RAWK Goes Into Meltdown | 2013/14

And you know what, I'm glad they are in the knockout stages. They will get an absolute bumming from one of the big sides I've got no doubt about that. And when I say bumming I mean a 8-0 aggregate job. I can't wait for it.

must be embarrassing to on one hand boast about their European record, yet not actually get into the competition these days!
"He'll be at Fulham within 18 months," :lol: . He's superior to Hodgson and United aren't run by a bunch of idiots (leeches yes, idiots no).

Maybe not in a business sense, but in a footballing sense there very much are a couple of idiots high up in your club. See David Woodward. Ours are no better mind.
When Woodward fires Moyes and appoints the fan's romantic choice... ownership is also more stable at United than what Liverpool were going through in the 2010-11.
Finally, it sinks in............almost. Every season? That explains their 40-in-a-row.

United are following the exact same path we did when Souness took over. He'll buy some average players, the top quality will leave, the team will win a few "big games", and will finish in a respectable position. Every season people will talk about "you can't count United out of the title race", and every season they will fail to be genuinely part of it. It continues for a few seasons, and only in hindsight do you realise how deeply the rot was setting in. I just hope that Moyes has enough time to see that whole process through fruition.

Only those of us who lived through it can recall how totally inconceivable it was that we would go from winning the league year after year to not winning it again for more than two decades. We didn't go from winning it every season or two, to every four or five seasons, to once a decade. We went from every season to not again (for a long time). Rots can set in quick and hard.
John Henry is very rich, worth around $1.7b US according to Forbes.

I get what you mean though, someone that isn't really in the game from a business view but a play toy view.
I'm itching for these cnuts to fall down the table. RAWK is well and truly into its lofty state of delusion. This thread needs a little more fun.
Okay, owners who aren't obsessed with moneyball and who would actually go out and buy top class talent.

I think they will spend (not to the extents of City). They're hardly stingy, especially when you consider the fact that we don't have CL revenue. Since Rodgers has taken over they've given us near enough £20-30m net each window. In January I'd expect the same. I'd expect that to increase if we qualify for the CL. Their moneyball obsession is overstated. We were interested in Mkhitaryan and Willian in the summer, they're not afraid to spend relatively large amounts of money.
From their Moyes thread after last night's win.

i actually think this thread may look a tad daft come the end of the season.Im not saying he is setting the world alight but with the team he was left with from Whisky nose he is actually doing quite well IMO. Shoot me now.
They're certainly more tolerant of "pro United" posts, it seems. Their Nazi mods are more eager to crack down on anything which is regarded as "disruptive" in terms of the cause. They're ideologists over at RAWK. Bluemoon is just a bunch of aggressive tossers.