Sectarian Hipster
This will no doubt get more attention in the coming days.
You're clutching at straws here, and the worst part is you both know it.They're not really sworn enemies. In 2014, 6% of their attacks were against ISIS. The thermal power station the US bombed last month was only operational because of an agreement between ISIS and Assad (he'd provide the materials/workers as long as ISIS allowed for power in the regime areas). The same goes on at gas power plants. So it's not only oil the regime is getting from ISIS.
ISIS have beheaded hundreds if not thousands of SAA troops, and you know very well that the reason why the first year saw less direct fight between ISIS and the SAA is because of how far ISIS' areas are from SAA forces. On the other hand, if we're looking at things this way, for the US distances don't matter, so I wonder why 0% of their attacks is targeting Al-Nusra, a well known terrorist group in Syria with direct affiliation to Al-Qaeda... Double standards eh?
Also there is a difference between actively supporting a group, and being forced to accept limited deals to help innocent people. All governments around the world swap prisoners (the US did it too with Al-Qaeda didn't it?) or pay ransoms to free hostages. The deal over the power plant was only to make sure the civilians in Aleppo don't remain without electricity for the length of the fight. There is also a mutual truce going now with Al-Nusra and co in Zabadani and Foua and Kafriya (SAA don't attack Zabadani and Nusra and co don't attack Foua and Kafriya), but that's only a local limited deal which happens everywhere in the world, but doesn't mean they're not in a bloody fight with each other.
Also it's teling enough that the decision to bomb the oil facilities was taken by the SAA and its allies, while Turkey is still fuming about it.