I was listening to Julien Laurens on a podcast yesterday and he was taking about how, since the Qatari's have come in, they've basically erased/don't acknowledge the past before them - and thus makes the club feel like it's one without any history. They don't really welcome back their old great players to games, and thus it doesn't build any heritage within the team.
Dunno how much of it is true, but as Laurens is a fan, it's probably more true then not... but yeah, thought that was interesting.
And without the burdens of the past and the expectations of past greats or those who achieved before the windfall, there is no barometer and no essence of self - just an aimless set of superstars being treated like kings on a wage that states the club is just happy to have them. It's easy for this to become a loop if the club do not acknowledge that a club needs these core values. Their whole approach is that of a horse that has bolted from the stable - no foundations before acting like winners, winners who nobody else has acknowledged as such.
For me that's totally true and one of the reason why I lost a lot of affection for this club. I used to like them, they were beautiful losers with great fans who would support the club no matter what, which isn't a given. Now it's a PR machine for a small country that has little respect for the club history and doesn't understand that as long as they don't rebuild a club mentality, they will have these embarrassing moments.
From a football standpoint, it's a team without leaders and I'm talking about leaders that actually care about the story that they are writing. If they had any sense, they would focus on fixing the mentality of their team.
The crazy thing is when you look at what those players have won and how they've acted before getting to PSG, you know something isn't right. I didn't know any of this before writing my post, but it's easy to see how that is impacting, or the whys, for what we see from them now that it has been brought to light.
I like your contributions and involvement on RedCafe but - I'm sorry to say that - this post is total bullshit from A to Z.
If we replay the 2nd leg 100 times with the same 22 players, you lose it 95 times. The 3 goals you scored are just a joke and you struggled to make some consecutive passes. Kehrer made a stupid mistake because he is young and inexperienced, not because he thinks he is the new Thuram... Buffon made a mistake because he is unprofessional?
That said, it's obvious the mindset of some players is not adequate when it comes to handle pressure and manage a positive result in Champions League... nothing to do with "professionalism". The team is not used to maintain/preserve a result because we have no opposition, no domestic challengers. While the humility of the whole team was bad during the 2nd leg against Barcelona, it was not the case this week.
Our squad is fantastic at all levels and - like Chelsea - we will make it at the European level: no doubts about it. We have the perfect coach and we just need some adjustments in the defensive section. I think we need to introduce more grinta in our team: 1-2 players with the mindset of players like Godin, Materrazzi, Paolo Montero, Di Livio...
Congrats once again but the storytelling you propose - generally developed by journalists who have to sell their paper or expertise - is ridiculous and is also a great display of arrogance, ignorance and imagination.
I think your post is the riposte of an emotional fan who feels as though his club is being insulted or being given a character assassination.
If you note, I didn't mention the game other than to mention the Alves keepy-uppys; I think the fact you are should bring home how poor what you players delivered was - pointing out that you should win against our mish-mash of players, playing their hearts out in a way yours should have been, only strengthens my point. I think the swagger and casual attitude and the feeling your collective had that this second game was going to be a stroll is what kills your reasoning, because it wasn't about personnel it was about the assumption your players had that the tie was over and the second leg was a formality. Your argument is more that this wouldn't be the case in the gazillion out of gazillion replays proposed, but, PSG have form for it that says otherwise, so no, I don't think you're being accurate with your notion you do this, that and the other to us in another game because the two teams would go out with the exact same attitudes they had and our mish-mash of a side would come to the table utterly determined to do their best whilst yours would not. The only way this isn't the case is if, somehow, those players processed the tie wasn't won before the second leg kicked off.
I have no particular interest in PSG to be doing them down or feeding into a narrative passed on to me by the press or whatever - the games against you, the tour of the club we got to see and the general energy given off from that tells a lot.
You mention you're like Chelsea, but you are nothing like them in that they were indoctrinated with an absolute chip on their shoulder that drove them on like a club possessed - they burst out of the traps and went to war with every superpower of their era. It took no time at all for everyone to see they were a serious squad, hellbent on success all of which was led on the pitch by Terry who was draped in the history of the club and cared about it and its success beyond anything else. In comparison to that, your team is currently a husk; a bunch of names and no substance.
I guess you'll see this response as another attack on your club, but I am just calling a spade a spade - from my perspective, you've got a hell of a lot of work to do at the foundation level before you can move forward and beyond rounds of 16 and quarters of the CL.
For me, they are a marketing tool for Qatar, they could have a lot of old players around, players that have actually played against the best on a regular basis, between 1992 and 1997 PSG reached at least the semi finals of the UEFA cup, CL or the cup winners cup but because Qatar wants to pretend that they created PSG, I feel that the players have no respect for the club that they are playing for, they are in it just for money, not for fame or legacy.
Current PSG players don't compare themselves to the likes of Weah, Leonardo, Valdo, Susic, Rocheteau, Ginola, Fernandez, Lama or Rai. I'm not sure if they know them and I'm pretty sure that they don't care.
That's the impression I get, too, that they've just announced themselves as a superclub because they say so and not because they've earned it and then expect everyone else to acknowledge them as such - they seem to have no understanding of why the actual superclubs in football are seen that way and what they've done in the sport to get there.