I agree with the posters above in the main; Don't ask me why after Tuesday's madness - but I STILL believe that for us, the league title this season WILL come down to the final games for us AND United. And no to the other poster eulogising the 'United Youth'; The United youth are NOT that great - not compared to what they had in the 'Class of '92' (Beckham, Scholes, Neville 1 & 2 etc) anyway. In fact I think OUR Youth team if not surpassing theirs is certainly its match in levels of ability, skill, class etc and winning mentality AND it cost us far less. Also if they're going to be so great - then WHO will bring them through as Fergie brought through their 1992 team and he won't be here in 3 years time. So who will bring them through to the First team? (By which time they COULD be chasing us, who knows..................
As to the premise of the article (the original post). Couldn't agree more mate - I wrote a thread on this subject myself a few months back (find it HERE:
http://www.redandwhitekop.com/forum/index.php?topic=239935.0) and provoked more than a few arguments. But I still stand by what I said AND by what this poster says - 1

Fergie IS getting more and more paranoid and furious (and bitter that we're back almost) as we get on their tail and just STAY there, not falling away through losing to small teams like Arsenal have, or losing our touch in the 'big' matches (as Chelsea have) but we're still there through it all, outrageous refereeing decisions, public abuse from Fergie, attempts by the managers, commentators and media outlets on his payroll to destabilise us furiously;
Yes, they've been there for the past 20 years ever since Fergie got his grubby mits on the League title and/or got near it before 1993, all these things but now we see the truth don't we? All along, THIS is what Fergie's been afraid of, THIS is what all his abuse of/control of media, referees etc have been established for gradually, to make it as hard as possible for US to do to them what they've done to us since 1992. Back then, although we didn't see it, there was a red monster shaping in our wingmirror, gearing up, finding the ignition, learning how to break down teams that 'park the bus' (yes it gave THEM problems to once), overcome refereeing decisions and thus dominate (and win) League Title race after League Title race in a way that WE pioneered. Does this sound familiar yet? Guess WHO the Red Monster was back then and WHO was at the controls? Now? The situations reversed, it's US steamrollering towards THEM with all the force of our history, our fans and sheer, naked DESIRE on our side and Fergie can see this - you see the greatest weakness of his and United's position is that they've ALWAYS, even now been playing catch-up to OUR Totals at home and in Europe, and doesn't Ferguson and all of 'them' hate it? Just ONE League Title for us would have rendered ALL of his efforts useless other than getting to within TWO league titles of us and yet it hasn't happened and gradually, they've eaten up the gap, built up their hopes along with those of their mad Manager so much so that right now, right on the brink of success in his REAL aim (dethroning us from the 'Most Successful' throne at home), imagine how paranoid they must be to suddenly turn around and see guess what? Yep, the same Red Monster they thought they'ed destroyed years ago, sitting there, waiting to pounce and it doesn't matter if we do it this season OR next - they'll STILL not have overtaken us- we WILL win the title in 1 of the next 2 (3 at the most) Years and reduce all Ferguson's efforts to dust under Rafa'. Why? Because we've found the one thing we've needed since Dalglish abandoned ship in '91 - a true manager who in terms of humility as all else could probably give Fergie lessons, we've found a successsor to that magical line of 80's and 70's managers who bestrode football in England and Europe like giants - we found Rafa' and now HE is at the wheel of OUR Red Monster and there's NOTHING that Ferguson and Manchester can do to stop it.
And what's more? they know it to. They've shot their bolt - this is their last desperate flash in the dark just, it's the end of their dynasty, not so much crumbling, more dissolving as ours did in 1991 - their players are still individual stars of the highest quality as ever but their ability as a TEAM has gone down immensely since last season and what's more I think the Credit Crunch may affect their ability to bring in badly needed midfield reinforcements (and where are WE strongest?) United are to tired, tired from 20 years of chasing us and not overtaking, tired from all the worry that one day we WOULD wake up and establish NEW records and they're knackered from both the paranoia AND the strength required to hold us off now that we HAVE awoken. If it's taking all their strength to hold us off NOW, what do you think can happen next season from the START? With us in the kind of mood we've been in this season since March began. IF we don't win it this year (and like the OLD Liverpool - the REAL Liverpool; Rafa's side won't concede the prize until the final whistle in May), then we WILL win it next, why? Because you've seen it this year for yourselves, we have the belief now, we have that much vaunted quality of 'experiencing' a title race (a ding-dong 'you take top spot, no we'll have it back' battle no less), we have a team, players and managers so hungry for the title (as United were in 1992) that they'd probably put the Halloween series to shame by how much blood they'd spill for it if necessary. Most of all? We've proven it to ourselves, we've cracked the psychological barriers one by one this season, we've beaten nay BATTERED all comers for much of the season in many different competitons, lower sides? destroyed (ala Newcastle, Blackburn, Bolton to name but 3), the best dissected (Chelsea, United, Real Madrid, Villa etc), Parking the bus? (still a little problem but one that games against Boro', Blackburn, Sunderland, Bolton and United themselves have shown we CAN break down when we put our minds to it this season), away from home? (we've won at Goodison, Old Trafford, Stamford Bridge, drawn at the Emirates and wrote a book on how to play football with our B team in DESTROYING Newcastle in December). Oh yes, I nearly forgot, spectacular comebacks have been on the menu to (Wigan 1 - 2 ahead at Anfield? No problem, Worried about 0 - 2 down at Man City? Not a chance, 0 - 1 down at OT in a summit meeting? Phased by it? Don't make me laugh). We've conquered all our demons this season, one by one as listed above, we've picked up points over the whole season and against nearly everyone, we've engaged in 'mind games' with Fergie and if not winning, we certainly haven't rolled over and lost as Keegan did all those years ago (Did Newcastle batter United in their own backyard and take top spot back from them what 5? 6 times in the run in with a possible 7th tommorrow (fingers crossed) during the 1996 race? Thought not).
Basically, ladies and gents. In terms of form, goals scored, points gained over time at this moment IN time we ARE the best side in England - however many scabby 1 - 0's, 2 - 1's or 3 - 2's those b*stards from OT scab in crucial games. You can't win titles repeatedly that way - remember Houllier? And they know it, why do you think their fans are mirroring their manager and cooking in their own bile and venom at present - they KNOW that the Anfield Juggernaut is not just drawing level with that from Old Trafford as it tries to pull ahead on a creaky engine driven by a vexed, cursing, purple faced Scotsman with the finish line in sight - oh no, said Anfield Juggernaut is getting ready to ram the Old Trafford bandwagon off the road and into a ditch permanently whilst driven by the smiling assassin Rafa' Benitez and best of all? There's nothing Fergie and the Manc' hordes can do to stop it bar watch as it happens.
I think however the season ends now, We've convinced ourselves we're the best - and THAT is the hardest barrier of all to clear, the one that United could NOT clear for 26 years until 1993. Now? All that remains is to go out and show the rest of this league that we ARE the best. And we're well capable of that. The original poster was right in his statement but wrong in his analogy - there are indeed alarm bells blaring out our intentions to the world loud and clear but their not so much those proclaiming a new event or the advent of a new power as those proclaiming a cataclysm as that's what we're going to do to the Premier League and the cosy little Man Utd 'Clique' helping them stay at the top (his ex players as managers, his support from shite like Allardyce and even the likes of Wenger supporting him in the title race? None of it will matter before long and as to Ferguson? I'm not sorry for him, not at all, it's loooooooong past time HE was knocked off his perch and who better to do it than us? Truly , the side he loves above all others? No wonder the man's bitter, I would be to if I'd done all he did and now saw THIS coming in the near future to crush my legacy underfoot - and you know what? We will to - Believe me, when Rafa' retires, few will remember Alex Ferguson and his one-time quest to overtake our records, Rafa' will see to that.
Ferguson knows all this of course and you know what hurts him the most? It's that WHEN all this happens (and it will) he'll be powerless to stop it - having been long retired. How that must gall him, working all that time, doing all he's done and now seeing it threatened by the one manager he'd NEVER want near anything like that and best of all? We only need to win the league once in the next couple of years, and we will - I'm sure of that now, we will win it within the next 3 years and Fergie's quest to overshadow us will join his job in history. It couldn't happen to a nicer hard drinking, Taggart clone could it? I'll end by saying I am NOT sorry Mr Ferguson, not at all - goodbye and good riddance when you go. Hope you enjoy your retirement knowing that you tried so hard to achieve your goal and it was all in vain............................................