Rage Against The Machine For Christmas No.1


Why do I get the feeling taht toothy cnut has won?
I downloaded it in the end, for free (still counts towards the charts though).

Technically I actually got paid £3.21 to download it.
The iTunes popularity;


Whilst I agree with the idea of stopping X factor having another christmas number 1. All this manufacturing of music etc. I have a better idea. Instead of going out and purchasing rehashed songs, why don't people just not spend any money and listen to the great songs they already have? It's easy to avoid X factor over this period. I've ben doing it for years. Now time for some Portishead.
Great, but for most people in the UK, RATM will only ever be known as the anti X Factor group. In the eyes of most people, they will be remembered almost as a novelty - like Mr Blobby or Bob the Builder.

Maybe, but a whole group of people who had never heard of RATM will hear their music and many will like it. That can't be a bad thing.
What's the up-to-date statistics on this then lads? Any news?
Us old fans? :lol:

Aren't you like 16 or something? You weren't even born when this song was released! :smirk:

Im 17, 18 in March, so yes I was actualy born when it was released, get your facts right

I've been listening to Rage since I was 14, not that long I agree but I would regard pre 2009 fans as old fans.
one of them is the live version, which last night made a big surge up the itunes charts. It still counts towards the charts as its the same song.

You should see the Amazon charts

1. Killing in the Name
2. The Climb
3. Killing in the name

7Digital chief claims Rage Against The Machine will be Christmas Number One

But The X Factor sales are still to be added to the final score

* December 20, 2009 | 0 Comments
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7Digital CEO Ben Drury claims Rage Against The Machine's 'Killing In The Name' could be crowned Christmas Number One this evening (December 20) ahead of The X Factor's Joe McElderry.

According to Drury the LA band clocked up 100, 000 sales yesterday (December 19).

He wrote on his Twitter page: "Judging by our sales and our market share, RATM could have sold 100,000 copies yesterday alone! Power to the people.

"I reckon RATM has done it but need to wait until 6.30pm-ish to find out."

However with a big shopping day The X Factor release was also expected to sell a large number of physical copies which are currently being added to the total sales score.

Check back on NME.COM at 7pm tonight (December 20) to see who has won the battle for Christmas Number One.

100,000 in a day!
This has changed my whole life! Next year instead of doing this why don't we have a facebook group donating to a charity of its choice and set a target of how much money to raise? Much more worth it.
Apparenetly for their alternative Christmas message, channel 4 are going to have either Simon Cowell or RATM giving it, depending who wins.
Please let this happen! if Rage win everyone must tune in to Radio 1 because Joe McElderry will be in the studio as it is being announced, would be radio gold hearing that little shit crying his eyes out :lol:
This has changed my whole life! Next year instead of doing this why don't we have a facebook group donating to a charity of its choice and set a target of how much money to raise? Much more worth it.

That's a good idea.

RedCafe's annual Christmas charity push.....
Latest odds of Befair:
Joe 5.1
RATM 1.12

Some writers on Twitter saying there was a press release on the number 1the reason there has been allot of money put on. Also these are the figures I've read don't know if its true or not 502,672 vs. 450,838 sales in rages favour
Damn, imagine being the couple who started the group. Getting hundreds of thousands of supporters, raising thousands of pounds for charity, getting Rage to perform live on the radio, then getting them to do a free concert if it's number one!
Can someone clarify, do we find out who's the christmas number 1 at 4pm Radio 1 today?
Damn, imagine being the couple who started the group. Getting hundreds of thousands of supporters, raising thousands of pounds for charity, getting Rage to perform live on the radio, then getting them to do a free concert if it's number one!

knight them!!
Can someone clarify, do we find out who's the christmas number 1 at 4pm Radio 1 today?

I don't think its 4pm that just when the chart show starts I think it be around after 6.30 but I could be wrong I haven't listened to the chart show in a long time.
Can someone clarify, do we find out who's the christmas number 1 at 4pm Radio 1 today?

I've not listened to the chart show for years but the old format was to begin the countdown at 4.00pm and the number one was announced about 6.45 once the countdown was complete.

According to several sources RATM won by between 52,000 and 44,000 singles so it was not close.
So im going to have to listen through 1 hour and 45 minutes of atrocious chart music? fml!