Queen Elizabeth II | 1926-2022 | Rest in Peace

It's not an open casket is it? At least I hope not. It wouldn't surprise me if the coffin is empty anyway. Here in England it's normal for us common folk to have funerals like 3 weeks after death. A few days later seems mega quick to me, a lot like how the Americans do it.
It's on the next day here in Italy, unless the person dies in the evening and then it's the day after. I have no idea how people manage to arrange it, but they do. Proper big funerals with smart hearses and loads of flowers and everything.

feck me these immoral parasites need to be condemned to the past asap. Ohhhh sorry, cant pay the same tax as other people, I came out of a magic growler blessed by god dontcha know, where is my caviar stuffed dodo peasant? One is famished.
"And as a security measure, the coffin in Westminster Abbey is empty."
There will still be a few folk who will use their visit as a story to tell their grandkids. "I met the Queen, she reached out shook my hand, we spoke for a while about what my job is. She was very polite!"
It's not an open casket is it? At least I hope not. It wouldn't surprise me if the coffin is empty anyway. Here in England it's normal for us common folk to have funerals like 3 weeks after death. A few days later seems mega quick to me, a lot like how the Americans do it.

I think it's for the best. We do it quickly in Ireland too. It's gives you a little bit of closure. Waiting weeks to bury a loved one seems awful to me.
Hate to be disrespectful but it’s a massive inconvenience.

2 weeks of football gone.
£10s of millions of costs (or £100s?)
Bank holiday inconvenience

It’s all a bit stupid.
Hate to be disrespectful but it’s a massive inconvenience.

2 weeks of football gone.
£10s of millions of costs (or £100s?)
Bank holiday inconvenience

It’s all a bit stupid.
Stock markets are up around the world though. Call it coincidence but I prefer to think it's because Westminster isn't doing anything for 10 days.
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I think it's for the best. We do it quickly in Ireland too. It's gives you a little bit of closure. Waiting weeks to bury a loved one seems awful to me.

I definitely prefer a shorter wait, mainly for the reasons you’ve outlined. One disadvantage though is rounding everyone up for it on short notice. That aside I think quicker the better
I think it's for the best. We do it quickly in Ireland too. It's gives you a little bit of closure. Waiting weeks to bury a loved one seems awful to me.
Be none of this shite if Micky D dies. Funeral will be two days after, they'll declare a day off in between and we'll all be in the pubs getting absolutely blinkered. While he's still lookin' fresh they'll parade him around Dublin in a pope mobile while we fling beer at him in celebration, as it should be.
There will still be a few folk who will use their visit as a story to tell their grandkids. "I met the Queen, she reached out shook my hand, we spoke for a while about what my job is. She was very polite!"
Surprisingly down to earth and VERY funny.
I think Mr Pigeon’s story is a little tame. With some of the ones we’ve heard these last few days we all have carte blanche to come up with whatever we want.

I was involved in a prisoner swap with the Taliban, and once they realised I was British they passed on there condolences and said despite their differences they respected her greatly. They then let me go as a gesture of goodwill towards the new king.
Andy the only one of the offspring not in military garb I see.

And they say he wasn't punished for the fiddling eh!
is there such a thing as a protest that doesn't breach the peace? a protest is active by definition. even the most passive ones disturb the peaceful habits of daily life. so to be clear, then, they're arresting people for dissent. for expressing a contrary opinion that happens to be held by 20 million other people in the same country. nothing to see here.
Thank God the police are keeping our streets safe by arresting peaceful protestors and shooting unarmed black folks.
is there such a thing as a protest that doesn't breach the peace? a protest is active by definition. even the most passive ones disturb the peaceful habits of daily life. so to be clear, then, they're arresting people for dissent. for expressing a contrary opinion that happens to be held by 20 million other people in the same country. nothing to see here.
No, and that was the problem with the recently passed legislation. Protesting is, in effect, illegal at the whim of the establishment.
It's on the next day here in Italy, unless the person dies in the evening and then it's the day after. I have no idea how people manage to arrange it, but they do. Proper big funerals with smart hearses and loads of flowers and everything.
They tend to be next day in Mauritius too. I guess in hot countries you don't hang around cos it would get gross quickly.
Saw that on reddit too glad it's Andrew getting flak, rightfully so

whilst walking behind his mums coffin with his family there too and a Nation watching?
Rightfully so?

you must have been dropped as a baby

I got no intention of sticking up for Andrew, but I have every intention on saying time and a place

A family walking behind their mums coffin is not the time, and showed this Rory fella to be nothing more than an utter unt with a capital C infront of it
whilst walking behind his mums coffin with his family there too and a Nation watching?
Rightfully so?

you must have been dropped as a baby

I got no intention of sticking up for Andrew, but I have every intention on saying time and a place

A family walking behind their mums coffin is not the time, and showed this Rory fella to be nothing more than an utter unt with a capital C infront of it

Exactly this.
Alternatively, if he didn't want to be inconvenienced and reminded of how repugnant he is on such an occasion he could, you know, not have been such a repugnant person.
whilst walking behind his mums coffin with his family there too and a Nation watching?
Rightfully so?

you must have been dropped as a baby

I got no intention of sticking up for Andrew, but I have every intention on saying time and a place

A family walking behind their mums coffin is not the time, and showed this Rory fella to be nothing more than an utter unt with a capital C infront of it

Exactly this.

An alleged paedophile who has been protected by his birth and blood, by your money, and by the influence of his mother, he is someone who will never face sanction for an unimaginable crime, and this is what you are outraged over.

I hope Charles re-instates prima nocta, that county deserves it.
An alleged paedophile who has been protected by his birth and blood, by your money, and by the influence of his mother, he is someone who will never face sanction for an unimaginable crime, and this is what you are outraged over.

I hope Charles re-instates prima nocta, that county deserves it.

I agree and I think Andrew is a nasty prick but is the right time to heckle such things when his mother's coffin is being driven past?
I agree and I think Andrew is a nasty prick but is the right time to heckle such things when his mother's coffin is being driven past?
No it’s not but it’s hardly as if he’s walking around his local Tesco on the other days so I can see why this was the opportunity chosen to voice his opinion on the man.

What law did he break to be forcibly removed like that? Who yanked him away from the crowd? Other members of the public or the police? That’s an ABH charge in my book.
No it’s not but it’s hardly as if he’s walking around his local Tesco on the other days so I can see why this was the opportunity chosen to voice his opinion on the man.

What law did he break to be forcibly removed like that? Who yanked him away from the crowd? Other members of the public or the police? That’s an ABH charge in my book.

I can sympathise, I just don't personally think its the correct occasion for it. In terms of the second point, it seemed to be members of the public then the Police got involved. Like the other person with the sign, I don't think he should have been charged with it.