Pro Evolution Soccer 2012

Okay its my bad, R1 and R2 works fine. Its just hard to see at times because of the camera, and its much better animated than it used to be in like Pro Evo 6 where the player would completely change his dribble style and such. In this game it fits in nicely with the normal stride so its a bit less obvious, just has the bigger touch forward I was looking for
Armed with my longer dribble I win my second match on top player 1-0. A heck of a lot of freekicks for and against my team in that match, sadly id either power them into the wall or over the bar. Need to get used to the PES freekicks, used to be really good at them now I'm wasting them all
Is it me or it takes too much time to cancel a replay? And considering the bloody game replays anything remotely "interesting" it becomes a real pain in the arse. At least for me.

Other than that, and after a couple of games I'm starting to like it, apart from the keepers. Possibly the worst GKs in a video game ever.
The constant replays are irritating.

I have decided I am buying neither of these.
Indeed, the best thing to do is wait for the next gen consoles. Until then it's just paying full price every year for minor tweaks.
Indeed, the best thing to do is wait for the next gen consoles. Until then it's just paying full price every year for minor tweaks.

Well last time we had a new gen console, one game became really good and the other became turgid. I'm not sure we can count on the first next gen titles either.
Is everyone agreed that this demo is worse than PES 2011, especially graphically?
You haven't even played it Lance. In fact I'm questioning whether you even own a Playstation.
You haven't even played it Lance. In fact I'm questioning whether you even own a Playstation.

I bought the 2011 version. It sucked ass. I also bought FIFA 11. I liked it.

I like the new Pro Evo demo more than the FIFA 12 one.

I am buying neither.
I'm with Lance.

I've tried both demos and I'm not remotely tempted to play or buy either game.

Everything that was wrong with PES last year is still there, and there doesn't seem to have been any effort at all made to improve the game rather than just tweak it slightly. I'm bored with the robotic medium range only passing, crap two dimensional player movement, the rocket propelled shooting, everey goal I either score or concede being scientifically impossible in the real world. None of it has been addressed at all.

Exactly the same with Fifa. Don't bother playing fotball, just showboat round your man and then perform some kind of fish dance celebration while every player on every team behaves exactly the same all the time. Play the exact same passage of passing 50 times a game. Have I seen this before several times? Yes I have.

I'm officially completely bored of both games.
Just had my first go on the demo, beat Rangers 3-0 with Spurs. I prefer PES to FIFA, it's more fun to play although there's no doubt FIFA is technically the better game.

If PES made assurances they'd fix the online issues I'd buy it ahead of FIFA but you just know the online experience will be bloody awful.
I still can't comprehend why Konami can't get simple things like online play right. It was perfect in PES6, so you'd think after 3 years of atrocious online, they could, even as a last resort, revert back to the system they used on PES 6.
I still can't comprehend why Konami can't get simple things like online play right. It was perfect in PES6, so you'd think after 3 years of atrocious online, they could, even as a last resort, revert back to the system they used on PES 6.

If they got it right I'd buy it over FIFA without hesitation.

I'm forcing myself to play the FIFA demo whereas I want to play the PES one.
I've given this a good old go now but there's so many things broken with this game it's untrue. The game lets me do what I want, but in a bad way. For example, my last session on the demo saw me running around the pitch with the ball to stuck to my feet. I managed to beat 5 players (on Top Player) by running from the halfway line to the edge of the box and then completely around it before squaring the ball to the striker and scoring.

Goalkeepers are STILL awful. Why do they have to parry EVERY shitty little shot into the path of the opposing attackers? They are supposed to be professional goalkeepers, not Sunday League's finest.

Speaking of the ball, why does it still feel and sound like a lump of round wood?

Also, formations and teams shape seem to be lost halfway through a game. In so many matches the game has just looked like a free-for-all. Aaron Lennon played in midfield for most of the matches I have played.

Konami are just trying to polish a turd in my opinion. It needs a complete overhaul - the old WE and PES games were fantastic. This is just same old shite, different year in my honest opinion.

AND BEFORE anyone slates me for disliking this demo, it's MY opinion. There's loads of other people in here who constantly post negative stuff about PES. I'm a passionate lover of footy games and have been since ISS back in the day. I just can't get over what Seabass and co have done to my beloved series. It's an arcade fest these days.
Plan M doesn't like it, lads. It must be shite.

Myself and the other 100s of other people on other forums (even PES fanboy forums) have been saying the same thing over the last few days.

Why do you blindly stick up for this franchise, year-in, year-out Pogue?
Myself and the other 100s of other people I've been reading on various forums over the last few days.

Why do you blindly stick up for this franchise, year-in, year-out Pogue?

I haven't played it, nor probably ever will. Can't be arsed with computer games any more. Too old for that shit.

I just find it beyond fecking weird that you're so obsessed with telling people how bad a game is that you clearly can't stand, year after year after year. Going out on a limb here but maybe you should steer clear of Pro Evolution Soccer for a while and spare everyone your moaning?
I haven't played it, nor probably ever will. Can't be arsed with computer games any more. Too old for that shit.

I just find it beyond fecking weird that you're so obsessed with telling people how bad a game is that you clearly can't stand, year after year after year. Going out on a limb here but maybe you should steer clear of Pro Evolution Soccer for a while and spare everyone your moaning?

I was thinking that, sure he was slating this game before he even played the demo. Some will like it, some wont.
I haven't played it, nor probably ever will. Can't be arsed with computer games any more. Too old for that shit.

I rest my case.

But you're not too old to argue with kids about footy on an internet forum every day, are you?

And the ironic thing about your post is you're one of the biggest moaners I've ever come across on RedCafe. Nearly all of your posts are moaning at someone else because you don't agree with what they say.

A lot of people feel the same way about FIFA.

Yep and I respect that. I don't see the point in hounding someone out of a thread because you don't like or agree with what they are saying though.

FIFA has been like an update every year now rather than a brand new game but that's for the FIFA thread, not this.
I haven't played it, nor probably ever will. Can't be arsed with computer games any more. Too old for that shit.

I just find it beyond fecking weird that you're so obsessed with telling people how bad a game is that you clearly can't stand, year after year after year. Going out on a limb here but maybe you should steer clear of Pro Evolution Soccer for a while and spare everyone your moaning?

That's exactly what Mockney does regarding FIFA. Although I agree with him on a lot of his points.
Fair play it is wank. Would rather they don't release one for a few years and come back with a bang.

Used to be a Pro Evo lad but changed over when they brought out these utter turd next gen versions. Awful
That's exactly what Mockney does regarding FIFA.

It's not at all though. I don't hate FIFA. I've said over and over it's the better game, that there's loads good about it as a franchise and I'll buy it, I just don' think it's a vast improvement for a yearly release, dont' think it's anywhere near what it could be for a £40 price tag compared to 11, and don't just arse lick it by saying how absolutely incredible it is this year just cos they've made one thing about it slightly different.

For saying this (but still saying it's a good game, and I'll buy it) I get told to "stick to my beloved PES" and that I'm just hating on it with pre conceived agendas...Agendas?? It's a cocking vide game! Why would I have an agenda on it?...There's such a ridiculous amount of fanboyism around a fecking game that people can't seem to take criticism of it without it upsetting them personally. Ekeke genuinely got upset about it an went on a little hissy fit that people like me only have short attention spans, aren't playing it right and shouldn't be playing it if we don't appreciate it because, hey, EA don't owe you anything man!...It's all rather silly.
I haven't played it, nor probably ever will. Can't be arsed with computer games any more. Too old for that shit.

I just find it beyond fecking weird that you're so obsessed with telling people how bad a game is that you clearly can't stand, year after year after year. Going out on a limb here but maybe you should steer clear of Pro Evolution Soccer for a while and spare everyone your moaning?

Problem is I'm begining to agree with him. This IS the same broken game they've been trying to polish for about four years now. It's better, but there's loads of fundamental flaws they're seemingly uninterested in doing anything about, and it's gotten to the point where I just feel they're taking the absolute piss.

Fifa's no different but that's not enough to make me like PES anymore. They're doing the same thing as EA but with a shittier product.
Used to be a Pro Evo lad but changed over when they brought out these utter turd next gen versions. Awful
:lol: Same here!

I noticed Konami have released a 2nd demo in the PS Store. Anyone notice a difference? I'll try it out tomorrow if it's worth it.
Tried the 2nd demo out this morning against my brother. I think it's much better than the 1st demo. Gameplay is a lot smoother and not so robotic, although not upto Fifa's standard yet.

Bad points are the goalkeepers, and shooting. They're both terrible and need much improvement.

The game flow feels great, but you still don't have as much freedom on the pitch as Fifa, players feel restricted in certain ways. Massive improvement on the last 4 years piss poor attempts.

PS. Why the feck have Konami forced us to watch their 10 minute into + new features video?! It's even longer than the one in the 1st demo & puts me off wanting to play it!
Just got this. Only played a couple of games but really enjoyed it so far. It feels quite arcade like but it's been great fun so far. Tackling seems harder as well. Messi is insane as well.
Yep enjoyable game.Gameplay feels like a throw back to the ps2.Only gripe is the commentary still does not fit in with the action on the pitch at times plus to basic.
Out next week, anyone else getting it? I'm actually pretty excited, I have not played the demo much but i think it's a big improvement on last year's which i don't think was as bad as people make out. Also after reading a few reviews for this years edition i am a little more hopeful.
Got it, the best Pro Evo on the next gen consoles easily. Clear step up from last year.

I like the gameplay but still hate this Master League. I cant even pick a existing team with its true squad instead got to use the crap fake players. And why cant I pick the ball I want to use in ML since a few years back?
I like the gameplay but still hate this Master League. I cant even pick a existing team with its true squad instead got to use the crap fake players. And why cant I pick the ball I want to use in ML since a few years back?

You can pick both the original squad or a team of fictional players in ML. Well at least has been that way since pes 4.
Ohh, the final version is actually a good game? Was very disappointed with the demo and FIFA didn't quite do it for me either, so I'll certainly look forward to trying PES if the final version is better than the first demo.
Can Xbox users who have got this confirm for me whether it requires the 13599 system update?