus. You still see him in town on Saturday nights occasionally, shirt open to the chest and straining at the gut trying to dance with teenage girls, convinced he is still top dog while the world laughs at him. Liverpool as a city both red and white is the same, the Beatles, footballing success in the 70s and 80s and nothing since other than memories, a mawkish over sentimentality and an unexplained fondness for hubcaps.
Scouser are like the lad at school, we all knew one, that was good looking, excelled at sports and had girls falling all over him. Over the years and decades he has gotten fat, hair is going, has a dead end job on some factory floor he has had for twenty years plus. You still see him in town on Saturday nights occasionally, shirt open to the chest and straining at the gut trying to dance with teenage girls, convinced he is still top dog while the world laughs at him. Liverpool as a city both red and white is the same, the Beatles, footballing success in the 70s and 80s and nothing since other than memories, a mawkish over sentimentality and an unexplained fondness for hubcaps.

Basically this character from 'Waiting.'

Not that i don't love the poetry, sparky, but isn't this supposed to be about rawk?

Understatement on City:
thegoodfella said:
I think when it comes down to quality, they have some players who are marginally better than some of our players when it comes down to holding and passing the ball.
And if they lose to the chavs tomorrow, we are only 2 points behind them.

Nearly time for the bust, This years will be epic
And if they lose to the chavs tomorrow, we are only 2 points behind them.

Nearly time for the bust, This years will be epic

If, buts and maybes. Just wait and see what the second half of the season has in store.

Good nervy win against Norwich there, a team which has shipped 19 goals against the current top 4. Well done.
If, buts and maybes. Just wait and see what the second half of the season has in store.

Good nervy win against Norwich there, a team which has shipped 19 goals against the current top 4. Well done.

Thanks, resting a handful of players and getting our second away win in 2 days was pretty good in my opinion.
If, buts and maybes. Just wait and see what the second half of the season has in store.

Good nervy win against Norwich there, a team which has shipped 19 goals against the current top 4. Well done.

Are you an emissary from RAWK or something?
If, buts and maybes. Just wait and see what the second half of the season has in store.

Good nervy win against Norwich there, a team which has shipped 19 goals against the current top 4. Well done.

Why are you even worried about us then? :)
If, buts and maybes. Just wait and see what the second half of the season has in store.

Good nervy win against Norwich there, a team which has shipped 19 goals against the current top 4. Well done.


Still the same old bitter Saoirse. Never change.
Why are you even worried about us then? :)

I'm not at all worried by United believe me. But I just think it is funny that Liverpool are 12 points better of than this time last year and United are 10 points worse off and still some United fans can't give Liverpool any credit.
I'm not sure why it's important for you to see United fans giving any credit. This is a thread made for laughing at the most deluded forum in the world. If you're looking for credit in this thread then it's your fault.
I'm not at all worried by United believe me. But I just think it is funny that Liverpool are 12 points better of than this time last year and United are 10 points worse off and still some United fans can't give Liverpool any credit.

Is it really a surprise? I've seen a fair bit of credit given to Liverpool this year. But at the end of the day a huge amount of Liverpool fans have spent the last 20 years giving the winning United teams to credit too. A large amount of each fanbase hate each others club, of course they aren't going to give each other credit.
I'm not at all worried by United believe me. But I just think it is funny that Liverpool are 12 points better of than this time last year and United are 10 points worse off and still some United fans can't give Liverpool any credit.

To be fair, we give the racist plenty of credit...