So, Pro Evo Demo part 2
Stupid non-game footage video at the beginning. Then it went into the new features in-game video, and it made me laugh that they are adding the ability to control an off the ball player like Fifa had almost 10 years ago. Dont get me wrong, both games copy each others ideas and Fifa are still adding things that Pro Evo brought to the table. But ideas that are from such a long time ago in a series that were ultimately taken out of the game? Seems a bit odd. Oh and the video is finally done, good god...
Time to play. I forgot to change the difficulty like last time so I'm in a match on the default settings again, instantly able to pass the ball around like nobody's business and make technically difficult passing buildups come to life with a few easy button presses. Gonna get out and put it on a harder difficulty, this cant possibly be on anything above amateur...
Whats this stupid video after I quit the game? Phew this one was only like 30 seconds. Had me there...
Wait, the game was on the second highest setting? Are you kidding? It starts on Pro? Well now I put it onto top player. Lets go back into a match
Straight away my pass and sometimes L1+pass for some extra movement mix-up is foxing the cpu. I plot about outside the box dangerously and win a freekick. My first freekick in PES is fired a good yard or so over the bar with Robben. Not a bad try
Spurs have an attack and I win the ball back half way into my own half. Pass, pass, pass and then I have a run into the box with Gomez, go past a player and then another player clearly brings him down but the ref doesnt give anything
I'm still getting used to the defending having been playing the fifa demo recently and I was playing on classic PES controls so was working out what button does what when I dont have the ball, and Bale scores on a rebound. Found the slide tackle button though
Ribery has a drive and forces whoever Spurs starting keeper in this to tip over the bar for a corner. Oh its Gomes, he caught my header
Defending is easy now, just holding down sprint, x and square to auto-close and call a team mate. Now and then I randomly give away a freekick
Gomes is forced to tip another over the bar this time from Sweinsteiger and I overhit my corner and it goes out
At this point the only part I dont feel Ive got to a good level yet is dribbling at the edge of the box. When its crowded there its easy to keep the ball and all but to make actual inroads and create shooting oppertunities, I dont feel like I've mastered it yet. Done it a couple of times, failed a couple of others. Will try that more in second half
Im winning absolutely everything in the air with rapid pressing of x. Holding L2 in tight areas is helping me keep the ball
Gomes tips another shot onto the post
A few good crosses into the box from the right and this time Mario Gomez gets a good header and Gomes saves it high into the air. As it comes down on the left Krancar controls on his chest, tries to pass it off the line but somehow the ball goes 3 yards to his left towards Gomes' feet. He saves it with his feet and then tries to pounce on it with his hands. At the same time Krancar tries to hook it off the line again. The ball bounces off Gomes and a yard or so over the line. Then magically pings back into his arms like he caught it and now hes laying down on it like he saved it.
Well I was given the goal and I'm now watching the replay. So hard luck Gomes, it was strange and poorly animated but one way or another your clown tendancies have made it into the demo and I've seen it the first game I played. Weird stuff
First game finishes and my honest impression was that while there was nothing to be excited about it was okay and I'd play it again. But the only area where I feel I need to improve to be beating teams on the highest difficulty already, is in my dribbling. As there were times I was dribbling forward with the normal sprint into space, but I dont know how to change it up with a longer stride or something to go past a player trying to catch up. Something like Fifa's right stick flick. I hope I missed this part and Pro Evo has something to change pace on a dribble like that. Any advice?