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Do Liverpool players appeal enough to referees?
Absolute fecking idiots the lot of them.
Do Liverpool players appeal enough to referees?
Absolute fecking idiots the lot of them.
What the feck?! I mean What the actual feck?! What are these analogies? I'm speechless really.
Do Liverpool players appeal enough to referees?
'd have the whole team surrounding the referee for every single decision that doesn't go our way. feck them, they obviously aren't going to give us anything the way things are going. The refereeing association brings it on themselves by being so fecking spineless towards the teams that do it every week, the only way to level the playing field is to do it too. Nice guys finish last.
There was a 5 minute spell in the second half when we were kicked off the pitch, that culminated in Johnson being barged off the pitch. At that point I would have been quite happy if Gerrard had just taken the players off the pitch in protest, thats how bad I thought it was today.
Yeah reading was told that. Honestly mate I've fecking had it now and I've had it for ages. They don't like us, they'll do what it takes to hinder us in anyway shape or form. Week in week out, I See us, I see other clubs, no club is being targeted quite like ourselves. I can't believe people don't think the league is fixed and there's no corruption it's ridiculous. So the government can cover up 96 deaths for over two decades but the FA can't swing a few games, yeah......okay.
"But there is no two ways about it, if there was no Roman Abramovich (Chelsea owner) or the guy (Sheikh Mansour) who bought Manchester City I'd have two or three league titles sitting here now."
Gerrard you plonker, this must of been written by somebody on RAWK for him, my guess would be Andy@ Allerton
I hate how Suarez is being victimized by the refs and never gets any penalties.
Liverpool at Anfield in 2012
Played - 13
Won - 2
Drew - 6
Lost - 5
All the refs faults though, obviously. And Fa, conspiracy, Fergie etc etc.
That's so last week Plech..
But seriously, to say it so nonchalantly you'd think at some level he believes it. And yet literally a second's reflection shows it to be total nonsense.
Are there normal Liverpool forums?
Are there any other football team's forums that are quite like Rawk?
Are there normal Liverpool forums?
Are there any other football team's forums that are quite like Rawk?
"the red nets are not helping"
He managed to dive whilst already in the middle of a dive. Even for him that's impressive.
Tbf he was badly stamped on by Huth.
But its Suarez so he deserves it.
I've got a feeling Suarez is going to do something really stupid again soon, and get banned again. You can tell he's starting to lose it.
That club... it's a graveyard for talent.
Ive just seen the 'dive', and firstly, was he booked ?
Because im not sure it was a dive, i think he tried to carry on and lost his footing
its funny they say its a dive, because there was contact made by the defender, yes suarez exaggerated but there was contact.
Tbf he was badly stamped on by Huth.
But its Suarez so he deserves it.
I personally believe Huth was simply trying to show affection.
Yes, Suarez went over the top with his fall, but the fact still remains that he was fecking clipped. The player took his foot and not the ball. If he stays on his feet hegets nothing, if he falls over he gets berated for falling over too easily! The lad cant fecking win! Where's the ref or the linesman spotting that the defender clipped his heal?? It was foul, but its on Suarez so he must have dived!
bottom line is suarez will go down if he feels contact ( now sometimes that contact could be accidental or even if he's clipped his own feet) this is like 99.9% of players in every division. if players try to stay on their feet they get feck all from refs in our league unless they play for certain teams. suarez is getting vilified because ferguson singled him out that is the ONLY reason he has this diver tag. why doesnt ashley young or welbeck have this diver reputation? because the media that feeds the public in this land have deemed suarez as devil incarnate. if i was kicked, grabbed, stamped on all game i would do more than over elaborate a slight contact.
He managed to dive whilst already in the middle of a dive. Even for him that's impressive.
Bale dive just laughed away, lawro is currently rubbin sand into his vag in anticipation for suarez
Steady yourselves Gentlemen!
Suarez, yet again got the shit kicked out of him today.
Cue the T.V eddited highlights that show one kicking, and ten Suarez dives, just to hammer home what a dirty Johnny Foreigner he really is. :tosser
pulis is such a c*nt. how can he say he has a problem with them getting 6 yellows. i think a priority for the FA should be dirty violent players ahead of divers
That shower of cu.nts did nothing today but play anti-football.
At least half a dozen tackles from behind, through the achilies. At least the best part of eight jumps at the man, without playing the ball. Thats not even getting in to the usual rough house tacktics and roughing up players just for the sake of it.
they;re a gang of cock sucking shit houses, only topped by Lee Mason. Possibly one of, if not THE MOST inept twat of a referee ever.
the shithouse just let them get on with it.
Shocked? YES!
Surprised? NO!
Jason Roberts has just said "Andy Carroll will guarantee you goals and performances"
Its easy money being on MOTD. fecking hell.
Say what you will but no denying it's well written, and I think it's fair. A lot of it depends on the definition of diving, which seems fairly subjective. I personally don't consider him a diver or a cheat - he does exaggerate falls hugely, and makes the most of contact, as noted, sometimes to the point of looking comical, but at the same time, I'm yet to see him throw himself on the floor where there was no contact.
Brendan clearly needs to have a word with him to learn the art of diving correctly or stop it altogether. Its not helping him one bit.
looked to me like after all thats gone on recently he was taking the piss by making the dive so obvious.
So Suarez is our Drogba? I always wondered how Chelsea fans could warm to such a horrible diving fanny of a player, well now I know.
He really is a tit sometimes isn't he? Pulling that sort of bollocks just a week after the manager and some of his teammates have stuck up for him, I understand it was out of sheer frustration after being persistently fouled all game but get a grip of yourself Luis, everyone outside this club are constantly gunning for you.
Have not seen the dive yet. He did the same against udinese though, granted he was fouled, but he rolled about like he had been nuked.
He might have been clipped/slipped and lost balance, and tried to stay up and knew nothing was on so threw himself in the most retarded manor, it was fecking awful to watch how bad it was due to the way he did it, should've just went down the first bit, never change your mind or it'll look like an awful dive, which it was really at that stage.
Keep diving son, we'll get one soon.
Regarding the dive, he delayed going down, after the initial contact was made he should have gone. That said he never gets anything anyway, so it's a moot point.
The only people that tarnished the good name of Liverpool FC in that affair are the liar Evra, the even bigger fecking liar Ferguson and the woolly-headed, media spoon fed, poorly-read gobshites that believe the Manc side of the story ...