Premier League Week 29 5/6 March

The defender did nothing wrong there. He didn't even touch Benteke. It was a 100%-dive.
The defender shouldn't even be looking to go to ground there. He is massively behind the striker and just gifted the chance to go down.

Plus there was contact with the defenders knee and his trailing leg.
No idea what klopp has been feeding lovren, or if Rodgers was sending him anonymous dead threats or something beforehand, but he's been a completely different player under klopp.

Our best defender now. Never thought I'd say that. Also never thought I'd say I'd really like to see Lovren partner Lucas at the back.

Really good performance today.
What a dive. A player with the build of Benteke going over like that. It's embarrassing. Another reason I'm falling out of love with football is decisions like this. One of my friends has withdrawn all support of football a couple of seasons ago and I can see why.
There was no contact. There was no defender within 3 yards of him.
The defenders right knee makes contact with Benteke's left heel. There is contact but not enough to cause a man of Benteke's size to go down.
Definitely. Just saw it again and you see the impact on his left foot. It happens very quickly but I thought it looked like he tripped normally.
There's no way it's a natural fall. He feels the contact and crumples like a stack of cards.
Soft but i think it's a penalty. That same amount of contact by say, the defender's foot, would be enough to trip a player up. That it came from the knee as he was pulling out shouldn't matter, it was still dumb. Benteke waited for it and sold it but the fault is with the defender.
He screamed on the way down like it was really painful. Dive for me. Still, that's football.
Well i watched a few times now and i dont see any, but even if there was, not enough to cause him to fall over , he dived pure and simple for me. I woukd be not lije to win a games like that.

It is tragic, but I will pull through somehow.
Contact or not how the feck can Palace allow Benteke to be so close to goal in the 94th minute? It's just so poor by them, it's just like that Norwich game in January, Liverpool aren't doing anything great, the opponent's just hands it to them on a plate by being so braindead.
People keep talking about the defender's knee. What knee?

His right knee. You just need to watch his left foot and you'll see it knocked by his right knee. I do agree he decided not to try and regain balance with his right leg but I think he was knocked off balance and it was an obvious foul.
Defenders right knee hits Bentekes left foot. When youre standing, that wont take you down. When youre running, that will take you down.
Even the minor contact 'could' trip him up. But looks very much like an ENORMOUS dive.

Penalty Pool, how do they do it? :(
He screamed on the way down like it was really painful. Dive for me. Still, that's football.

Football, more than any other sport I can think, is rife with diving and cheating (not to mention corruption at its governing board). You can't blame Benteke too much as this kind of shit is par the course at the top level of football.
He makes it obvious by how he turns to the ref before he's even on the floor. Premeditated, knows what he's doing. He's not the first, won't be the last, it's the fault of the ref for buying it.
Last week against Arsenal is was Souness, Platt and Henry. This week it's James Morrison (current WBA player), Carragher and Henry. Where's the balance?
He makes it obvious by how he turns to the ref before he's even on the floor. Premeditated, knows what he's doing. He's not the first, won't be the last, it's the fault of the ref for buying it.

The lino was the one who bought it. Ref needed to consult him.
also the Big Club element

no way Palace are getting that at Anfield, the Kop would be completely revolting
The way his foot moves when the knee hits it looks natural to me, penalty imo.
His knee contacted with Benteke's trailing leg. Running at speed it's easily enough to knock someone off balance. He sold it for sure but it's a stonewaller. I'm amazed there's even any debate here.
also the Big Club element

no way Palace are getting that at Anfield, the Kop would be completely revolting


Clearly they already are.

possibly a tiny little touch. whether that should bring a 6ft 3 16stone beast down is another question.

Absolutely brainless decision from the defender. 5seconds left, and Benteke would do very well to scoop that ball into anyone
There was no contact. There was no defender within 3 yards of him.

I really hate Liverpool, and all those twats I deal with at work, but you can't say there was no contact unless you were in the incident.

it was whether it was enough to go over, being 16stone and 6ft 3!
When youre running, even slight contact against your foot can knock you down (It will at least bring you off balance).