Queen Elizabeth II | 1926-2022 | Rest in Peace


How the feck do i explain to the missus what I'm laughing at?! She wants to read this but I'm already fed up of the disappointed look she gives me each night, I don't want to add to it, ffs.
Have hope. My missus asked why I was laughing when I was writing it and I told her. Still got a first class ride.
Going to be "hilarious" when half the England team is out for the WC due to injuries caused by trying to cram in games to make up for QueenFest.
Going to be "hilarious" when half the England team is out for the WC due to injuries caused by trying to cram in games to make up for QueenFest.
The games will be post World Cup. Almost certainly replacing the FA Cup 3rd and 4th round replays.

Or even in the midweek where Europa 2nd place sides play eliminated Champions League sides (assuming we somehow manage to Dick Turpin our ways to winning the group or go out)
Been filming in Central Edinburgh today. Bit weird seeing snipers on the roofs
Been filming in Central Edinburgh today. Bit weird seeing snipers on the roofs

can’t really blame the police presence. they’d have gotten word a known paedo was on the loose.
Have hope. My missus asked why I was laughing when I was writing it and I told her. Still got a first class ride.
Imagine that you live in the countryside - some sort of run down farming village. You spend long hours wanking off cows for milk and throwing chickens around to make pre-made scrambled eggs, only coming home because the sun has come down and your de-jure leige refuses to do anything about the wolves in the forest.

But one morning you wake up and see a giant golden statue perched right in the town square, crushing the only clean well and stopping carriages from getting past. The worst thing about the statue is that it's not even a good statue like one of Holly Peers showing off her norks, it's a giant duck or swan or equally pointless fecking bird.

"Who the feck put that there and why the feck is it there?!" You bellow out in between bites of shoe leather dipped in runny cat shit.

The Count looks down at you from his horse as his men finish painting pink and lime green willies on the statue's base plate. "Spent the wolf fund on it, innit. It'll bring tourists to the town."

You question why your tax money has been spent on something so pointless. Surely if the golden duck statue with pink and like green willies was any use then it would be able to support itself without costing you so much and becoming a hindrance to your daily life by cancelling the weekend football.

In fact, the whole argument about it bringing tourism is a lazy one. How much tourism? It's not quantifiable in any way whatsoever and if the whole point of investing money in a monument in the village is to attract tourists then why this fecking thing? Why not a yearly festival to celebrate the local entertainment, or give a sovereign grant to Cina's mum so she can buy more butter to stop her crevice drying up before the afternoon dockyard rush?

The Count isn't listening to you. He's already been dragged away by a hungry wolf. Everyone in the village has. All that's left is just you, your cows and a giant fecking golden duck that is slowly sinking into the mud.

This has all the makings of a very challenging psychiatric case study.

Personally I don't think it's the time or the place but we need to defend the right to protest. If we give up that now we are all fecked. These new laws that stop protest if anybody finds them offensive are scary.

Personally I don't think it's the time or the place but we need to defend the right to protest. If we give up that now we are all fecked. These new laws that stop protest if anybody finds them offensive are scary.

The recent PCSC Act this year has restricted any so called Right to protest. The aim of the Bill was the Unions 'right' to march, protest, even gather. The police have initially cited the Act in arresting at least one protester but later changed that to Breach of Peace - I believe.

The Conservative Govt. have slowly and stealthily used Brexit as an excuse to remove hard fought for - what we'd believe as Human Rights - they now intend to sever any ties to the European Court of Human Rights.

Sounds like something from the medieval times.
Is it possible that you are thinking of breeches? Worn by serfs and available from every good medieval haberdashery and camp(ing) stores?
Is it possible that you are thinking of breeches? Worn by serfs and available from every good medieval haberdashery and camp(ing) stores?
I was thinking of Game of Thrones actually, that's where I probably last heard a phrase like "breach of the peace".
I was thinking of Game of Thrones actually, that's where I probably last heard a phrase like "breach of the peace".
Well I like to think that our medieval period between 500AD and 1500AD did at least beat GOT to people wearing breeches but I'll let you have it on this occasion.
is there such a thing as a protest that doesn't breach the peace? a protest is active by definition. even the most passive ones disturb the peaceful habits of daily life. so to be clear, then, they're arresting people for dissent. for expressing a contrary opinion that happens to be held by 20 million other people in the same country. nothing to see here.
I was thinking of Game of Thrones actually, that's where I probably last heard a phrase like "breach of the peace".

copy-pasted whatever they handed us in 1860.

is there such a thing as a protest that doesn't breach the peace? a protest is active by definition. even the most passive ones disturb the peaceful habits of daily life. so to be clear, then, they're arresting people for dissent. for expressing a contrary opinion that happens to be held by 20 million other people in the same country. nothing to see here.

handing out pamphlets away from entrances/exits, and shouting slogans/marching around an empty, out-of-the-way ground, are the only legal form of spontaneous protest in mumbai, everything else requires police permission well in advance. the city is permanently under section 144 because there is always the apprehension of danger throughout.

in the US - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_speech_zone#History
you can say what you like within the cage of freedom :) it does not disrupt anything.
It's amazing listening to the Bobbys defending these arrests 'for the good of the people who are protesting'.

Ummm if someone is harassing, threatening or abusing the protester how about arresting that person?
i’m concerned about the amount of free loaders that seem to have the time to stand around at the side of the road for hours on end, waiting to catch a glimpse of some other freeloaders going down the road.
is it just because british love a queue and any opportunity to queue shouldn’t be passed up?